I am trying to fix an issue with a website. The content of all pages is squeezed into a narrow column on the left of each page. Happened, when I tried to fix something else (by changing the the template of the Home page in the settings section, but changing back to the default template the content on the website is still in the narrow column. I couldn’t find a specific solution on the web.
]]>ich kann die bilder nicht erstzen sogar auch meine bilder nicht hochladen
Тема Photograph – Version 1.2.6
Стала добавлять в шаблон иконки, но он их не видит. Старые отображал очень хорошо, а новые не добавляет на сайт – их не видно, просто пропуск и они не активны совсем.
Помогите, пожалуйста, что нужно сделать? Значок в теме тоже нельзя просто добавить, как было в других темах – тут только просто ссылка и всё, но она не работает и не отображается. В старую ссылку ввожу новую – так же перестаёт и отображаться и переходить. Помогите, пожалуйста.
how can i resize the main hero image on the home screen
i need to make the image height shorter so it doesn’t take up the entire screen maybe only 50% or 40%
i tried to add many codes i found on the forum but nothing seems to affect it at all.
]]>Hi everyone I use thema Photograph free, how can I order the articles on the home page according to my taste?
thanks everyone for the help
Hello, if i open this Link on my Samsung S8 Mobile with Firefox, i can’t select the Filter – Categories for the Picture on Frontpage. But with Google Chrome, works it’s without Problems.
What can i do? I need ur help.
Best Regards
Is there a way to make your video responding to the width of the screen? At this point, on phone the video is centered and the sides cut off.
]]>Dzień dobry, mam ma?y problem, po zamieszczeniu nowych wpisów nigdzie nie wy?wietla ich daty publikacji… Czy kto? z Państwa spotka? si? z podobnym problemem?
]]>Dzień dobry, mam ma?y problem, dodaje zdj?cia do galerii g?ównej, która wisi zaraz pod g?ównym menu. Niestety zdj?cia które tam dodaje widniej? jako wpisy przy przegl?daniu wpisów, czy mo?na wpisy ?e zdj?ciami zrobi? niewidoczne?
Zdjecia s? dodawane do kategorii gallery
]]>Hello! Does anybody knows how can I translate the word “All” of the Featured Gallery on frontpage? I’ve tryed to translate with Loco Translator Plugin, but it didn’t work. Thanks in advance!
]]>How can I translate the “All” of the Featured Gallery on frontpage? I tryed to translate with Loco Translator Plugin, but it didn’t work. Thanks in advance!
]]>Having problems editing certain parts of the theme, seems like some parts are missing, ie. the logo and header part? Any advice on how to solve this?
Hi there,
There’s no support here. Go to
for support within 24 hours.
]]>Hi there,
Is it true that there’s no support on this theme or am I at the wrong place?
I also went to https://tickets.themefreesia.com/ but there I got the message:
Your access to this site has been temporarily limited by the site owner
Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)
I’m renewing my photography website and installed Photograph theme. It seems very nice and the top bar with the dark transparency when we start to scroll down, so I placed a transparent PNG for the logo.
Logo on top bar with transparency
Now, when I open the side bar, the same logo has a grey background, when the rest of the sidebar is white.
Logo on sidebar and grey background
Is there a way to fix this? I would prefer the logo on the sidebar with a white background, because well, its a transparent file over a white background, so…
]]>Hi, i just updated WordPress to ver5.6 and noticed that the category (tag) buttons in the featured gallery on the frontpage doesn’t work anymore. The rest of the theme functions seems to work fine. Perhaps its a javascript problem with the updated version of jquery in the new wordpress version. Is there someone familiar with js/jquery/isotope who could help figure out this problem?
It doesn’t shows any errors in the browser console, only a info: “JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2”
Can someone help?
I need to know how to change the background image on the Photograph Free version.
I just can’t figure out why I can’t change it.
Any help is very much appreciated.
If the theme has no support I may consider using a different one. Looks like the most recent support responses are from almost a year ago. Which would be a shame because I really like this theme.
if I add a logo to a page which is a bit wider, the main menu is not centered anymore.
It seems it is always centered between the logo and the right side of the page, but not in the real center of the page.
How can I get it in the real center of the page, no matter the size of the logo?
Thank you,
is there a plugin to connect your facebook page and bring out the posts in the articles section?
]]>Hello. I think i have problem with translation in Photograph theme.
I have both translation files (po and mo) (example path for *.mo file on my ftp: “wp-content/languages/themes/photograph-pl_PL.mo” – *.po name and localization is the same) and language set to Polish (PL) in admin panel (Settings > General > Site language).
But i still have English language in some places (for example i still have “View more” in blog page – even if this phrase is translated in po and mo file – i opened it in Po Editor).
Should i do something more than above or my page have an issue or there is something that i dont know? ??
Thank for help! Regards.
]]>I activated the demo template but somehow i can’t find where to replace the image of the frontpage (woman with red dress and showing handpalms). I can only add an backgroudn image and it will be added above menu but this is not what i want. Just want to replace the image of the woman.
I tried to add 2 images to my footer both with the width of 5% and height of auto attributes. It displays absolutely fine on my site, yet on my ‘gallery’ template page which I *think* is designed to be full width, the footer displays fine but the image are 100% the width of the page. I have some basic wordpress knowledge (enough to get the site to this point) but not enough to even begin searching for this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Missing in footer.php : <footer id="colophon" class="site-footer">
I am having problem with featured gallery image view. When you click on one of the five category (tag) buttons, you see only selected categrory (tag) content. Afterwards you click on selected categories image that triggers image view with black bacground. Problem is that navigating trought images clicking on the right or left there is no more category priorities. You navigate throught all images in order that is generated in ALL tag view. Is there a way to filter or arrange images in category order so you could see only selected category images in image view?
]]>How do I edit the text that is already on the default contact page?
]]>The featured gallery on the home page loads really slowly. The problem is that it uses the full image sizes instead of thumbnails.
I fixed it in on my site by editing one of the template files: photograph/page-templates/photograph-template.php
I changed line 122 to this:
<img src="<?php the_post_thumbnail_url('thumbnail'); ?>"/>
I then changed my default thumbnail size to 462 x 275 and then regenerated my sites thumbnails
Hopefully you can incorporate this into your theme.
Also, I tried submitting this as a support request on your site, but wordfence blocked me out.
Is there a way to remove the Menu from top centre of the page? I really don’t like the way that the word “Gallery” moves on top of the Menu, when you click on the arrows on the bottom of the Frontpage image. It just becomes too cluttered.
Also, as the Side Menu is there anyway, I don’t see the point in keeping the Main Menu!?
I’ve tried de-selecting the check box in the Customize Menu options, but that just seems to change it to a default menu and doesn’t actually remove it.
Any help would be very much appreciated
]]>Hello. AWESOME theme! I wanted to know if there is a way to remove the sidebar to allow full-width posts. Just removing the widgets did nothing except leave me with white space where the widgets used to be.
]]>I tried to follow most of the instructions at https://themefreesia.com/theme-instruction/photograph/, but my site looks nothing like the demo.
I tried to import the live demo content the instructions told me about. It says it has no live demo content and invites me to import and XML file for content import, a WIE or JSON file for widget import, and a DAT file for customizer import. I can’t find any info on these.
Do you have any other documentation besides the instructions above?
I don’t know how to get the right bar off of the pages (I only want it showing on blog page, like the demo).
I don’t how to get “Hello World” post off the home page.
I don’t know how to put photos underneath the Contact page, etc., as shown in the demo.
I’m planning to mostly write blogs, but I like well-placed pictures.
I think this is something simple to fix. When I add my social media addresses at the social menu section, their icons are not displayed in any location. I want to make them appear at the side bar, as this theme’s picture show. How can I make this work properly? It is very important.