Hi, I need to update Modality theme, if there is a newer version. I am using The php on my wordpress site is 7.433 and I need to update it, but can’t due to the theme being old. Please advise.
]]>Hello everyone,
I know the problem is known. But I’ve already googled a lot without finding a solution for me. I can’t fix the problem.
There is a white stripe (right) on Mobile. I can scroll horizontally. Of course it shouldn’t be.
I built the following website with Elementor. A lot of people probably know more about this than I do.
My website: https://www.benterode.de
I hope you can help me.
Many Thanks.
]]>This banner images spaces across the whole page and is only supposed to be in the upper left corner only. After logging into WordPress, it suddenly fixes itself, but if I clear my cache and reload the page, it goes back to this monstrosity.
I’m chipping in to help out my club and only kind of sort of know what I’m doing. I’m seeing if I can help until we get a long term solution as our webmaster.I have *some* WordPress, HTML and CSS experience.
]]>Looks fine in Chrome, but terrible in Firefox. The top left image in the banner gets supersized in Firefox. Workable on iOS mobile, but something is sliding the whole page to the left there too.
I’m chipping in to help out my club and only kind of sort of know what I’m doing. I’m seeing if I can help until we get a long term solution as our webmaster.I have *some* WordPress, HTML and CSS experience.
Through all my website pages the main logo near the header is just fine, except on the homepage. When i’m logged in into wpadmin its normal, but when a visitor opens the website, the header in the homepage is too big, and depending on the monitor size, it won’t even show up. Try checking the homepage and scrolling down, so you can see what the problem is. And it only happens in the homepage, but every other page is ok. Any tips?
]]>We have a price list that has approximately 2000 prices & Goole has sent me a warning that the content is wider than the screen in mobile view. I use tables for our prices, but can’t scroll across to see the full table.
]]>The Woocommerce product image galley doesn’t work. It doesn’t scroll and there are no navigation buttons. The only way back is to use the browser back button.
Has anyone found a solution?
]]>I’m using Modality with a child theme. What I’m trying to accomplish is that the contact info above my logo bar stays on the screen when I scroll, the logo bar itself will scroll off the screen but the menu will stay on the screen right below the contact info (if you scroll that far or further). When I go into Firefox to use the Inspector, I see that somewhere class=”stuckmenu isstuck” is added to the header-holder div. I’m not sure if this is causing the whole header section to stick but I’m not sure what file is adding this as it is not in the child theme header file (which I copied from the theme and made minor changes to). Can you tell me what I can place where in the child theme so that the large logo bar will scroll but neither the contact info nor the menu will go off the page? Thanks.
]]>I’d like to add line-breaks/paragraphing to the About section. Has anyone resolved this problem?
Can you please tell me if there is some simple CSS to make ALL borders totally invisible on tables?
If there is, will it work on all tables?
Is this theme WordPress 5.0 Compatible?
]]>I am not an advanced editor, but have some experience.
I’m using a Modality child theme for testsite.hersheylibrary.org
How do I get rid of the social media icons in the grey footer?
Alternatively, could I hide this grey footer altogether, or make the grey footer the place to add widgets, which does not seem to be an option?
I cannot find anywhere under Customize, or in Modality Theme Options, or in the Settings where an option to hide them might be. This may be due to a theme update since another website I manage using the same theme: https://www.hersheylibrary.org is different in the footer area.
This new site – testsite.hersheylibrary.org that I am trying to set up has this additional black footer where widgets must be added. (The other site doesn’t have it, and I cannot see why. The widgets go in the grey footer, and that is what I want to happen in the new site.)
Is there some simple CSS to do this for me?
I do not see any CSS I used to get rid of the social media icons in the https://www.hersheylibrary.org child theme style sheet.
I basically want the test site to be like the current site in the footer.
Please, does anybody know how I can fix this?
if possible I’d get in contact with the theme developers and recommend them to join ‘Go Global’ program (https://wpml.org/documentation/theme-compatibility/go-global-program/) where the WPML Compatibility developers will help to make Modality theme 100% compatible with WPML for free.
Thank You,
I would like to add an html code in de About US section.
Ich nutzte schon 2 Jahre das theme Modality. Durch Schadsoftware von au?en musste ich die komplette Installation l?schen und neu aufsetzen. Ich nutze das Theme Modality mit dem dazugeh?rigen Slider. Dieser war so eingestellt, dass er die letzten 5 Eintr?ge anzeigte unabh?ngig der Kategorie.
Da ich nun wieder alles soweit installiert habe wollte ich den Slider wieder einstellen, nur geht das scheinbar so nicht mehr, dass er mir die letzten 5 Beitr?ge anzeigt. Ich muss nun eine Kategorie w?hlen. Z.B. Burgen und Schl?sser.Dies m?chte ich aber nicht da in dieser Kategorie aktuell nur 2 Beitr?ge enthalten sind.
Wenn ich aber nun alle Beitr?ge auch in der Kategorie Allgemein ablege und dann auf einen Beitrag in der Kategorie z.B. Burgen und Schl?sser anklicke erscheint nicht die Kategorie Burgen und Schl?sser sondern allgemein.
Was oder wie muss ich es wieder einstellen, damit mir der Slider unabh?ngig der Kategorie die Bilder letzten 5 Beitr?ge anzeigt?
Vielen dank
I’m building a new website and when I have multiple links in a row in the tect:
Research & Intellectual Property
Software – Distribution
Software – Single User
University Sponsored Educational Materials
If you select the bottom link, the selection box actually stretches up around all of the links and often selects the incorrect line. How do you fixes this? It’s happening on every page.
]]>Hi everyone,
I like to resize the logo because it is to big. If I crop the logo it keeps displaying to big. I searched for a css-file that but didn’t found it. Is here someone who can help me with this?
Help is very appericiated!
I’m using Polylang plugin to translate my site. To translate my home I’ve used the wpml-config.xml file, uploaded to mysite/wp-content/plugins/polylang folder.
This is working fine but for 3 strings that don’t appear in the Strings translations sections.
My wp-config.xml file is this:
<key name="modality_theme_options">
<key name="getst_section_header" />
<key name="getst_section_text" />
<key name="getst_button_text" />
<key name="getst_button_url" />
<key name="features_section_title" />
<key name="features_section_desc" />
<key name="feature_one" />
<key name="feature_one_desc" />
<key name="feature_two" />
<key name="feature_two_desc" />
<key name="feature_three" />
<key name="feature_three_desc" />
<key name="feature_four" />
<key name="feature_four_desc" />
<key name="about_section_header" />
<key name="about_section_text" />
<key name="services_section_title" />
<key name="services_section_desc" />
<key name="service_one" />
<key name="service_one_desc" />
<key name="service_two" />
<key name="service_two_desc" />
<key name="service_three" />
<key name="service_three_desc" />
<key name="service_four" />
<key name="service_four_desc" />
<key name="services_image" />
<key name="getin_section_header" />
<key name="getin_section_text" />
<key name="getin_button_text" />
<key name="getin_button_url" />
All these strings are shown now in the Strings translations sections except for these 3:
I’ve checked that these are their names, so is this a bug with Modality or Polylang? How could I translate these 3 strings?
Thank you very much!
]]>Hi, news section disappeared. There is only title Latest News, but there is no content. Category is ok. There is no mistake in settings, it is problem with the theme section. News/blog page is ok, the news are there, but on the home page they are missing…
Is there any solution?
Hi, is it possible to insert html code in the text of the various sections?
I need to insert a link to a page in “About us” section.
If I click a menu option, the hover colour is retained while the selected page is loaded. Because my hover and selected colour are the same, it looks like 2 menu options are selected until the new page is loaded. If you move off the menu item after clicking the hover state is removed correctly.
However on mobile view (with the drop down menu), when viewed on a mobile, the current active page is coloured plus the new one clicked on until the new page is loaded. E.g. if you are on ‘About Us’ page – so the ‘About Us’ option is coloured blue, then click ‘Contact’, both are coloured blue until the new page loads.
Is there a way to make the clicked option active immediately on click and clear the current page’s active class?
I try to personalize “Menu Hover Font Color” but it doesn’t work, color is always white.
i already installed Modality , but where can i get the demo of this page ?
I have the Modality Theme set, but the Image Slider is not Mobile or Tablet Friendly.
Is there settings that can be done to change this?
]]>Hi guys,
I have 2 errors in my Modality Child 01: Stylesheet (style.css) that I hope somebody can help me with. I have to fix them before I can update the theme as there is a warning message that the errors might break the site if I don’t. Are they serious enough to do that? I have tried a couple of things but it didn’t make the scary red error icons go away.
width: 100%;
Error-Expected a FUNCTION or INDENT after colon at line 19, col 10.
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Error- Expected a FUNCTION or INDENT after colon at line 51, col 20.
There is hopefully a simple correction that will fix these 2 errors.
Thank you for your help.
]]>To search the website, a plugin widget had first of all been placed below the navigation bar on the right sidebar, as are the others on my site. https://hersheylibrary.org/
To move it above the nav. bar, I added css in the Editor, Modality Child stylesheet (style.css). All was well. This is it:
display: block;
float: left;
.navbar.search-form { float:right; }
width: 100%;
height: 280px;
display: none;
Now, I want to change it from “SEARCH” to ” SEARCH THIS SITE” as it makes more sense. I thought I should find the widget script in the header php but it’s not there. I can’t find this plugin widget anywhere in the Editor.
To test the change I want, I added the Search widget to a Post and changed the script as seen below. So, I know I can make it work.
<form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action="https://hersheylibrary.org/">
<span class="screen-reader-text">Search for:</span>
<input type="search" class="search-field" placeholder="Search …" value="" name="s" title="Search for:">
<input type="submit" class="search-submit" value="Search this site">
Is there a simple way I can add css to the Child theme to make this small change?
Can anybdy please tell me how I can get a search box to link with the catalog after typing in a search term? I have it linked so it goes to the catalog but it doesn’t search.
This is my site:
The catalog is:
The widget I created is this:
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="textboxTerm" class="c-search-header__search-box" onblur="document.getElementById('searchContainer').className='c-search-header__search-box-div SearchBoxFlat'" onfocus="document.getElementById('searchContainer').className='c-search-header__search-box-div SearchBoxGlow'" onkeypress="return ProcessInput(event)"/> <a href="https://clic.polarislibrary.com/POLARIS/default.aspx?ctx=5.1033.0.0.3" target="_blank"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search c-search-header__glyphicon-search"></i></a>
Thanks for any help you can provide.
]]>Hi, I purchased modality pro from vmthemes. I am using latest news section to display my blogs. I would want to do two things.
1. Add excerpts from my post to show in the Home page.
2. Remove the image. I only want to show the content.
Please let know how this can be done.
Updated WP and woo, and when viewing a product with multiple images, the lightbox is gone.
when clicking an image, it just views the image without a lightbox or navigation arrows to the next image.
Any help to resolve this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
– Scott
]]>I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to make html or other type of coding work correctly on the static page using the Modality Customize editor.
Does it have to be done on the backend?
Can it be done at all?
Any help would be awesome. Thanks! ??