If you need help for the Picture Prefect theme look here.
This theme is a little complicated to use. I am sorry about that. I don’t use picture perfect any more and so it’s not being updated to make it easier to use. I do have a similar theme that’s updated and easier to use called ‘Sliding Door’
]]>I am using WP-Members plugin and am wanting to add some hooks to the themes function.php, but unable to do so so that I can use the short codes for the plugin. Where do I put these hooks. They look like this.
add_filter( ‘wpmem_member_links’, ‘my_member_links’ );
function my_login_redirect()
// return the url that the login should redirect to
return ‘https://beerandwineconnoisseurs.com/?page_id=104’;
add_filter( ‘wpmem_member_links’, ‘my_member_links’ );
function my_member_links( $links )
// get the current_user object
global $current_user;
// format the date they registered
$regdate = strtotime( $current_user->user_registered );
// and the user info
$str = ‘<div id=”theuser”>
<h3 id=”userlogin”><span style=”color: white”>’ . $current_user->user_login . ‘</span></h3>
<div id=”useravatar”>’ . get_avatar( $current_user->ID, ’82’ ) . ‘</div>
<dl id=”userinfo”>
<dt>Member Since</dt>
<dd>’ . date( ‘M d, Y’, $regdate ) . ‘</dd>
. get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, ‘city’, true )
. ‘, ‘
. get_user_meta( $current_user->ID, ‘thestate’, true )
. ‘</dd>
. get_user_meta($current_user->ID, ‘month_subscription’, true )
. ‘</dd>
<hr />’;
// tag the original links on to the end
$string = $str . $links;
// send back our content
return $string;
add_filter( ‘wpmem_logout_redirect’, ‘my_logout_redirect’ );
function my_logout_redirect()
// return the url that the logout should redirect to
return ‘https://beerandwineconnoisseurs.com/’;
I have added this to other functions.php, but can not find where to add in the picture-perfect theme
I am a complete novice and I screwed up big time. I deleted a widget from the side bar (Picture Perfect) and now all of my content seems to have disappeared! Can someone please check out ParanormalBites.com and tell me how to fix this?
And before you ask, No, I didn’t save the widget info (’cause that would have made too much sense).
]]>I am using picture perfect theme. I have created 6 pages. one of thos is named as “blog”. Now i have “blog” as menu item in my menu. I have chnged by default page to “home” page. (settings -> readings -> front page displays -> a static page -> home).
With my initial condition explained, now my problem is that, i have no way to access the blog (ie recent posts page). I want my blog to appear wen i click on “blog” in menu.
Is there any way i can do this? plz help
Hello, how do I add images to the left menu?