I hope I’m not doing something stupid, but I can’t seem to solve this problem.
My site has a Popular tags list and a tab which presents the most popular posts. Neither are updating. So my successful posts are not listed. Old tags which I only used once or twice years ago are still showing as most popular…
Can anyone help?
Great theme that I love, and pardon me if this is off topic and lenghty. I am very confused by the thumbnail sizes you chose, versus what’s in style.css. WP blogs and theme makes like Astra all advise the featured images to be 1200px width, and since both facebook and twitter want 1.92 ratio, that makes them 1200×624 (or sometimes 628).
Now, this theme creates those custom sizes:
Lastly, the content wrapper is 70%-30% for primary-secondary, with total width of 1300px. Minus the left and center paddings, that give the full width images a very nice and round value of 879px. I mean, seriously?
I am very, very confused. the visual quality of images is very low overall, because none of the thumbnail sizes created are used anywhere. They are either too resized large or too small, and the browser has to resize them 100% of the time. I will alter the syle.css and change the break points, and all the custom sizes, not to worry. That’s not the reason why I writting this post.
It bugs me so much, that I want to know, what went into consideration when you designed this theme? 1300px total width makes sense for many reasons, but why didn’t you come up with a way to have an even number (preferably multiple of 16) for the primary container usable width? Who creates pictures of 879px width?
Single pages and posts:
Modern monitors are wider then SVGA. My audience and yours certainly, report thoses sizes in 2024:
Put the tablets and phones aside, you can see that most screens are wider then 1300px. When full screen, Chromium and Edge lose 19px and 25px respectively, givine a usable browser width of 1341px at least, on small laptops (commonly WXGA). On wider desktop screens, users tend to not have the browser full screen, and 1300px content width will certainly fit 99% of use cases.
Therefore, what prevents the theme from setting a hard maximum for the primary content, multiple of 16? Before the invention of webp and avif, jpeg was the standard. That’s why I mention 16, size of the most common subsampling (2 times 8px). 879px is not a multiple of 16. 880 is, and that’s what should be used.
Front page:
Smallest sizes are not even consistent on Edge. At least Firefox agrees with Chromium.
What should be done, I don’t know yet. Resizing all the custom sizes in functions.php, that’s for sure. And then tweaking the css to makes sure the square thumbnails all agree on their size. etc etc. Still brainstorming it. Do you get why I am so confused? If you don’t have time to discuss this I would understand. Sorry for my OCD, and thank you.
]]>hi, and thank you for this awesome theme!
however, i think there is a bug with jquery.marquee.js: it is served instead of jquery.marquee.min.js
in your function.php:
wp_enqueue_script('marquee', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/marquee/jquery.marquee.js', array('jquery'), '', true);
Is it possible to change one of the front page Main Banner Tabbed sections to latest comments, or even replace all 3 tabbed sections with one Latest Comments section with the Featured image, Post Name, and excerpt of the comment?
]]>There’s a mistake in (lib/breadcrumb-trail/inc/breadcrumbs.php) line 844. Brackets are misplaced, it causes the function esc_url( get_day_link()) not to work properly, and the pages with whole-date pagination will stuck in loading. (Eg. website-url/2024/02/17/page/3)
]]>Hello there, I recently purchased the Pro version. It seems like the import of the dummy content went through without issues. However, as the title implies, the Front Page Content Section does not appear on the HOME page. I checked your videos and FAQ for help, but can’t make it work. In the WIDGETS Section in the backend, I can see the FPCS. However, it does not show within the CUSTOMIZER. Help will be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi I have uploaded a new language file (sv) to the langauge module at my site https://www.grugh.com but nothing change, How to to?pla
Best Ola (email staff@hvergang,com
Hello, all! I bought the Pro version of the Newsphere theme and my question is do I need to make staging on the site or it’s safety to activate the pro version after installing it? Also, will I lose all plug-in settings, google analytics code, and so on? Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello i have some issiues with the header background image. It doesnt fit proper in the header also on mobile device. Somebody can help/tell me what to do please?
Thanks a lot
]]>Hi i need to remove or hide this About Post Author it,s anoyng.
Just installed the free version of this theme to test it. There is no child theme zip file included.
I tried to create the child theme manually which seemed to work until some folders are not updated. I copied /inc/hooks/* folder and edited files but the changes to take effect. If i edit those files from parent theme, it works.
Do you offer a child theme?
]]>Why Popular tab not works in it was working 2 years ago
]]>I am having issue with the unwanted category name appearing on post page.
When a post is clicked on homepage , it takes to post detail page . One post detail , cat name appeared as a link on top bar above display time. Upon checking the source , cat link is outside <! Htmldoc> .
]]>Good day!
How to change the selection of posts in the “Popular Tab Title” in the “Tabbed Section”?
You can set the post category for “Trending Tab Title”. OK.
“Latest Tab Title” is fixed to display the latest posts. Ok – half and half.
But why not select “Popular Tab Title”?
The whole template cannot then be used meaningfully.
Thank you
]]>Hello. I want add adsense code between head tags. There is a way to ad this code without plugins with the Pro version of the theme newsphere? Thanks
The sliding image on my homepage has gotten wider and now covers up the sidebar content that was previously there. I haven’t edited it in quite a while, so I am unsure how to administer a fix.
]]>The articles in the “You May Have Missed” section all have the same title and redirect to the same article that you click on.
Same problem showing in Main Banner – (Tabbed Section)
]]>Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /www/www.domain.org/wp-content/themes/newsphere/lib/breadcrumb-trail/inc/breadcrumbs.php on line 254
don’t know what reason caused this.
]]>Hi, first: Thank you for this great theme!!!
I have been using Newsphere for a couple years now and still love its flexibility and stability.
My question is: is there any way to enhance the “Minutes Read Count” option under Appearance > Customize > Theme Options to display video length when the post is in Video format?
I can create a mu-plugin to do this if you can tell me which file that functionality is in.
Thanks for any suggestions.
]]>Respected, after yesterday update, none of the pictures can not be seen in my home page. Also not even when someone tries to search a text, and see recommended similar topics. I would be very thankfull if You can fix the problem. Thank You in advance.
I would like please some help! I read that in the Additional CSS, I need to put some code but I cannot understand what to type so that an image logo can be centered.
I have written this but no luck.
.header-style1 .main-header .af-flex-container {
text-align: center;
Thank you for this great theme!!!!!!!!
I would like to know if in the main banner section there is an option to change “popular tab table” into “popular posts”. I would like to see the titles of my popular posts in that section. At the moment it is not possible.
I installed TranslatePress in order to change the language from English to Italian. However I was not able to translate the words “previous” and “next” that appear in the bottom of every article. How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
Hi, thanks for the beautiful magazine theme, its working superb.
Can you please tell how can i enable boxed layout for this theme.
I would like to translate in my language (Italian) the time for reading my articles. For example “2 min read” in “2 minuti per la lettura”. Beside I would like to change the time-life of my article in all Italian language: from “2 settimane ago” in “2 settimane fa”.
On my site, this section is called “SRODNI TEKSTOVI”. I have problem only with category “KVIZ” (Quiz). I already asked support team from this plugin for help, but they said that they couldnt do anythig, and to contact my support team fot theme I use.
I can see that people already wrote about similar problems here, can you please help me to solve this problem?
]]>In the slide show ‘Onze sponsoren’ is a maximum of 5 posts. Can this maximum be deleted?
]]>I use two different categories: ‘sponsoren’ and ‘Activiteiten’. On the home page, below the slide show (at the place where ‘service- and onderhodsbedrijf Kamminga’ now is, I want to see only the posts with the category ‘activiteiten’. And in the slide show I want only to see the posts with ‘sponsoren’.
Can you assist?
How to create childtheme?
I followed the instruction but no luck, can developer show the full tutorial instead of showing www.ads-software.com tutorial
It works for twenty thirteen theme when I created childtheme previously
But the same method does not work for newsphere
advise needed
In de slide show ‘ONZE SPONSOREN’ I want show only posts with the category’Sponsoren’. And on the main page I want show only post with the category ‘Activiteiten’