With the most recent wordpress update, my post titles are no longer centered as they were before the update. the customizer page doesn’t have an option to center them + i don’t remember how i originally got them centered. is there a way to center all post titles on the site without having to add HTML tags to each [post title box]?
any he\lp appreciated….??TIA??
]]>Can you help please, i want set the menu above the header. not under.
Thank you for making your wonderful theme.
One question:
When I use the drop down box (under when, ‘even starts at’ on my website).
I can’t see all of the times. Any thoughts on what to change to get them showing?
When I test it with one of your other themes MH Magazine lite, it displays fine, however we like the dark theme for the websites purpose).
Any thoughts would be great.
Good day
I have 2 issues
1. When I want to edit my post on my website I cannot scroll down, for I do not know what reason. It stops at a certain point and everything below that I cannot see. This does not give me an issue on my mobile devices though
2. If you navigate to my website, https://guitarequiment.com/how-to-play-guitar-for-beginners, you will see that my ABOUT ME page, COMMENTS etc run over my post.
If you can please assist me in this matter as I do like the website