I’ve updated a couple of staging sites to the new version of OceanWP and OceanExtra v4.01 and believe there is a bug.
If you DO NOT have a child site then things appear as they should, however if there is a child site present then the ‘Customizer Site Style & Settings panel‘ and ‘Pages & Special Pages’ are missing from the customiser. Any site that had a custom width set simply reverts to 1280px with no option to change.
Screenshots –
]]>Hello. When I try to disable microdata in the theme, it seems to turn off, but in the last breadcrumb, the itemprop name still remains. This drove me a bit crazy as I was trying to implement a different type of microdata, and the value itemprop name kept showing up. Is this intentional? But then why aren’t the other breadcrumbs marked and declared as breadcrumb markup? I suppose this is a bug?
<div class="container clr page-header-inner">
<nav role="navigation" aria-label="Breadcrumbs" class="site-breadcrumbs clr position-under-title">
<ol class="trail-items">
<li class="trail-item trail-begin">
<a span href="#">
<a rel="home" aria-label="Home">
<span class="breadcrumb-home">Home</span>
<span class="breadcrumb-sep">
<span class="breadcrumb-sep">></span>
<li class="trail-item">
<a span href="#">
<a >
<span class="breadcrumb-sep">
<span class="breadcrumb-sep">></span>
<li class="trail-item trail-end">
<span itemprop="name">
<a >Article</a>
After the 4.0.0 upgrade, the site I maintain changed in appearance. Suddenly the page title was being displayed in huge font and taking up all kinds of space we didn’t want lost. Unlike the complaints of others, in our case it was using our colours, but it had previously been hidden.
Note that I’m running a child theme of OceanWP. It was created years ago by someone I’ve never met, and I have no clue what is going on with it. But I switched to plain OceanWP and the site became unusable thanks to all the appearance differences. I switched back.
I spent over an hour trying to figure out where the Page Title was turned off. Eventually I found this page:
which claims there is a “General Options” choice visible in the customizer. But that wasn’t present for me. I spent a lot more time digging until I somehow found a place to turn off the page title. Problem solved, though the spacing wasn’t exactly as it had been before.
Then, this morning I see new updates to OceanWP and OceanExtra. Checking the changelogs, they claim to have enabled the General Options menu, but even after updating to the latest of both of those, I still do not see the General Options menu in the customizer.
And now, despite spending yet another hour at this, I can’t even find the place to turn the title on and off anymore. It seems to be gone completely.
And I checked with base OceanWP – not our child theme – and the General Options choice is still missing there too, but I can’t live with that because it really borks how our site looks.
I cleared all the caches I know of, but it made no difference.
I’ll mention something else that may also be missing. While looking around in the support forum about this problem, I found this page:
It mentions “WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Pages & Special Pages > Page Title > Title Color, here: https://postimg.cc/3d8CXKFp” but I have no menu choice named “Pages & Special Pages” in my customizer either.
At this point, I don’t know what to think. The latest update to OceanExtra (2.4.1) explicitly claims “Fixed: OceanWP Customizer: General Options tab not displayed with version 3.6.1 and lower.” but I cannot see that fix anywhere.
Why can’t I see the General Options menu in the Customizer? Even with the latest changes, it is not present.
Oh, and for the record, I had no clue the 4.0.0 release was coming out. I have no clue where you announced it, but I never saw anything about it anywhere.
We’re running the free versions of: OceanWP 4.0.1, OceanExtra 2.4.1, OceanCustomSidebar 1.1.3, and OceanSocialSharing 2.2.0.
In another thread you asked for site health information to help with debugging. Here’s that info:
Note that I am sharing information about our staging site, not our production site. They are essentially the same at the moment, but staging is where I try things out first, and these days I am turning off automatic updates to everything related to OceanWP, at least until I am convinced it will do no more harm.
I am using the OceanWP Pro theme with the “Destinations” demo, and I would like your assistance with configuring my blog.
Here is what I need:
, where all my posts are displayed.xxx.com/destinations
, without using a redirection from an automatically generated URL like xxx.com/category/destinations
.Could you please advise on the best way to configure this with OceanWP? Thank you in advance for your help!
This morning, while updating the theme, the ��achievements�� tab in my admin disappeared�� I just did the update, nothing else�� no new extensions��
How can I solve the problem?
Thanks in advance for your help.
My menu and site logo used to be in Josefin Sans. This is no longer the case since after the update where the font seems to have disappeared.
How can I solve this?
]]>There is a cart error when the Ajax Add to Cart feature is enabled in the Single Product Add to Cart section (under Customize) for Variable Products. It works fine for Simple Products. It seems the bug appeared from the latest 4.0 update recently.
Here is an image of the cart when the Ajax Add to Cart feature is disabled:
The product added includes the variation: Birdseye Suit Jacket – L.
Here is an image of the cart when the Ajax Add to Cart feature is enabled:
The product added only shows the title without the variation: Birdseye Suit Jacket.
Hi there. Could you please advise on how to display the category name of the article in the OceanWP theme? I’m interested in showing the category name only in the search results, so that when someone searches on the site, they can see which section each article belongs to. Also, if there’s a way to display the category name in the related posts section at the end of each article, please let me know how to do that as well.
]]>Since we upgraded to OceanWP Version: 4.0.0, we are getting sitewide errors relating to URL embeds vanishing from most of our web pages. Hope you can help
]]>After upgrade of Ocean Extra plugin to version 2.4.0 we experienced the following problems in our site installation and Customizer.
After update
Before update
Furthermore we miss the “General Option” menu in Customizer
After update
Before update
In General Options – General Styling there was a possibility to adjust different colors of text etc. now it is not possible and therefore we cannot tak corrective measure to make the text visible.
Please can you advise us how to proceed?
Thank you
The new update seems to prevent the custom logo set in the individual page or post settings from taking effect. The markup for the custom logo between 3.6.1 and 4.0.0 is completely different even though the custom field for logo (the guid of the image) is still present on individual posts and pages in 4.0.0. it only outputs the logo as set in customizer.
]]>Hey Support
When we edit the Global Typography in the theme customization in OceanWP theme, the line height for example applies to WP Post Editor Area. I disabled the “Use theme styles” in the Editor but it still applies. I think its a bug, or idk because i’m not a developer. I tried to add function by using chatgpt in functions.php file but i think the chatgpt is not providing the right code.
Code Added in functions.php file but none of them worked, the global typo. settings still applies
// Exclude Customizer Typography Changes in the Editor
function remove_global_typography_editor() {
if (is_admin()) {
echo '<style>
body.block-editor-page .editor-styles-wrapper {
font-family: inherit !important;
font-size: inherit !important;
line-height: inherit !important;
add_action('admin_head', 'remove_global_typography_editor');
// Remove theme styles from the editor
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
wp_deregister_style('oceanwp-style'); // Adjust 'oceanwp-style' with your theme's style handle
// Ensure theme styles still load for the frontend but not the editor
add_action('after_setup_theme', function() {
ALSO THIS ( this one actually did the same as we turn off the "Use theme styles" option.
add_action('admin_init', function() {
In below images i tried to show the Global Typography settings i applied for testing and it also applies to the Editor Area of WordPress even the “Use theme styles” is off from the prefrences.
Hi. Sorry about so many questions. ?? I have one more question. I’ve been using the Personal demo layout for years, was always slightly annoyed that blog posts weren’t centered on the screen (on desktop while keeping the right sidebar). Then I found the Maria demo, and realized that turning the header vertical is a close solution because it pushes the content to the right.
However, one thing I don’t like is I lose the logo at the top of the page. I’m not sure if it’s possible since the logo seems attached to the header, but is it possible to have a vertical header AND also the logo (and subtext) on the top? I attached a photo: https://imgur.com/a/kIjy00E
Thank you. ??
]]>Je viens de constater que l’affichage de mes articles a ��t�� modifi�� et je n’arrive pas �� corriger cela. Je pense que cela est du �� la derni��re mise �� jour d’ocean wp en 4.0. (j’ai un th��me enfant mais je ne pense pas que ce soit un pb)
Mon titre ne va pas et c’est surtout le contenu de l’article qui n’est tout r��tr��ci. Mon param��trage est 2 bandes lat��rales vierges et le contenu au centre. Sur elementor le contenu est regl�� �� 700 px.
Je ne trouve pas comment corriger cela.
Comment revenir �� une version pr��c��dente ? LMon pb ne se pose que pour la partie blog, les pages et woocommerce sont ok
Hi. I am using Oceanwp (Personal demo). I was playing around with the layouts at (Customizing > General Options > General Settings) and I like the “Separate” layout style. It adds a different color around the content. But while it looks good on desktop, I don’t like how it looks on mobile.. On mobile, there’s an unnecessary border next to the content (which makes the content slightly smaller).
Is there a way to keep the “Separate” layout style (on desktop), but remove that border on mobile? I attached a picture of mobile: https://imgur.com/a/dvV13D2
I want to remove those sides on mobile but keep the “Separate” layout style on desktop.
I’m working on trying to make the default menu more accessible. For instance I’m working on adding a button for the submenu, so users are not forced to tab through the submenus to reach the next top menu item and can bypass the submenus completely if desired. However, I’m struggling to get this to work. If you tab through the menus at https://webdevelopmenta.com/shop/ you’ll see the dropdown button opens automatically. Is there a way to fix this?
Here is the custom code I used to get what I have so far:
Enqueue Custom JavaScript
function custom_enqueue_accessible_menu_script() {
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/accessible-menu.js',
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_enqueue_accessible_menu_script');
Add Accessible Menu Buttons: Added this PHP code to the functions.php file:
function custom_add_submenu_buttons($item_output, $item, $depth, $args) {
if (in_array('menu-item-has-children', $item->classes)) {
$button = '<button class="submenu-toggle" aria-expanded="false">';
$button .= '<span class="screen-reader-text">Open submenu</span>';
$button .= '</button>';
$item_output .= $button;
return $item_output;
add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'custom_add_submenu_buttons', 10, 4);
Create JavaScript for Interaction
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Prevent default behavior when submenu button is focused
$('.submenu-toggle').on('focus', function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent automatic behavior on focus
// Handle keydown events for the submenu toggle
$('.submenu-toggle').on('keydown', function(event) {
// Only respond to Enter (13) or Space (32)
if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === ' ' || event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 32) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default key action
var $button = $(this);
var $submenu = $button.siblings('.sub-menu');
// Toggle aria-expanded and submenu visibility
var isExpanded = $button.attr('aria-expanded') === 'true';
$button.attr('aria-expanded', !isExpanded);
if (!isExpanded) {
} else {
// Handle mouse click events for the submenu toggle
$('.submenu-toggle').on('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default click action
var $button = $(this);
var $submenu = $button.siblings('.sub-menu');
// Toggle aria-expanded and submenu visibility
var isExpanded = $button.attr('aria-expanded') === 'true';
$button.attr('aria-expanded', !isExpanded);
if (!isExpanded) {
} else {
// Close all open submenus when the Escape key is pressed
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.key === 'Escape' || event.keyCode === 27) {
$('.submenu-toggle[aria-expanded="true"]').each(function() {
$(this).attr('aria-expanded', 'false').siblings('.sub-menu').slideUp();
CSS styling
.submenu-toggle {
background: none;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
margin-left: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
.submenu-toggle .screen-reader-text {
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
padding: 0;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
border: 0;
.submenu-toggle[aria-expanded="true"]::after {
content: '��';
.submenu-toggle[aria-expanded="false"]::after {
content: '��';
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
So, I’ve suddenly discovered there has been a MAJOR update to OceanWP (which I wasn’t aware of at all, and considering the risk of this – find seriously unreasonable. You could have done A LOT more to announce this update ahead of time.)
Here are my issues (and opportunity to vent at OceanWP for handling this update so badly):
Google Fonts
I use Google Fonts on all of my websites with OceanWP. Upon updating, it seems that Google Fonts is disabled by default. Why is this? Why are they disabled by default?
Even on a website that had them enabled before, shouldn’t you be checking that and then enable them if they’re in use?
I see that Google Fonts seem to be the subject of quite a few support issues listed here, with evidence showing that there have been changes to how Google Fonts are being loaded. So putting this together with the fact they’re now disabled by default (for some reason, but I believe I know why)… is likely because you knew the issue of massive loading times, and so have tried to hide this by disabling it by default.
I also want to draw your attention to this statement by yourself:
By default, we do not expect any visual changes or other settings to have an impact on existing websites. However, there might be typography, color and custom CSS options affected, simply because some features did not exist before.
This is simply not true. If this were true, you would have Google Fonts enabled by default (so that people already using it wouldn’t be affected). What you’ve done is the complete opposite. You’ve disabled it to hide the fact that people’s websites speed will suffer dramatically (which you were aware of), and you were also aware that disabling Google Fonts by default would mean that the large majority of websites wouldn’t show correctly because they would be using Google Fonts (which is no longer available).
To be clear, the Google Fonts feature existed before, so your claim above saying ‘There might be typography, color and custom CSS options affected…’ isn’t actually valid in this sense. This was a conscious change made by your team, one that you knew would affect many websites.
So what is the suggested solution here? By enabling Google Fonts, my page load times are absolutely stupidly high. I can’t advertise my web hosting services with this… it’s ridiculous.
You’ve made a massive change to how the Customiser is laid out now, which is to be honest, clunky, difficult to navigate and changed considerably from the old version.
It took me about 5 minutes to figure out where the styling settings were for ‘Page Title’, which leads me onto my next issue.
Page Title
On the front end of my pages, the colour of Page Title is no longer showing up when inspecting. They’re using the base style colour (which is white).
In Customiser, the colour is set, but this is not working on the front end. All other text colours seem to be.
Lack of Announcement
So essentially, this has now broken one of my clients websites (without any warning, and I now have to spend time on this to remedy).
As mentioned before, you’ve made some drastic changes, some of which are complete gamechangers. You’ve essentially broken the OceanWP theme, and it needs to be resolved. I would recommend you seriously consider rolling back to how it was before, because it worked perfectly. Why did you change it?
Secondly, if you do intend to release major platform changes in future… for God’s sake, announce them! You’ve even admitted the fact that this is a serious upgrade:
Though we have been performing tests, after tests, after tests, we��ll never be able to replicate all the hundreds of thousands of combinations of all website settings out there �C this is a huge upgrade.
I had absolutely NO IDEA this update was coming, and I use your theme on several sites (and think quite highly of it).
Just bear in mind, only a small percentage of your users are following you on social media, or sign up to your newsletter.
But EVERYONE who uses your theme, logs into WP Admin!
It wouldn’t have hurt to have placed a small notice in WP Admin for one of your updates, just to remind people of the upcoming plan to release a new major version, that you clearly knew was going to break a lot of websites.
Do not try and cover things up by ‘disabling by default’. On the majority, you absolutely knew that pretty much every use case of OceanWP is going to be using Google Fonts.
I trust you are working very hard to resolve these issues, but perhaps the first thing you can do, is roll everything back to how it was before. Clearly, this update wasn’t ready, it was rushed, and you’re trying to sweep things under the rug.
]]>hey support team
After updating to the latest version, it is not possible to change the width of the site so that the part of the background is narrower, i mean after change it to 90% nothing happen. And some additional customization options don’t work even after changing.
]]>Sine updating to ver 4 we longer display selected uptions in the cart! Disaster !!!
]]>Hi. I built my website on the Personal demo many years ago, but I want to try the Maria demo layout. However, when I applied a different demo in the past, it wiped everything from my website. I don’t want to lose everything that I’ve built. Is there some way I can try or switch to the Maria demo/layout without losing all my posts and stuff?
]]>I’m using the child theme.
After updating main theme to version 4.0.0, my page titles changed from previous style! When I go into customizer, it shows the correct padding, background color and text color in the customizer itself but the front-end does not equate to the settings (bigger padding and black text). See screenshot:
Also, the footer widget font size changed from what it was before. And where do I change the size of the font in the footer widgets? Use to be in customizer typography but gone now?
P.S. Not at all a fan of the new customizer!
I get this error when trying to re-send an email order and it points back to OceanWP Child:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given
in?/home/customer/www/foxfashioncyprus.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/oceanwp-child-theme-master/functions.php?on line?124
Line 124:
if ( method_exists( $item['product'], 'get_description' ) ) {
I am on wp 5.6.15, php 7.4, and the Back button failing on most of items in the theme customise menu. eg. Colors
All fields shows up seems lacking of css, looks like skeleton.
It only happens when upgraded to v4, previousv 3.x version and no problem.
]]>Hello, the product title has disappeared, I can��t find where to fix it by default?
Temporarily solved with CSS
.page-header-title {
color: #fff;
Recent update on Woocommerce and Oceanwp theme, some customization functions are missing
in the cart page cant customize the proceed to checkout button
in the checkout page cant customize the place order button and also the phone field set on require still showing as optional
Is there any filter available to load the old customizer Style/Controls? I need this style to work with: https://ibb.co/9ns8cMw
]]>My website uses a custom font, installed following this documentation :
Since the update to version 4.40 the custom font isn’t showing in the front nor in the customizer
]]>I’m not a paid user so I dont expect support here, just wanted to toss my experience in in case it either helps someone else or helps the devs.
After the update occurred today, when you try and add any product to cart, it will add it to cart without it’s variation information, which is obviously a huge problem as the customer is unable to choose what they want.
I was getting some PHP Legacy Errors, but after rolling back they still exist so i’m unsure if they’re related, I see in the changelog something to do with PHP Legacy was removed which is the only reason I mention it. Luckily, rolling back did fix the problem and the site is now functional again for the moment.
Sample of the errors, there were about 200 in total, related to 3 or 4 different plugins:
DeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Gallery_Fancybox::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Gallery_Lc_Lightbox::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Gallery_Box_Slider::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Cart_Items::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Cart_Items_Classic::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner\Cart_Overview::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property codexpert\CoDesigner\Coupon_Form::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: woolementorDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner_Pro\Billing_Address::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: codesigner-pro1DeprecatedCreation of dynamic property Codexpert\CoDesigner_Pro\Shipping_Address::$widget is deprecated
2Plugin: codesigner-pro1
Here’s what the issue looks like in the cart, the top 3 are correct, the bottom 3 have been added when the 4.0.0 update is active.
Edit: Struggling to add the picture so here: https://gyazo.com/2aa3d1da1c7775ce5aea240f330251ea
]]>Updated to 4.0.0 today, page load times went from 1-2 seconds to 9-10 seconds.
There’s something seriously broken in the google fonts integration with the new update.
Just look at the comparison from 4.0.0 to 3.6.1:
This happens when google fonts are enabled, regardless of any other options.
I didn’t get a screenshot of it and won’t switch back to 4.0.0 but all the HTTP calls are for google fonts trying to load on the server side.
Hello community!
I have inherited a website and when I update everything in the cart menu the product images appear quite large. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you very much!