I am currently using a child theme from pliska.
The site is under php 7.4 but when I want to update to a more recent version of php, the site crashes and cannot be displayed.
How to make pliska compatible with php 8?
Thanks in advance
Just noticed on my tablet that the search icon has wrapped to below the menu and it never did that before. Maybe something happened on the last theme update? I can’t even find a place for adjusting the header menus or the search icon in Customizer. Can you confirm if this is an issue with the icon showing below the menu?
]]>I need to change the breakpoint of the mobile menu from 40em to 1081px by adding extra CSS. How do I do this? Does anyone have some relevant CSS code?
I paid the pro plan for one year, but still free version, i can’t download the new upgrade unless pay one more time, its not normal, i send 3 email and messages yesterday, no answer, what should i do !!! i am wasting time and money for nothing.
Can you make the titles responsive on tablet in the next release? They seem fine on phone but run off the screen if the title is long on tablet.
love the theme so far! Thank you.
I did reference the last post about the blog page header but I must be missing something.
I have checked and unchecked the box in customize, made sure there is a featured image on the News (blog) page yet it never changes to that. I have also changed the template to a few choices and purged the cache after each change but it’s still defaulting to one of the main header choices (I have about 5 rotating).
I also have this unchecked: Show the site header image on post archives
Another strange thing is that I’m not able to edit that page with Elementor regardless of the template either? Is that normal?
Regarding the dark mode switch, unfortunately I had to disable it because on one page, which I edited with Elementor using 2 columns, it turned the background AND the text black so it was unreadable. I would like to have kept that option on, but obviously can’t have it doing that. Is it just because of elementor?
And one other minor thing…I didn’t plan on using any sidebars for this site, but I noticed if you search for something, it defaults to a sidebar. Can that be an option in a future release to make it full width? I managed to hide the search icon with CSS.
Thank you for the assistance!
]]>How to set menu area background-color transparent when static?
Thank you
I just started with the pliska theme. I intend to create an e-commerce website.
I do not want any text to appear on my header image. Unfortunately, I am unable to figure out how to remove them. The text on my home page even seems to be some absurd information.
Can you please help me to remove the text from the header images.
hi, search icon dont work on pliska theme , how to fix that?
I’ve been using your very nice pliska WordPress theme. However, I’ve encountered some bugs, and have some other issues I would like to ask/inform you about.
First, the bugs:
These first two problems seem to occur only in WebKit — I have seen them occur in both Safari and Chrome on iPad. They do not occur in the responsive preview modes for iPad or iPhone in Firefox or Chrome on my Windows machine.
* The header image is zoomed in too far. I guess this is the img-overlay
class in the CSS. Perhaps my image is too large (1154 x 497)? In any case, it looks correct in Firefox responsive mode emulating iPad/iPhone but wrong on my actual iPad.
* Blue lines (focus?) appear around the navigation menu when you click an item. After you get to the next page, if you go back, the blue lines are still there.
The following issue occurs both on a real iPad and in Firefox responsive preview mode on Windows.
* When you activate the search icon when the window has iPad dimensions, it opens a dialogue with the search box field but the left and right margins are zero. I guess this is because the margins shrink but the text field length doesn’t. I think the text field length should shrink so there are at least 1 or 2 ems around it.
Second, I also have a couple issues.
I think I can fix these in a child theme, but if there is an easier way I’d like to know it, or perhaps you might consider folding these changes into pliska itself.
* My client thinks the navigation menu is too big on the iPad and would rather see the burger menu appear on that platform. Looking at the CSS, the burger menu seems to appear when the media width is less than 40em. Because this is controlled by @media
brackets, it is hard to fix with WordPress customization in Additional CSS unless I copy a lot of other text inside the curly brackets. It would be good if theme users could explicitly choose a menu style for at least the desktop, iPad and mobile dimensions, or easily change the threshold from 40em. (I think at the very least this 40em figure should be a Sass variable. I think CSS has variables now too, which would be a good fix, but maybe you don’t want to require such a recent CSS feature?)
* In desktop mode, the search icon opens a dialogue that fills the entire window, which is odd for a desktop page. In these dimensions, it would be much better if it defaulted to an inline search field.
* It would be nice if the mobile menu had its own WordPress Location, so it could be customized apart from the desktop menu.
Versions: pliska 0.2.5, WordPress 5.8.1
Hey there, loving the template, and loving the amount of fonts available. My problem, though, is that you can’t change fonts per page or per widget, and so on. Every header has to be the same font, and all body text has to be the same font. So the entire website consists of just 2 different fonts in total. Is that just the way the template is or can I do something about that?
]]>Hi, how do I add a subheading underneath the homepage heading above the call to action buttons (line of text in your site that says “it all started with a single step”) as per this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeLXh8vk_nc.
The heading itself is not showing as a customizable block.
Also, the top menu seems off centre and i am unable to shift it. Is there a way around this?
]]>I need to change the break point for responsive views. you have it at 40em. Normally I would adjust this in my child theme, but you have lots CSS hardcoded in your php files, specifically custom-header.php.
In the next version, can you remove all the hard coded items?
I’m looking for the best way to override this.
]]>Hey Developer,
I am using Pliska theme Since 1 month, Its most beautiful theme. I found 1 Bug in Mobile Menu. When we clicked on Hamburger it just fine, But we clicked outside of menu or Dropdown menu then Page gone to white. You can see here in short video = https://streamable.com/0d7q7i
Sorry for my bad english.
Please fix soon as possible.
I have a problem with Pliska and/or wordpress where sometimes it lets me provide all the requested details for monsterinsights to connect with google analytics, but then (just when I have provided all the data it has requested and then some) it will take me to a page where it says this . . .
Authentication Issue:
We were unable to get the profiles for this Google Analytics Account.
You’ll need to ensure you have a Google Analytics account at https://analytics.google.com/ (this is not the same as a Gmail account) and you will need to ensure you have a property setup for your domain.
If you haven’t done that yet, here are instructions: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-install-google-analytics-in-wordpress/
If you want to choose another account or already followed the steps above: click here to try again.
Error Information (for support purposes):
Error Message: User does not have any Google Analytics account.`
Which places exercise in a stalemate situation. My website is https://kslaw.net.au/services/ and as soon as I click on the “allow” button at the bottom of the page that’s shown in the below “Link to the page I need help with” (the one with the long URL) it transfers me to a page that gives me the above-pasted authentication issue.
If anyone could help it would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
PS: I know this sounds like a wordpress problem but they say it is a theme related problem.
]]>If you scroll down to the bottom half of the page you will see some posts/blogs there. I want to know how I can ensure that more of the actual post is seen when scrolling down, rather than the reader having to click on the title to read it all
]]>Pliska is a lovely theme. Thank you for making it available!
I set background color on some Gutenberg heading blocks, but they don’t show on the front end. I’m sure I may have some conflict with other CSS or plugins, but wanted to reach out to see whether it’s a known issue with this theme.
When I 1st configured my website each page, whether it be “About”, “Services” or any of the other pages, used to have the text that describes the page “About”, “Services” etc etc load in about the middle of the page and then each letter would slide up and then down again creating a kind of wave. When that “wave” was finished underneath the page’s title whether it be “About”, “Services” or any of the other pages the following banner and/or text would appear . . . . .
A Legal Service That Specializes In Assisting Men.
Underneath the words that described what page it was whether it be “About”, “Services” or any of the other pages.
Now matter what I do I can’t get the above banner and/or text to appear underneath the title of each page after it has finished its wave.
Can someone please guide/help me so that I can restore the above banner and/or text to appear underneath the title of each page after it has finished its wave.
I need help making it happen for all the web-pages not just the one shown below in the “The page I need help with” section of this post.
Kind regards
]]>I have been playing around with the Pliksa theme and having a ball. Everything is easy to figure out, even for me. I unchecked the box that enabled me to change the header image on other pages, which I did, however it stated the same header image will remain on the homepage as well as the blog page. Which I found curious: why can’t I change the blog header image? I would rather have no image than having the homepage header image repeated. I am sure I am missing something (there always is). If anyone could help me solve this I will gladly name one of my plants in your honor.
Once again, great theme and a tip of the hat to the developer/s.
]]>this inserts https:// before the “mail to” for the email. Which means for me it does not work and I can’t remove it. My email address iss [email protected]. I’ve been struggling with this for days. Cheers
It’s not possible to scroll down the menu of subitems if there’s a long list of items in desctop view. Works fine in mobile view.
There seems to be a bug in my blog page as the latest post “Nyheter maj 2021” is not possible to access for visitors.
Previous I had “Nyheter 25 April 2021” as my latest post and had the same problem. But as soon as I add a new post it’s possible to access all the others except for the latest post.
]]>“View all posts by” is hard coded in line 621 template-functions.php
Thank you!
]]>Hi all,
I’ve recently installed the Pliska theme and added a header image to my site (note: I’m also using WooCommerce for my webshop). Now I would like to show the product category image when opening a product category page instead of the general site image (e.g. https://www.atelier-collier.store/product-categorie/readytoship/). A bit similar as to the images that are shown when you open a product page.
I’ve already tried unchecking the option “Show the site header image on post archives” but then I don’t have an image shown anymore at all.
Can someone help with this?
Thanks in advance!