I built this site a while ago for a podcast I was doing. We took a break in Oct so I hadn’t added anything to the site since. We are thinking of resuming the podcast so I went to the site and found my custom fonts are gone. I was using the Bangers font and our social media links are gone and the blocks are uneven.
I have cleared the cache on both WordPress and my browser.
I have checked it on other themes, same problem(s).
I have spoken to my host (Bluehost) and they reset the page to March 10, also no change.
I have gone into Typography and tried to change the font but nothing.
I deactivated all of my plug-ins, no change, so I reactivated them.
I posted on the general help forum and the only advice was that it is probably a settings issue. I don’t see anything unusual in settings.
I am not a sophisticated website creator and I am stumped. I appreciate any help and/or suggestions.
Thx- Elaine
Dear all,
My website goes into some sort of “infinity loop” when loading new pages using the Minimal Lite theme. When I’m on the start page and I click on any other site to have a look at the content there, the loading screen gif shows indefinitely.
I think it has something to do with the template, but maybe I’m wrong. I’d be glad to hear whether other users experience similar problems and what the solution would be.
For reference: I am using the theme with minor CSS adjustments which do not interfere with the code. In addition, I am using Askimet AntiSpam and Yoast SEO as plugins. I tried to run a default version of the theme on a cloned website but it showed the same problem.
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
When I go to my customise, I can see the many and everything how I want it but when I go to preview my website the menu disappears and a lot of other things disappear as well.
Why would this be?
]]>the main publications on the slide appear but the featured images disappeared from the slide . This is an important widget of the minimal lite them.
Please help me to solve this
]]>When loading my webpage when not logged into WordPress, the loading page shows indefinitely and the website doesn’t show. I don’t see this issue when using other themes. Any help appreciated, thanks!
]]>Hola a todos!. Ya tengo la web lista y online pero me he dado cuenta que las imágenes del carrusel no se ven en los dispositivos móviles Iphone, se ven en todos los dispositivos perfectamente salvo en el caso de los Iphone, ?alguien puede ayudarme con este problema?
Muchas gracias.
Is there a way to hide or disable the banner slider for mobile devices?
How do I remove/turn off the day and night mode button on the header?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve been trying to fix this issue for such a long time and I just can’t seem to fix it. My sidebar is showing below the content (in the linked page, the ‘archives’ are displaying underneath the content and not along the side of it).
Does anybody have any idea of what could be the fix?
Thank you so much
]]>The header image does not display in the latest version. Have tried multiple images, uploaded it again, and verified dimensions at 1680 x 650. No matter what, it remains invisible. Is there some other setting that must be put in place to make it visible?
]]>How do you get the header overly to work? It does not appear to be working like in the Minimal Lite Fashion blog in the demo.
]]>Does anyone know where this demo data can be found?
I tried contacting Themattic but no response.
Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish!
Thank you.
]]>Hi everyone,
I’m trying to understand whether the Follow button in the Side Panel can be configured so as to have the website followed upon clicking it or it is just for ‘pointing’ to social icons above it (which would be misleading, though).
I haven’t been able to find a place to configure it either inside the WordPress admin panel (appearance > menu > social menu) or from the live customisation tool.
Any clues?
Thanks in advance,
Hi there,
I’ve managed to change the colour of icons on my main menu. However, I would like to change the colour of the toggle menu/waffle icon that appears in tablet portrait mode and lower sizes from black to white.
Does anybody have any ideas?
]]>Hi I am trying to get images to appear within the black box of the ‘Slider’, that shows 4 blog posts on loop, in the same manner that is shown in the actual preview for Minimal Lite. Many thanks
I’ve changed the reading settings in the dashboard to show only 10 posts on the homepage but this does not seem to be working. I can’t find any theme specific settings. Does anybody know what I’m missing?
For some reason, all of my posts display a drop cap over the excerpt text (see link). I can’t find a setting in the theme customiser to turn it off. Is there any additional CSS I could add to disable it?
Thanks so much!
I am going to change my header background colour to #850000 but this is currently my secondary colour on the theme (so the selected page in the menu isn’t visible).
I want to keep my primary and secondary colours as they are but manually change the colours of the menu links. Does anyone have any idea how I could do this with the css?
For some reason, the ‘night mode’ icon colours are also reversed…
]]>Hi, I’m trying to change the colour of the main header from white to #850000. I’ve been through the Theme Editor and figured that if I change the background image to background colour in this then the header once scrolled down has the colour I want:
.nav-affix #thememattic-header.site-header .main-header {
padding: 10px 0;
background-image: none !important;
But I want it to be #850000 permanently. I’m guessing this is somewhere other than the stylesheet, but I can’t find it.
Does anybody have any ideas?