This string uses the?esc_html()?function and is not translated:
]]>Unable to put the footer n the right width on the footer
I am using the OwlPress theme and i want to add a second text line in the below header opening hours info.
I would like to have:
09h tot 20h (Ma-Za)
10h tot 14h (Zo)
When i enter the details with an enter, this is what it looks like:
09h tot 20h (Ma-Za)<br /> 10h tot 14h (Zo)
So the problem is that an ENTER is shown as <br /> .
How can i fix this ?
Best regards
]]>Hello, I’m testing the OwlPress theme, it seems very good for me due to its simplicity, but I have found some problems in the tags. Particularly with the ones in the slider, various tools detect repeated tags, this is especially problematic with h1 tags. can you help me with this? Thank you.