How do you decrease the space that shows the background color?
Thank you for a great beginner-friendly free theme!
Is it possible to remove the two “home” words from the homepage? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Every photo I post seems to automatically left justify, even if I set it to “Align Center”. Any Ideas? Thanks
]]>Hi there. For some reason my featured pages aren’t having their titles shown on the homepage. Furthermore, I have them turned off for now but the excerpts from those pages weren’t showing on the main site and only in the customize screen. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I try to follow your support video, but the theme articles and pages doesnt follow the theme.
How to download a demo version and make a page look like in demo.
Using free version and Im quite a beginner, so need your support.
]]>This is an issue I’m experiencing with the Milton Lite theme. I created a series of columns with a combination of text and images. When condensed to mobile view, the images nearly overlap vertically with the sections of text that come from the same block. There is no spacing at all between the elements. It is also my misfortune that in CSS styling, my images all have a 16px outline, which makes the overlap into text even worse. It’s not enough just to make the image smaller upon media query- you’d have to know how adjust all the mysterious (to me) flex arrangements that should be accommodating the shift to smaller size screen. The features within the block column can be set to be at top/middle/bottom… and so I wondered at first if those parameters are affecting how the image fits vertically stacked when in narrow view. Even so, I tried toggling those parameters to no effect.
]]>The language of the mobile theme does not change to the language of my WP site. And I could not find any option to change this. Does anyone have an idea on how to change the language of the mobile menu?
]]>For some reason, any div with a width of 100% will only fill half the content area on desktop. I created a shortcake that is registered from my plugin, which adds divs to the given content filled with data retrieved from another server. This is occurring on both Safari and Firefox.
If the screen is at a mobile width where the theme responds to mobile, it behaves normally. Anything else, and it fills to half.
This is my plugin’s function as well as the add_shortcode at the bottom.
function get_church_notices($content = null)
try {
$sdk = new Aws\Sdk([‘region’ => ‘ap-southeast-2’, ‘version’ => ‘latest’,
‘credentials’ => [‘key’ => ‘[mykey]’, ‘secret’ => ‘[mysecret]’ ]]);
$lambda = $sdk->createLambda();
$result = $lambda->invoke([‘FunctionName’ => ‘[myfunctionname]’, ‘InvocationType’ => ‘RequestResponse’]);
$payload = $result->get(‘Payload’);
$array = json_decode($payload);
if (empty($array)){
$content .= “” . __(“No notices to display.”) . ““;
return $content;
$content .= ”
#defaultParagraph {
color: dimgray;
#defaultDiv {
border-radius: 20px;
border-width: 20px;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
border-color: black;
padding: 15px;
display: flex;
stroke-width: 5px;
float: right;
flex: 50%;
color: #0084ff;
margin: 3px 0;
foreach($array as $notice){
$datePublished = strtotime($notice->DatePublished);
$formattedDate = date(‘j/m/y’, $datePublished);
$content .= “<br>
<div id=’defaultDiv’>
<div id=’noticeColumn’>
<h2 id=’defaultHeader’>Title</h2>
<p style=’font-weight: bold’ id=’defaultParagraph’>{$notice->Title}</p>
<div id=’noticeColumn’>
<h2 id=’defaultHeader’>Message</h2>
<p id=’defaultParagraph’>{$notice->Message}</p>
<div id=’noticeColumn’>
<h2 id=’defaultHeader’>Date Published</h2>
<p id=’defaultParagraph’>{$formattedDate}</p>
<div style=’width: 200%; background-color: red’><p>Test</p></div>”;
return $content;
catch(LambdaException $error) {
$message = $error->getMessage();
return “Failed to retrieve notices: ” . $message;
catch(Exception $error){
return “Uh oh! An error has occurred!” . $error->getMessage();
add_shortcode(‘church_notices’, ‘get_church_notices’);`
]]>I want to remove pagination number navigation. How to remove only maximum number of pagination?
Cannot foreach this codes in theme: //page-numbers//
I’m trying to make a new website using the Milton Lite theme.
I find that when I add images with a caption, there is a large space between the image and the caption. I have tried other themes, and this only seems to be an issue in Milton Lite.
On a desktop, this is mainly an aesthetic problem. The main issue is that on a mobile, the gap between the image and the caption is so large that the caption is actually closer to the subsequent image underneath, and thus it looks like the captions are paired with the wrong images.
Is there a way to control the spacing between the image and the caption underneath?
By the way, my site is in Chinese at the moment, but that is not relevant to the issue.
Thank you for installing and trying out the Milton Lite WordPress Theme.
Before you open a new support thread, please watch the full video about the Milton Lite Theme.
The video is a complete walk-through of the theme’s features and settings.
I hope this video helps.
P.S. Please don’t post any questions in this thread. Create a new one instead.