I would like to create a page that prominently displays 4-5 categories with an image and a short description text on the start page. It should look something like this:
Then various articles on the topics of the title (categories) should be displayed.
I got the perfect-portfolio-pro theme for this, but I can’t get the portfolio to be displayed. Do you have any ideas as to what I need to set or what I am doing wrong? Or do you have a suggestion for another theme that works better?
Thank you very much!
]]>Is there a way to change the settings on the Perfect Portfolio portfolios section? For example the featured images are cropped when viewing the portfolio post. As well I would like a lightbox option instead of opening up a sort of “page/post” with the ability to click on arrows from one image to another…
]]>Is there a way to change the layout of the grid? It would be nice to have a 2, 3 or 4 column layout, depending on how many you have. Or at least be able to control which block of the grid the portfolio appears.
]]>How could I change the hover color of the “view more” button at the portfolio and blog’s section, please?
If it’s possible to change all the hover color settings from the default green to another color in the theme with one CSS edit, please teach me how.
Please forgive my messy additional CSS, I don’t have much knowledge about it
Heading title and some fearure images are positioned to left. How to set them to middle?
]]>Hello, my contact form has some trouble with “send” button. It is not centered. How can I fix this please?
]]>How can I add text to the top of the portfolio page? Above the categories and images.
]]>Hi all,
I’ve deleted the default porfolios and created new ones.
But in the front-end, there is no Call to Action section under each portfolio like the Preview version of this theme. (The Call to Action section is still on the Homepage).
How to add this section automatically under each portfolio?
Thanks for you support!
]]>Hi there,
I have installed the child theme: elegant portfolio. However, I noticed that on single portfolio page, the featured images are cropped.
I’ve had to look into the code, to replace image size to full size:
if( ! function_exists( 'perfect_portfolio_single_portfolio_thumbnail' ) ) :
* Portfolio gallery
function perfect_portfolio_single_portfolio_thumbnail(){
if( is_singular( 'rara-portfolio' ) ){
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
echo '<figure class="post-thumbnail">';
the_post_thumbnail( 'full', array( 'itemprop' => 'image' ) );
echo '</figure>';
add_action( 'perfect_portfolio_before_single_portfolio_content', 'perfect_portfolio_single_portfolio_thumbnail' );
There might be a better way to achieve this, without messing with your code. Can you please provide this with the next update of your theme??
Warm regards,
by default it has a width of 1400px I would like to set it to 1920px
I prefer to use “Project” instead of “Portfolio” and after changing the slug within inc/rtc-filters.php, the actual portfolio page gives a 404.
for example https://www.website.com/project/ works fine, shows all the projects, but when I click on a specific project and it goes to say https://www.website.com/project/luke-in-the-house-of-jelly-radio-fenzes-7/ the page is 404.
EDIT: I just noticed that https://www.website.com/portfolio/luke-in-the-house-of-jelly-radio-fenzes-7/ url works, so I’m assuming there’s another slug I need to change, but where?
]]>I have created 39 portfolio items divided into 1 category and 6 subcategories. The portfolio page is only showing one subcategory, the other subcategory exist (I can open the items from the wordpress backoffice). At first, it showed more subcategories but as I created more, the first one disappeared on the page.
I am trying to add content on the homepage like an image and some text but non of these are showing up when I save and load this page. I can see the portfolio section but no other content. I’d like to create a hero image similar to the demo of this theme right before the portfolio section. How can I do this?
Thank you,
Hi Rara Themes,
I wanted to show more portfolios in portfolio section on the homepage, but in customizing it there’s a limit of only 12 portfolios shown. There is a way to increase this limit or have no limit at all?
Thank you
]]>Hi Rara Themes.
I would like to create my portfolio post a little richer, adding text, gallery and so on using the block editor from WordPress. I want that when a user click on an item on the home page is redirected to the portfolio post and here I have several items like gallery, text etc.
At the moment, I can only create a post with a single image and some text. Every additional image I add is not displayed. There is a way to do that or there is a specific requirement for the image size?
]]>I was able to add CSS to change accent colors but not sure how I can change the hover color on buttons or certain links (in this case a “View More” button and a hover link on an email).
Additionally, how does one remove the search bar in the menu?
]]>I am using Perfect Portfolio child theme Elegant Portfolio the Portfolio image does not display on the home page and portfolio page. What should I do how the image display?
]]>In home page portfolio section and portfolio page the container of images in grid are 400×400 px but the theme is rendering an 800x800px image there, this is happening even in your theme demo. I’d like to render a 400x400px image instead. Is there a way to do this?
Even in mobile the theme is showing that size of image wich lowers the page score and mobile users has to use more data.
Thanks in advance.
When clicking on a portfolio category (for example Photography on your demo site), it displays the page similar to a blog layout (image plus excerpt). Is it possible to display the page similar to the home portfolio page (masonry grid effect)?
Is there any way I can reuse the portfolio grid effect and set it to default to a specific category when going to that particular category page?
Many thanks again!
Is it possible to hide the large featured image on the portfolio posts? Only for selected posts (not every post).
I still want to see a featured image as a thumbnail on the home page but not for selected posts.
Hope this makes sense.
]]>Hi, I’ve installed your theme but have noticed this bug (even on your demo website). Let me explain:
On the homepage (and also portfolios page when you click ‘view more’), when you click on the categories (brand strategy, digital arts, etc) the thumbnails will rearrange and hide/show the corresponding portfolio. However, I notice when a portfolio post has multiple categories they will only show up on ONE category and not others.
For example: the second post in your demo (the one with the wooden building) is in 2 categories, photograph and web design. When you click on the web design button this post is shown with 2 others. However, when you click on photography this post is missing…
Looking at the categories each post should be in:
Digital arts should have 3 posts, however, clicking on the digital arts button only shows 2.
Photography should have 4 but only displays 2.
This bug/glitch also happens on my installation. Please can you let me know how to fix this so that the posts appear in ALL of its selected categories (not just one).
Many thanks!
]]>Even I use corect codes for social icons (facebook, instagram), they are not showing at the bottom of the right menu.
I tried few different browsers, but after opening/closing the top right menu I am not longer able to scrool down to the bottom of the website.
Then I opne/clos the top right menu agains, ant then the scrolling works correctly.
But when I do it again – I am again not able to sroll…. and so on and on. ??
I tried to disable all plugins but it doesn’t helped.
I’ve installed and activated the parent theme, downloaded the child theme and attempted to install that. However, I get an error saying:
‘Destination folder already exists. /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/perfect-portfolio-child-theme/
This theme is already installed.
The current theme has the following error: “The parent theme is missing. Please install the “Perfect Portfolio” parent theme.”‘
It appears the parent theme and child themes are both the same, according to WordPress
Can someone help please?
]]>Could you tell me the CSS code I would need to add in order to change the green colour on the hover, behind the titles and on the menu hover. I would like it to be grey if possible.
]]>Hi Rara Theme Support! I really really love the theme you created.
I was wondering if it was possible to add the portfolio from the homepage to a separate portfolio page, so when a visitor clicks on “View More”, they can see all the portfolio items on the portfolio page.
I was also wondering if there was a way to deactivate the featured image at the top of each portfolio item – it looks great on the homepage as a thumbnail, but when it’s cropped and big it doesn’t work for my stuff.
Thank you!!
]]>Hi! Thank you for this wonderful theme. Its perfect for any freelancer that has less or more things to showcase on their portfolio. I have a question on the footer. Can someone tell me how to remove the “Developed By Rara Theme. Powered by WordPress.” part? Thanks!
I love your theme! its beautiful. I just have one question. My client prefers a different menu above the hamburger menu from your theme. I have now improvised a menu by adding clickable words, and i was wondering if there is an easier way to do this? (i am a bit of a beginner), and if there is a way to hide the hamburger menu. As you can see it now displays both menu’s (although the hamburger menu doesnt work anymore).
Ik hope you can help me,
]]>I’m trying to build a student portfolio site and I would like to have the names of my portfolios visible without having to hover a cursor over them. I attached my home page to my site. When you go to the link, there should be six grey squares on the homepage, and when you hover the cursor over, they’ll tell you ‘photography’ and etc. Can it be done so the text is displayed without hovering? I’m a 1st time WP user so easy fixes are appreciated.
]]>Hi there,
I have noticed that the images I uploaded as a gallery to portfolio post are scaled and enlarged.
Can you tell me where can I edit it in css/code?