Hi there,
many thanks for the awesome theme, I’m a fan!
One thing I fail to adapt is the width of the header image. On a wider screen the header doesn’t cover the full width of the page and that looks not very good.
I want it either
… to be width: 100%
… to be align: center
, if full width is not possible.
How can I achieve this?
I absolutely love this theme – it gives my website a very professional feel!
However, the only issue I am having with the theme is that it overlaps the post title over the featured image (which is also too big for my liking) for all blog posts. In the example link the words in the image are covered by the title making it hard to read.
Is there any CSS I could use so the posts reads as blog title, featured image below without overlapping and showing a much smaller featured image size?
After updating my theme I got the following error message. I cannot access my page as admin any longer, neither can anyone view my website anymore. (https://prowaldeck.de/)
This happened yesterday at about 12 pm. Could the theme with the previous version I used until yesterday morning be installed again?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare palm_beach_magazine_posts_excerpt_length() (previously declared in /homepages/4/d583359868/htdocs/prowaldeck/wp-content/themes/prowaldeck/inc/magazine.php:43) in /homepages/4/d583359868/htdocs/prowaldeck/wp-content/themes/palm-beach/inc/magazine.php on line 80
In Customizing > Theme Options > Post Settings, the display options do not seem to work. Post date and author are always shown on the front page even when deselected. Categories and comments seem to behave the same way under Single Post Meta. Please help! Website is seismicsoccer.com
]]>No matter what selections or cusomization options I try, Home page and post pages have the empty space with page title in it at top, no images appear. I have elected in customization to show slider on Magazine Home Page (using home page widget) and on blog index page for all categories. Posts in appropriate categories with featured images.
No matter what, no images in the wide bar with page title.
If I open a post, the post image is very big. I have to scroll down to see the content.
I would like shrink the view to the featured post image in a post view (palm-beach-header-image).
Currently the image have a max size of 720 pix. If I shrink the image to 400 pix, this have no effect to the view to the image. This is still 720 pix.
Can you help.
best regards,
Thanks for this greate theme
Is it possible to center the site logo and the menu?
If … can someone tell me how?
Here is my website
Thanks in advance