The template meta-store/woocommerce/cart/cart.php needs to be updated. Woocommerce warns about it:
Version meta-store/woocommerce/cart/cart.php at 3.8.0 is uotdated. Version core is 7.0.1,
]]>Pls help me on where to make change to go for full width Category and Single product pages.
]]>Dont show quantity on cart page.
tell me why the “Select all” item does not work?
if I turn on the “Twenty Seventeen” theme, the problem is not observed.
Hello, I want to change the product-category taxonomy shown as “Category:” on Woocommerce product page to “Product Type:”. I have stumbled upon a plugin that I tried but it didn’t work, it’s maybe because it was broken or I am not able to configure it properly. Anyway, I want to change the taxonomy by editing the Theme file. Please guide me on how can I make this change.
PS: Sorry for my broken English.