Hi, I use the theme Overview and I found it very good, I have a proble with the colour of the link.
In particolar, when the site create in automatic a link to another page or site, the color of the link is the same of the color of the background color and is, therefore, illegible.
How can I change the color of the written links?
Thanks and ciao
I need to populate a dropdown list from a SQL or mySQL query.
I have a table of item names and item IDs.
The dropdown list should display item names.
The Item ID is not displayed but needs to be selected.
What approach can I take with a dropdown list widget?
]]>Check the readme.txt file included in OverView and check this page if you need some visual aid.
For any other question, please check this forum first and open a ticket if you can’t find an answer: I’ll reply as soon as possible.