After upgrading a container to image: wordpress:php8.1-apache
, I see the following warnings…
]]>Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/picochic/functions.php on line 202
Is it possible to add additional sites to the social media widget? I would like a link to Pinterest. I suppose I could use one I am not using and change the icon in the php code, but just thought I would check before messing with that. Thanks, love this theme, very clean and easy to use!
]]>How can I display automatically excerpts on the homepage described like here and here ?
I cannot find the right spot in the code.
I want to put the bottom Adsense banner(468×60) just above the sharing buttons in this multiple pages post.
Thank you so much.
]]>I have too many pages and I need the menu bar with the page links on top to be taller, how do I change it? Thanks!!
]]>I have tried setting overflow on widgets to anyhting except “hidden” but it still does not work ??
]]>I got an update message for the theme today but the last date of an update is from march. What are the changes?
Hi, I read a lot of information on this, but can’t find a solution. I don’t have a Home page in the top menu.
The front page is set to posts.
And, Home page is not showing in Appearance: Menu: Pages: Most Recent.
My url is
I created a Page Menu and it’s in there, but it’s not visible in the Pages section on the left. The Home page appears there if I click on View All, but it then reverts to Most Recent and the Home page isn’t visible again.
This is a client’s site and I can’t seem to fix it.
Please help,
What is the best/easiest solution to add pagination support to this theme?
]]>What changed?
]]>I really like this theme but two things have put me off.
First, a page not scheduled to be published until later this year got published upon installation of Picochic. I’m still scratching my head on that one.
The big problem, however, is the fact that I cannot for the life of me figure out why the sidebar is not showing up. I’ve tried both sidebars – left (#1) and right (#2) – completely making one of them inactive with hope that the other would show. Nothing.
And yes, I checked to see the the call for the sidebar had been omitted. It hasn’t.
Since I need to have a side bar I’ve switched back to my old theme but I did want to bring this to someone’s attention.