Love this theme…just wondering how to change the background color in the header from black to white. I’ve tried a bunch of things in the custom css but can’t seem to figure it out.
]]>Anyone know how (and where) to embed, copy/paste, or insert Bootstrap Scaffolding code into individual static, primary menu pages (without affecting the global layout of the theme)?
I’m trying to create a 3-column layout (without using sidebars) for my primary menu pages. I want some of those pages to have full-width images above the text columns. Here’s my current homepage:
As you can notice, my link categories are all left-justified in one column. I want three (3).
]]>Arf! Arf! Arf!
I interviewed a young lady with fairly new Android-based smart phone. I asked her to review my website using this theme, and tell me what she would change IF the site were hers.
The first thing she would do is get rid of the Featured Image carryover from the Home Page (Blog) to individual blog posts.
The second thing she would do, is have an automatic scroll BENEATH THE SEARCH BAR, on any page directed to from the Home Blog Page. Currently when the viewer clicks on a Featured Image from the home page, he/she is directed to an individual post, but can’t tell if the page actually rendered, since the Website Title and Search Bar take up so much viewport space. Instead of scrolling down the page to see the post, they can make the assumption that their phone did not succeed in rendering the page.
]]>Arf! Arf! Arf!
I decided to try this theme because it’s based on Bootstrap. What I’ve noticed is that Featured Images display on both the Blog Page and the individual single posts themselves. This results in two images displaying on smart phones for each post (the Featured Image itself, and the first image on any embedded video). How come? I didn’t think it was supposed to be that way. Here’s an example on my own site:
I’ve noticed the exact same problem on numerous themes in the Themes Directory (INCLUDING the latest themes provided by Automattic on It can’t be a Bootstrap problem, since the Customizr Theme and other Bootstrap themes don’t seem to have that problem.
Is there a snippet of WordPress Core Code that I can Cut & Paste into my theme to get rid of the problem….why does it keep showing up over and over with different WordPress Themes? Is it an intentional effort on the part of some theme designers?
]]>I am currently working with fluid width theme, My Flatonica. Great theme, well designed and flows smoothly from page to page.
The problem is it seems to be designed far from the standard format that I am used to. My current issue is I have no clue how to call “the loop” onto a page. I want the “front-page.php” to display the standard content box as usual but then below that I want to start the blog so it has page content on top and the blog after.
So I challenge anyone to take a look at this theme and find out how I can call the loop onto a page! Bonus points if you call a specific category! (that’s my ultimate goal here…)
If you look at the home page is what I’m trying to change. Content on top, blog under that.