After years of working well, my header image disappeared. I have tried to reload it, etc. but when I republish the image, or even a different image, all I get is a gray space.
Ive selected the full-width page template but for some reason the it does not span the entire screen as described in the documentation. The color palette or image does not span the entire screen. Is this how it is suppose to work? How can I accomplish this?
]]>The H1 title on the home page image is too high and covers faces. How can I reposition the title? I have tried change .cover-image h1, .cover-image .spacer and .cover-image-overlay with margin, padding and top but it distorts the header image without moving the h1. The website is
]]>Now that we’ve completed our “spring cleaning” with Flat Bootstrap v1.9, we’d like to get feedback from all of you as to what our priorities should be moving forward as well as specific requests for features and enhancements.
Of course, I have ideas and will share some here, but would like to understand what is most important to our community. Should we focus on releasing new themes, enhancing the ones we already have, making it easier to load up “demo site” content, or making it easier to add cool content? Of course we want to do all of those things, but am looking for help in prioritizing them and for specific suggestions that are important to you.
You can read more about our ideas and specific requests for feedback on our article, Where Should We Go From Here With Our WordPress Themes?.
Feel free to post here or on that article.
]]>Im using the pratt theme with a static front page and static posts page. Right now It does not show any thumbnails unless I add a featured image.
I have a site with a lot of posts and video posts. My last theme (twentythirteen) would show the first image in the post or the video. It used div entry-content and in content.php for it I found
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() && ! post_password_required() && ! is_attachment() ) : ?>
<div class="entry-thumbnail">
In Pratt Im seeing “entry-summary” and content.php I see
<?php // Show excerpt for all but single posts (and pages) ?>
<div class="entry-summary">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
How would I get prat to show first image or embedded video? And what .php files would need to be edited?
Second: if I click into a single post on pratt I am not seeing previous or next navigation links. How would I add these ? In my old theme these were:
<nav class="navigation post-navigation" role="navigation">
<h1 class="screen-reader-text">Post navigation</h1>
<div class="nav-links">
Thanks for the great themes!
]]>Hi I have adapted the Pratt theme as my child theme as I wanted a fixed nav bar, however it does not collapse when I view the site on mobile device or resize the screen, the menu disappears altogether.
My site is
I would appreciate if you could help as I really want to stick with the theme.
There is a down arrow superimposed over the header image in this theme. How do I get rid of it?
]]>I can only seem to get the text summary on the front page. I have selected the full text option in settings -> reading but still it is only showing a few lines of each post. Can anyone help please?
Many thanks.
]]>Hi , thanks for the great theme. I tried to narrow the height of the cover image with custom css: I used:
.section-image-overlay {
height: 50%; /* cross-browser */
min-height: 50%;
Did not work.
I wanted the image to be only 250 pixels high. So I also tried:
.section-image-overlay {
height: 250px; /* cross-browser */
min-height: 200px;
None of this works, What css code would you suggest?
]]>Hi, awesome theme, I’m loving it.
I’m just starting to use the divs sections
<div class=”section color-white bg-darkmidnightblue”>
and its working fine, except all the text has no margin from the bounding box.
how might i adjust that?
thank you for your awesome work.
]]>Hi , great theme! Is there a way to reduce the height of the header image to approx. 350 pixels ? also, how do I move the NavBar to below the header image? Let me know, thanks, Groggo
If I use “left-sidebar” template on every single page it moves to the left on static pages but remains on right on the main (index.php) page. How to change it?
]]>I went into Googles Webmaster Tool, and it is saying that I have errors on all of my posts. The following errors are:
– Missing: author
– Missing: entry-title
– Missing: updated
I have been trying to find some information online, but I have not found an exact fix for this theme.
]]>I am trying to set my home page to display static, but when I go to Settings > Reading and click static, then try to set my home page as the front page, it does not show up. I believe it is because the theme I am using (Pratt) has the home page set as custom. I know this because when I go to Appearance > Menus the home page is custom. Because of the theme, I do not have to add a page called Home. My website is
I want to be able to post something on my Market Commentary page, and have it also show up on my Home page. I want to keep both pages separate.
Also, when I click on my post on my main page it takes me to post and the post name is in the banner, when it should say Market Update.
The theme is great! The only thing I’m struggling is about Font Awesome version. It seems the current one (from Flat) is 4.0.3. May I know how can I use the latest 4.2.0 by myself? There are some new icons.
Thanks again for creating the theme.
]]>I apologize for the repetitive question, but the topic with the same name is marked resolved and there is no real answer to the question. I need to place a logo in the header where the site title is currently positioned (top left). Does anyone care to share how to do this exactly? I realize the code within the header.php file needs to be edited, but I am requesting more specific instruction because I am fearful I will break something.
In the header.php file, I am looking at this section of code. Can you please advise me on what to do to eliminate the site title and replace it with my logo image?
// Collapsed navbar menu toggle
global $theme_options;
$navbar = '<div class="navbar ' . $theme_options['navbar_classes'] . '">'
.'<div class="container">'
.'<div class="navbar-header">'
.'<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">'
.'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
.'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
.'<span class="icon-bar"></span>'
// Site title (Bootstrap "brand") in navbar. Shown by default. Customizer will
// let you hide it if you want.
$navbar .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="'
.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) )
.'" rel="home">'
.get_bloginfo( 'name' )
$navbar .= '</div><!-- navbar-header -->';
// Display the desktop navbar
$navbar .= wp_nav_menu(
array( 'theme_location' => 'primary',
'container_class' => 'navbar-collapse collapse', //<nav> or <div> class
'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav', //<ul> class
'walker' => new wp_bootstrap_navwalker(),
'fallback_cb' => 'wp_bootstrap_navwalker::fallback',
'echo' => false
echo apply_filters( 'xsbf_navbar', $navbar );
This is the HTML I would normally use to place my header:
<a class="navbar-brand" rel="home" href="">
<img width="155" height="50" alt="CandTConstruction" src=""></a>
Thank you in advance for your time.
]]>Is it possible to remove the sidebar altogether?
I love the theme. I need to customize the header, to add a logo instead of the website title. And also I would like to have the navigation like in flat bootstrap theme not inline. Thanks for your help.
]]>The keywords for this theme include right sidebar and left sidebar.
I cannot find how to use a right sidebar. Can you please tell me how to do it?
This is a great looking theme.
However, I’ve got an issue where the “Call to action” and a contact form are stuck on my page.
Previously, I could fix this by adding text widgets (Going Appearence>Customize) then on the pop-out menu on the left I could add a widget.
Now there are no widgets to choose from.
What has happened here? Thanks
]]>That aqua green is not for us. How do you change the link color from that aqua to another color?
]]>Would like to remove this area altogether. Please advise.
]]>I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this theme!
How can I turn off the comments. On main pages I do not want any comments at all. No hint of them. Can you please advise?
]]>Is there a way to set a specific image for just the homepage and a different one for all the other pages?