i would like to have small font size for the heading for hero section and added following css but its not working
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.hero-content-style1 h2 {
font-size: 30px!important;
letter-spacing: 4px;
} }
Is there a way to force wow animations (slideInUp) to play on mobile devices? Maybe some snippet? Thanks in advance.
Nearly a year later and the linked to issue above has not been fixed. Looks like I will have to move themes.
A shame as Onepress does everything I need but does have this one issue with Elementor. With versions 1.8 and above, if the home page is opened in Elementor, the home page scroll through functionality is lost, Only the top, hero image and bottom of the home page are visible.
Elementor version roll back does not fix this issue. It looks like something to do with managing the way Onepress handles templates outside of the editor. Fortunately I had a backup.
Today I updated my theme OnePress (basic) and after that the widget broke.
In the section About i use the page view. On the page there is a widget from other plugin (The Events Calendar Pro, The Event List widget). Now I only see the widget’s code.
Could You help me with this issue?
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/BL8LtHs
]]>After the update from OnePress version 2.3.8 to 2.3.10 my Contact Form 7 – forms are not shown correctly when used in Theme sections (except contact form section): I see the label captions and all other text, but the HTML form elements are missing. When I put the same forms on a separate page, they are shown correctly.
]]>I installed the theme in version 2.3.8.
WordPress is on version 6.6.1.
PHP is on version 8.2.18.
All pages can be edited via VC, except the homepage, which has the “Frontpage” template.
If I change the template, the page can be opened in VC. Even a new empty page with template “Frontpage” wont open in VC.
In the Chrome console you can see that the call to admin-ajax.php does not go out like on the other pages.
What could be the cause here?
Best regards
]]>Hello everybody! I’m looking for a qTranslate x alternative plugin using language ISO code as qTranslate x does. You know qTranslate x is deprecated and I can not use it anymore.
I need to translate the Hero section of OnePress Theme and this is not possible for example with Polylang plugin I tried. If it is possible please explain how.
I need to use language ISO code, for example: [:en]english text [:it]italian text
Any idea?
Thank you so much!
]]>I am updating my site to make it ADA compatable. I ran the audit report and one of the major issues is the color contrast ratio from the background of the drop down menu to the drop down text color. I need to set the drop down text color to black but I do not see any place I can update that. Please let me know the CSS to update that text. The main menu text color is fine as that is already black.
My security plugin has reported that there was XSS vulnerability with the them. More details : https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/onepress/wordpress-onepress-theme-2-3-8-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability?_a_id=431
Salve, avrei bisogno una mano.
Il mio menù è fisso ma non lo voglio fisso, vorrei che rimanesse in alto alla pagina che quando scrollo non scende ma rimane in alto.
Esiste un plugin o un metodo?
i want to add a blog page heading and a paragraph before all the posts.
Blog Page
Welcome To Blog Page
How to do it?
]]>Wie kann man die DSGVO/GDPR Bestimmungen im Sektor Video-Lightbox einhalten?
Keins der getesteten DSGVO/GDPR Managementplugins kann ein, in dieser Sektion eingebettetes Video vor Zustimmung blocken.
]]>Hi, how can I disable / hide menu? On desktop and mobile as well?
Thank you for help advise.
]]>How can I hide the hamburger navigation lines in the mobile platform of OnePress? Thank you so very much in advance.
]]>The contact icons appear surrounding by a circle that is too big. How can we reduce this?
]]>Hey. Is there a no cost method to changing the site identity logo for specific pages on a website? For example, I would like to change the header logo on the linked page to: https://www.paul-hayden.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/cropped-BritRatPack-Header.jpeg
I am a novice with WordPress, but I have seen on other support threads that using CSS could be a solution. Any help would be appreciated – thanks!
]]>Hi, I am using OnePress free theme, with Elementor builder for the About Us section. I have the Elementor page set to full width, but it displays boxed (contained) when published into the home page.
How can I fix this? Or is there a solution maybe with CSS?
]]>Zumindest in der Free-Version haben Beitragsbilder keine Bildbeschriftung. Also was man auch immer in den Metadaten einer Bilddatei eingibt – es erscheint nur bei direkt eingefügten Bildern.
Um auch dem Beitragsbild selbst die Anzeige der Bildbeschriftung zu erm?glichen, k?nnte es 3 Methoden geben:
Ich nahm also M?glichkeit Nr. 3 und setzte (an Zeile 28) das in die wp-content\themes\onepress-child-master\template-parts\content-single.php:
<?php if ( $caption = get_post( get_post_thumbnail_id() )->post_excerpt ) : ?>
<p><?php echo $caption; ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
Passt! Noch ein bisschen Styling und fertig.
]]>Hello, can I determine the focus point for pictures, because on mobile or tablet, it should not be in the center, but sometimes on the right or left of the picture. In hero the eye of the woman in the 3. slide. It should be possible with both – hero and sites. Unfortunately, I haven’t found anything on this topic in the documentation.
]]>In den meisten Sektionen kann man nur Seiten als Inhaltselemente nutzen.
Beitr?ge lassen sich nur in der News-Sektion anzeigen, bzw. in der Sektion mit den Icons, wo freie Wahl des Linkziels ist.
In allen anderen Sektionen kann man das nur mithilfe eines Plugins, welches Beitr?ge darstellt, l?sen. Wenn jenes einen Shortcode erzeugt, kann man diesen in eine Seite tun und jene Seite dann mit dem Customizer in eine Sektion holen, welche eben Seiten zul?sst.
Umst?ndlich, aber m?glich.
Zwei Fragen:
1.) ist das die einzige M?glichkeit, um mit der Free Beitr?ge darzustellen?
2.) ist das in der Pro Version anders?
Hi there,
I tried to use wordpress functions to set a feature image to a post, but the thumbnail becomes 1px x 1px . I switched the theme to Twenty Twenty-Four and the image size is normal. Some online topic saying that it might be to do with the theme’s function has override the wordpress function, wondering if it is the case? Please advise, thank you!! The wordpress functions are:
Bin neu hier und teste OnePress grade als Free durch. Ist echt super!
Mir fiel auf, dass in den Sektionen Titel und Untertitel vertauscht ist. Also wie das da:
Titel: üBER UNS
Ich will das aber so haben:
Titel: üBER UNS
Wie üblich erstelle ich immer ein Childtheme und habe mir mal eine Sektion hereingeholt und das im Code umgedreht.
So schaut meine … wp-content\themes\onepress-child-master\section-parts\section-about.php aus:
<?php if ( $title || $subtitle || $desc ) { ?>
<div class="section-title-area">
<?php if ( $title != '' ) {
echo '<h2 class="section-title">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</h2>';
} ?>
<?php if ( $subtitle != '' ) {
echo '<h5 class="section-subtitle">' . esc_html( $subtitle ) . '</h5>';
} ?>
<?php if ( $de ...
Passt perfekt und ist nicht nur SEO-logischer.
Aber man müsste nun alle (vorgefertigten) Sektionen so umbauen, nur wegen der vertauschten Titel / Untertitel?
Bei Updates müsste man diese dann in jeder eigenen Child Version nachbauen.
Gibt es auch einen anderen, nicht invasiven Trick, um den Titel über dem Untertitel zu platzieren?
Danke im voraus!
]]>The demo site has a menu in the top header. My demo import resulted in a hamburger style menu. How do I change this?
]]>Can i upgrade WordPress to V6.5? Is the Theme compatible?
currently im running V6.4
]]>Wenn eine Seite ein Bild hat, wird das nicht angezeigt.
Gibt es eine versteckte Option im Customizer (oder ein Script für die functions.php), um das “Featured Image” sichtbar zu machen?
Hi, I’m Peter and I’m new to OnePress, so I apologize for the beginner’s question., this is:
I know 2 ways to fill in text content into the OnePress:
First: Create a new page ifrom WP Dashboard with blockeditor and then refer to it from the theme in “Section Order and Styling” with “Page Content”.
Advantage: the Yeost plugin works with the “Page”.
Disadvantage: “Duplicate Content” is recognized, the content exists twice, in the files page ans in the startpage
Second: Enter the text under “Section Order and Styling” with “Add new” in “Content”
Advantage: no “Duplicate Content”
Disadvantage: Yeost (and SEO?) does not find the text.
What do you think?
Thanks so lot for your advice.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
]]>Since latest update most of settings cannot be saved anymore! Saving shows always and empty page with “security check!”.
]]>The update of the theme to version 2.3.7. gives an error when deleting a user (shows: “Security check”). When rolling back to 2.3.6. there is no error. Tested with all plugins disabled.
wp_customize->add_control( new OnePress_Editor_Custom_Control
wp_customize->add_control( new One_Press_Textarea_Custom_Control