Any help gratefully appreciated! I need to find out how to make the text in the Menus bold.I am using Piano Black theme.
]]>I’ve been noticing the following warning for the past few WP versions (since 3.3 I think).
PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in wp-content/themes/piano-black/sidebar.php on line 75 and defined in wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 992
The top section of my sidebar widget frame is missing the nice rounded edges.
They only have a Text widget inside with some HTML.
I’ve tried testing to see if it was the HTML code but even just text has the same result.
Any ideas?
see the issue here: Lunar Flight
]]>Any idea why my top banner is being pushed down? I would like it to be aligned if possible.
I am trying to place a flash banner in my WordPress site. the url is
I’d like to place it where the current jpeg graphic is–the two people pointing at each other (silhouettes on white).
I can output the flash file as anything–i.e. mp4, swf, fla, whatever works best.
I have tried using oQey WordPress Headers, KVS FLV Player, and a couple of others. but I can’t figure out where to place the code or get the motion file (fla, swf, mp4) to appear in the that space on the page.
I’m sure these are dumb questions but I could use some help. If I’m using the wrong plug in, or there are easier better ways to do this, please let me know. I should just go through the CSS tutorials but I am up against a deadline…
Thanks in advance for your help!
A user of my plugin Meteor Slides reported a conflict with the Piano Black theme. I tested them together and the jscript.js
script for the dropdown menus is breaking jQuery Cycle in my plugin and others as well I’d guess.
Not sure what the conflict is, I removed this file and jQuery Cycle works fine, but the dropdown menus don’t work at all. You might want to do some testing on that script, but I would suggest having a CSS fallback for the dropdowns so that if JavaScript is disabled the menus still work.
]]>I’ve just installed piano black on a site, having used it on another one. i now only have one sidebar option – no upper, lower, left and right. any ideas? they are clearly showing on the demo!
]]>Hi there! I am trying to change the width of the sidebar to something skinnier. I want to allow more room for page content, does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
]]>Hello there
I’ve shortened most of the pages’ URL and I need to inform people through the Error page when they search for a page using the old URL.
I’ve tried to modify the page.php file (Piano Black theme version 1.5) replacing ” Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.” with “”Sorry, but you are looking for a page which has been removed. Go back to the HOME page and try again using the main navigation MENU to find what you’re looking for: most of the official website’s pages now have a shortened URL.” but it doesn’t run.
Could you please help me with this? Thanks a lot.
I got a question.
Is it possible to put i photo i make myself as a background instead of the original black gray background??
]]>This is the website that I am working on using the Piano Black Theme. My website
I uploaded a plug-in calledDynamic Headers to the said theme.
After working on with some settings and instructions provided by the plug-in, I got stuck to the last instruction as to where will I put this single php quote inside the header.php file as told by the plug-in.
<?php if(function_exists(‘show_media_header’)){ show_media_header(); } ?>
to header.php
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” “”>
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.post img, .post a img { border:1px solid #222; padding:5px; margin:0; background:#555; }
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<div><input type=”image” src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/img/search-button.gif” alt=”<?php _e(‘Search from this blog.’,’piano-black’); ?>” title=”<?php _e(‘Search from this blog.’,’piano-black’); ?>” id=”search-button” /></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?><?php if ($options[‘header_rss’]) : ?>
” id=”rss-feed” title=”<?php _e(‘Entries RSS’,’piano-black’); ?>” ><?php _e(‘RSS’,’piano-black’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($options[‘header_twitter’]) : ?>
” id=”twitter” title=”<?php _e(‘TWITTER’,’piano-black’); ?>” ><?php _e(‘Twitter’,’piano-black’); ?>
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</div><!– #header end –>
I’m not a php programmer and as much as I try to back-up and do the trial and error system to make the plug-in work for the website, still I don’t get the right result. The plug-in actually worked but The new header images I uploaded just appeared under the default header and even making some mess on the layout. Though I also tried to delete the default header image and discard its css attributes, the new header still does not lay unto the right position.
Any programming help? or can you suggest other options as to how I can have a different header images, with no issues to any file types and size format, assigned for my main page and sub pages?