Considering the problems with google fonts I would like to know if there will be a final version of the theme that does not use google fonts or at least has them in a local folder.
I tried different plugins that offer to find used google fonts and make them available locally but all of them failed to even find the used fonts because of the way they are used in the code.
Right now I am going though every css file by hand to delete every mentioned google font, which of course changes the look of the site drastically but I really dont know what else to do.
I recently updated Merlin and the magazine content widgets are not repeating posts in each box. I can not seem to find the seeing to start the shown posts at a certain number in the update. Please advise.
I’m trying to make the Merlin theme more compatible with WCAG 2.1 guidelines and two of the automatic checking tools that I have been using report that the navigation buttons do not have an “aria-label” attached to them. I’ve traced this back to the Navigation.js file but I’m not code savvy enough to know how to add this in. Would anyone be able to help please?
The violation comes from
Element location
Element source
<button id=”top-navigation-toggle-tablet” class=”top-navigation-toggle”></button>
To solve the ‘violation’ I’m advised I need to do one of the following:
Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers
aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
Element’s default semantics were not overridden with role=”none” or role=”presentation”
Element has no title attribute
Many thanks in advance,
I′ve encountered a problem with twisted layout (header, 2 columns category posts – you see the look on mythema.sk with random posts) after receiving am email from WordPress about problem caused by the plugin Easy Populate Posts. It reads as follows:
Error details
The E_PARSE error was caused by line 1653 in the /data/6/c/6c080380-516a-4db2-b66d-598aa5ead3b4/mythema.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/easy-populate-posts/easy-populate-posts file. php. Error message: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’
Furter info from WordPress mail:
WordPress version (at the time of accident): 5.5.3
Current topic: Merlin (version 1.4.3)
Current plugin: Easy Populate Posts (version 3.6)
PHP version 7.2.29
Is there any other issue or do I need to sart from scratch (reset the theme settings atc.)?
Thanks for an advice,
I have encountered a problem with the Post Slider. It is not consistently loading on the homepage. I must refresh the page many times for the post slider to finally load. It does not appear to be a server issue. All other items such as posts and images perfectly load without a problem.
]]>Hello Thomas,
First of all thank you for creating this great theme. I started to build a website with it and I am very happy.
There is one little problem that I have and maybe you can help me.
I am using the homepage to display all posts. I set a “Featured Image” for each post, which should be displayed on the homepage. If it is a picture, then it is just great that the theme will use a certain rendition to display the picture.
However, sometimes I use a logo of a race series or a “sticker” like “Corona Update” where we announce if another race was canceled.
In this case, I want the theme to use the original image and not a rendition. Some of these small images work and then other images at the same size do not.
Is there any trick to force the theme to use the original image on the home page and not a rendition?
Have a look at my dev site. Note the scaled Corona Update logo. In contrast, note stickers like RESULTS (GB), which is fine.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,
]]>I would like to customize the showing of meta-tags like author and date for different categories. I want to make up pages with content that doesn’t change often and they are used for information. I intend to organize that by using categories. So I want the date to be shown on the news-page but not on other pages and entries.
When I disable the date using the customizer it is gone in all the entries. When I add CSS to disable it on the magazine overview it is there in the blog-entry. Using Magazine Blocks the date is gone in the overview but is still shown with the entry.
I tried using a plug-in but then there is still the “ver?ffentlicht am” phrase.
Can anyone help, please?
Ich m?chte die Anzeige von Meta-Daten wie Autor oder Datum für jede Kategorie einstellen.
Die Inhalte und Seiten, die sich kaum ?ndern und zur Information dienen sollen auch als Beitr?ge einer Kategorie organisiert werden, aber hier ist das Datum oder der Autor nicht relevant.
Im Theme gibt es im Customizer nur die M?glichkeit, das Datum für alle Beitr?ge auszublenden.
Ich habe es mit einem Plug-in versucht, doch dann bleibt immer noch”ver?ffentlicht am” stehen. Mit CSS funktioniert es nur für die übersicht oder alle einzelnen Beitr?ge. Auch mit Magazine Blocks betrifft es nur die übersicht, aber nicht die Beitragsansicht.
Was k?nnte ich noch probieren?
Hi everyone.
Do you know how to change text of infinite-handle button? It’s English and I want to translate it. Looking forward to it.
]]>Hi guys,
Do you know how to center the logo for Merlin Theme?
Thanks in advance.
.site-branding .custom-logo {
margin: 0 1.5em 0 0;
padding: 0;
border: none;
vertical-align: top;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
Having a problem making a slider consistently visible – it seems to come and go depending on unrelated settings. Had it all working and configured to appear on Home and Latest pages, the. Added the side bar and the slider vanished. Tried disabling and re-enabling page by page and it sometimes appears for a bit in the preview but not on the page, but mostly not. It’s meant to be there at the moment bit is not visible on preview or site. Getting a bit stumped – would appreciate some help – many thanks. NB the site content is just dummy for now.
]]>How to show sidebar widgets in mobile version of Merlin free?
]]>Hi guys,
anyone else with the problem that the submenu doesn’t open when it is with width 880px? with 879px I’ve got no problems
is there a possibility to center the main navigation menu BUT that there will also be the a special background in that line like when the menu background is green also at the left and right side it will be green?
I uploaded a picture how it should look like because I was not sure how to descripe it: Click here
]]>Hello, I’m sorry to bother you with this but I’m using the Merlin theme (which is awesome by the way) and I’m encountering a few small problems I hope you can help me with:
1) Is there a way to remove the floating header that reads ??proudly powered by wordpress, Theme: Merlin?? ? It doesn’t look good on iOS and I already give credit in the actual footer (I’ve fiddled with the infinity css of the jetpack plugin, but nothing’s changed).
2) There is a blank space under the slider, that disappears after a few seconds. Is there a way to remove it? (I have reconstructed all if the images already)
Bonus question: The menu bar floats on big screens… but is there a way to make it float on mobile platforms as well?
Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
Since yesterday the postslider has been showing up as seen below. I didnt change anything, It seems to be related to a wordpress update. I have seen cases like this on other websites in the past. How can I resolve this?
Hi, I would like to move categories on the home page near to Date and Author section. I could not find the required file. I am using recent posts layout on my main page. What I mean is for example;
Post Title
Date: dd/mm/yy Posted by XYZ[Excerpt here]
(Read More link)
(category of the post with fa icons)
I want to move categories just right after the Posted by section. Thanks in advance.
And hey, thanks for the theme, it is awesome ??
]]>Hallo Thomas,
meine Frage bezieht sich auf das Merlin Theme, aber auch auf die Themes Gambit und Poseidon, die ich mir gerade alle drei genauer anschaue :-).
In deinem Blogeintrag vom 17.4. hattest du geschrieben, dass man in euren Themes nun auch unter DSGVO-konformen Fonts ausw?hlen kann. In den Beschreibungen der o.g. Themes finde ich aber überall nur den Hinweis “All fonts come from Google Font API”.
Da ich Google Fonts aus DSGVO-Gründen ausschliessen m?chte, w?re es für mich wichtig, eine Auswahl von nicht-Google Fonts zur Verfügung zu haben, um alle Elemente der Webseite damit gestalten zu k?nnen.
Haben die drei o.g. Themes eine solche Font-Auswahl ? (egal ob free oder pro Version)
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
ich hab z.Zt. das Problem, dass ich leider den Text neben den Bildern nicht richtig formatieren kann. Der Text wird fortlaufend geschrieben, aber ohne Text Formatierung.
Was mach ich falsch ?
if i will show all articles with click on the buttom show older articles, then is there a gap between the first 15 articles and the other ones. i 13 miss articles on the page between november 2017 and januar 2018. the articles already exists.
]]>Hi there!
Does the Merlin theme have an option to “view all posts” if I have set it to “static startpage”? Right now it shows the post slider and our 18 latest posts in a grid layout. How can visitors view more (all) posts from there in reverse chronological order, on paginated sites (regardless of category)?
Thank you in advance.
I have follow the tutorial: https://themezee.com/docs/post-slider/
I have configured the slider, and my post have featured image. But the post slides show doesn’t appear on my static magazine home page.
Thanks for your help,
It was with a problem with the writing of the tab of that theme. Besides showing my site name on the tab, a trace is also appearing. I would like to know how I remove this trait.
]]>i have a problem in google webmaster tools when using the theme merlin
Usability issue Pages with issues
1 Content wider than screen 16
2 Clickable elements too close together 16
When I go to customize appearance and choose Theme Options, there is no option to activate Post Slideshow there. I see General Settings, Header Settings, Post Settings, Post Meta, Post Images, Post Slider, Theme Colors, and Theme Fonts. The option for Post Slideshow does not appear. I’m sure I’m missing something from this but not sure what. Thanks for any help you can give me.
]]>Hi there, I was wondering if there is something Im missing regarding the css or html regarding utilising Google Adsense responsive adverts within the header widget area.
I am using a basic WordPress text widget (the one included in a basic WP install), and including a basic Adsense responsive ad unit, but at present Im not seeing the adverts appearing on the full sized website, although they are present on the mobile version. Other Adsense responsive units are working in the sidebar on all versions of the site.
Can you have a quick look at primebling.com to see if you can advise? Im guessing it is a css issue, maybe regarding ‘display’?, but I may be off the mark.
Other similr Adsense responsive units are working perfectly in the sidebar, so it is just the header widget area we are having issues with.
Cheers in advance! Richmond
& p.s. greta work on the Theme!
]]>I have activated the post slider in the theme’s options, selected the post category of my posts (the posts have the correct size feature image added), but the slider will not show on my homepage. I followed all of the steps to add the slider in the documentation, but nothing shows. Any ideas what may be keeping it from showing?
]]>New to WordPress and Merlin and am trying to customize my Slider. My featured images match the recc size but the height of my slider is way too tall. For example, if the image is 440×880, the content preview is more like 880×440 – at a different height with blank space above the post title.
Would appreciate help to fix this. Thanks!
I have the issue, that featured images are being cut in the thumbnail and inside the post. Is there an option to avoid cutting/zooming featured images?
]]>I would like to change the color of links and menus, but I can’t do it in the WordPress Designer. Where can I change the color of those by hand? Is it legal to change the color, I don’t want to “destroy” the work of the theme creator?
]]>How fix missing author tag google error in the post?
I don’t have this error just in home page