Hi there, I was wondering if you can guide me on switching the post published day to the last modified day. I found this tutorial https://woorkup.com/remove-dates-wordpress-posts/ (section 2) but don’t seem to understand where and what exactly I should change. Don’t want to mess up the theme code so I would appreciate some guidelines!
Thank you in advance
]]>I want to remove some pages from the mobile menu. Unfortunately I do not seen any mobile menu in Appearance, Menus. I only see there my main menu.
]]>I have a main menu with 10 menu items. The last 2 menu items appear underneath the other 8. I expect the last 2 to appear always at the left side, but this is not the case. For each menu item in the upper row clicked, the last 2 always appear right of the menu item clicked.
The CSS of the main menu is not good enough.
]]>Hi there ~
Is MH Purity Lite gravatar friendly? My avatar doesn’t show up as it should, in comments, etc., although it shows up as my profile photo.
]]>redunionsalon.com has used the same theme for a long time, and we added a photo gallery a few months ago. No one made any changes, but recently we noticed the photo gallery stopped loading. The little pin wheel just spins forever.
I asked for support from the photo gallery people at this thread:
Apparently they say the problem is with the theme trying to load using http, instead of https. They said I should ask for help from the theme support and show this screen shot:
Please help
]]>Upgrading to version 1.4.4 from 1.4.0 breaks the layout.
Refer- https://i.imgur.com/ZkukX9m.png
The footer seems to be pushing upwards and the content goes beyond.
I also tried deleting the theme and installing it again but still face the same problem
Is there a way to change the colour of the theme, I have looked everywhere and there is only backround colour.
I found the red colour its using as default and did a search and replace through the datase with the colour I want (blue) but it didnt work (although it replaced 4 instances of the number – whoops).
Any help would be appreiciated ??
]]>Hello, guys!
Im trying to remove the link to the page which appears when i click on the thumbnail of the post.
This thumbnail i mean
But i can’t figure out how.
Could you please help me?
This theme is great and everything is working however, my images won’t seem to load. The only loaded images are the featured images. Any within the posts or even for the author gravatars aren’t loading – can anyone help me fix this?
]]>Hello ~
I would like to use Child Theme Configurator to create a child theme for an existing MH Purity Lite site that I inherited that was built without a child theme. I would love any advice you could offer on this topic.
Also, when I tried to get started, CTC said:
“The theme “MH Purity lite” generated unexpected PHP debug output.
Please contact this Theme’s author and report the items inside the box above. You may or may not be able to use this Theme as a Child Theme while these conditions exist.”
"parnt": {
"deps": [
"signals": {
"failure": 0,
"err_php": 1,
"thm_parnt_loaded": "mh-style"
"queue": [
"irreg": [
"url": "https://beccalawton.com/?preview_ctc=375a51945a&template=mh-purity-lite&stylesheet=mh-purity-lite&now=1490476543"
"child": {
"deps": [
"signals": {
"failure": 0
"queue": [],
"irreg": []
How can I remove the comment count numbers that are showing on the post pages and homepage?
The size of my image in the MH slider is way too big. Like, all the page!
I regenarated thumbnails, the image size is not that big, etc
i read the information on the slider, but nothing work.
see by yourself: https://www.revueclairobscur.ca
Thank you so much!
]]>Hi, I just wondered if there was a way to implement infinite scroll with this theme. I have tried various methods including Jetpack and hard coding but cannot get it to work.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have tried every code snippet around for creating a custom read more link but nothing changes the read more link.
I just wondered if there was somewhere else apart from a function that can achieve this. Rather than read more I want to style a button.
Thanks in advance
I am using MH Purity Light, and I chose the option to have a static homepage. I’d like the top navigation menu to include links to a handful of pages. New blog posts will appear on the slider.
The blog posts are appearing on the slider just fine, but every time I try to add a new page, it takes over the whole homepage, and my static homepage disappears. Is there any way to include content from both pages and posts on a static homepage?
I want to know in MH Purity Lite how to decrease Menu Font. Its looks so big.
]]>I searched the forums to see if this topic was covered — didn’t see it — the photos in my posts aren’t showing in the thumbnails on the posts page. Just gray boxes are showing. Any help is appreciated. https://www.beccalawton.com.
]]>function add_copyright_text() {
if (is_single()) { ?>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function addLink() {
if (
document.getElementsByClassName('entry-content')[0], true)) {
var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var selection;
selection = window.getSelection();
var oldselection = selection
var pagelink = "<br /><br /> Read more at WPBeginner: <?php the_title(); ?> <a href='<?php echo wp_get_shortlink(get_the_ID()); ?>'><?php echo wp_get_shortlink(get_the_ID()); ?></a>"; //Change this if you like
var copy_text = selection + pagelink;
var new_div = document.createElement('div');
body_element.appendChild(new_div );
new_div.innerHTML = copy_text ;
selection.selectAllChildren(new_div );
window.setTimeout(function() {
body_element.removeChild(new_div );
document.oncopy = addLink;
add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_copyright_text');
I added this code at the functions.php file it gave me error then i enclosed it within <?php ?> then it didn’t but after that I tested it, it didn’t work.
But on another website which has a different theme it worked there
I just found your themes and I’m playing around with Purity Lite at the moment. I just had a quick question about something.
I usually just add the code .entry-date { display: none; } to the bottom of the stylesheet and that will remove the post dates etc.
For some reason, though, it doesn’t seem to work on this theme. Is there a way I can do that?
]]>Free version says 6 but it doesn’t look like the screenshot. Slider is not in the same position.
]]>I use the free version-
Don’t see the Home 1
thanks for the help
I’m wondering how I might either manually insert a line break OR adjust the width of the MH Featured Homepage widget TITLE. My title, which is a shortened version of a mission statement is too long for one line, but it’s breaking at an awkward place (on most monitors), with just a couple of words wrapping around to a second line. Any ways for me to be able to control where the line breaks?
i’m using your theme to develop my own website and i’d like to change submenu items list from vertical to horizontal in main navigation menu, but i can’t find a way using css.
What do you suggest?
Hi. I am using Purity lite which is beautiful and I love BUT I need to change the font size in the drop down menu of the main navigation. My site is ufca.org. Under Admissions there is a page called “International Students” which can not be shortened (it’s the name of the program that international families will be looking for) and does not fit so it says “Internationa lStudents” Is there a way to fix this? I am not super techie so please explain your CSS code change stuff. Thanks!
]]>In my sidebars, I can change the size/type/etc of a category post title via customized css…but the body of my sidebar posts have absolutely no formatting, and I can’t find out how to add any formatting to them. It’s all just text run together…no line breaks or anything.
I’ve even installed the plugin: WYSIWYG Widgets / Widget Blocks, and the sidebar even strips all formatting from the WYSIWYG widget block! The line breaks are there, but still no bullets. Have tried adding: list-type: disc; to various places in my stylesheet, but nothing seems to effect the sidebar formatting.
Anyone have any clues for me?
]]>Hello, as stated in the object, the tag and category links do not seem to work.
If I click on a tag or category I receive the PAGE NOT FOUND (404) error.
Thanks for your help
Hello, when I set the featured image it appears as a link in the post – leading to the media content (the image per se).
How can I avoid it? I don’t want the image as a link. Is it possible?
I have a problem. I configurated the MH Featured (Homepage) on the widgets “HOME 1” and “HOME 2”.
In widgets “HOME 1” it works fine showing (Thumbnails and Title) in a horizontal direction. But in widgets “HOME 2” of the Widgets but it shows only 3 Post (Thumbnails and Title) and not more than 3.
What I should to do to get more than 3 Thumbnails posts?
You can check the problem here
Thank you in advance,
Evandro Lima
]]>How I can insert a banner of 728 x 90 in the header ? I do not want to risk breaking the code.
]]>Hej !
We have this webpages https://uudenkaupunginteatteri.fi. On the front page you can see the little signs that there is no comment.
So I use this “Disable Comments” plugin, but the signs just stay on.
Do I have use code to get them away?