Hi, I’m a customer, buy newsmagz PRO. But I do not like. And it seems to have some bugs with WP5.6
1) For example, if you change Trending places, through its module.
This joins the main image of the post.
2) If you change from DARK to WHITE. Colors do not change correctly.
Checked in a clean WP and with the default theme.
3) The themepacific demo says that the theme has MEGAMENU.
And when you download the theme, and install them. There is no megamenu, anywhere.
4) If you tell the topic, that you don’t want it to load post continuously, and with the theme in block, not fullwidht. The widget bar does not appear, it is lost.
So I see that there are no updates to this NEWSMAGZ PRO theme, for quite some time. And we are already in WP 5.6. It would be interesting if you could review the possible errors that exist.
But for now I prefer the manual concept of the free theme. Newsmagz free I like it better,
It allows me to do what I want and how I want, not automatic.
But the template has only a few flaws. COULD YOU HELP ME SOLVE THEM? I don’t mind paying a few bucks, as long as I can fix it. OR MAKE THE PRO VERSION, BUT OF THIS THEME, WHICH IS ALSO INTERESTING …
I attach examples of bugs that I can’t fix.
img 1) https://imgur.com/gDUCkIi
img 2) https://imgur.com/yTLPIWm
img 3) https://imgur.com/9W1fkHI
img 4) https://imgur.com/G7e8v2a
I hope you can help us, we do not ask for anything for free. Only one service for an economic amount.
The error not is of Jquery is of the theme… (but the share buttons is ok) why!!
The message
Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a function
load jQuery
jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe https://masquesaber.es/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/likes/queuehandler.min.js?ver=9.1:3
JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler https://masquesaber.es/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/likes/queuehandler.min.js?ver=9.1:3
Not is posible Load this:
function JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler
function jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe
————– extract of jetpack code LIKES…
function JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler(){var e;if(jetpackLikesMasterReady){jetpackUnloadScrolledOutWidgets();var t=jetpackGetUnloadedWidgetsInView();t.length>0&&JetpackLikesBatchHandler();for(var i=0,a=t.length;i<=a-1;i++)(e=t[i].id)&&jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe(e)}else setTimeout(JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler,500)}function jetpackLoadLikeWidgetIframe(e){var t;if(void 0!==e){(t=jQuery(“#”+e)).find(“iframe”).remove();var i=t.find(“.likes-widget-placeholder”);if(i.hasClass(“post-likes-widget-placeholder”)){var a=document.createElement(“iframe”);a.class=”post-likes-widget jetpack-likes-widget”,a.name=t.data(“name”),a.src=t.data(“src”),a.height=”18px”,a.width=”200px”,a.frameBorder=”0″,a.scrolling=”no”,t.hasClass(“slim-likes-widget”)?(a.height=”22px”,a.width=”68px”,a.scrolling=”no”):(a.height=”55px”,a.width=”100%”),i.after(a)}if(i.hasClass(“comment-likes-widget-placeholder”)){var s=document.createElement(“iframe”);s.class=”comment-likes-widget-frame jetpack-likes-widget-frame”,s.name=t.data(“name”),s.src=t.data(“src”),s.height=”18px”,s.width=”100%”,s.frameBorder=”0″,s.scrolling=”no”,t.find(“.comment-like-feedback”).after(s),jetpackCommentLikesLoadedWidgets.push(s)}t.removeClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded”).addClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loading”),t.find(“iframe”).load(function(e){var i=jQuery(e.target);JetpackLikesPostMessage({event:”loadLikeWidget”,name:i.attr(“name”),width:i.width()},window.frames[“likes-master”]),t.removeClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loading”).addClass(“jetpack-likes-widget-loaded”),t.hasClass(“slim-likes-widget”)&&t.find(“iframe”).Jetpack(“resizeable”)})}}
e.indexof not is a function (Why?)
{var r,i,o,a=this,s=e.indexOf(” “);return s>-1&&(r=vt(e.slice(s)),e=e.slice(0,s)),g(t)?(n=t,t=void 0):t&&”object”==typeof t&&(i=”POST”),a.length>0&&w.ajax({url:e,type:i||”GET”,dataType:”html”,data:t}).done(function(e){o=arguments,a.html(r?w(“<div>”).append(w.parseHTML(e)).find(r):e)}).always(n&&function(e,t){a.each(function(){n.apply(this,o||[e.responseText,t,e])})}),this}
Please, maybe is only a potion of code to change. So, the theme working correctly whit the plugin LIKES of Jetpack. ?? Many thanks.
]]>Greetings friends.
Could you help me with a small error? …
When I try to show in a GRID, the posts of a specific category. always shows me “All”. I have reviewed all the codes, and I do not see any sign or logic errors.
What I see is that from the customizer. The enable or disable ckeckbox works OK. But when you want to use the ?texbox for title and the listbox, to choose the category?. Always put the posts of all categories. -It is always ALL … (It will be a problem, that the variables do not save, what has the texbox title and the listbox category?) …
Hopefully you can help me fix this silly mistake.
The module is Featured Home Big Grid (4 post) …