I wanted more detail on your theme but your “Theme Homepage” is only accessible to UBC members, staff or students with an access.
Please set-up an accessible homepage for the theme or provide mored details on “more functionalities” here on www.ads-software.com?
]]>Is there a fix for the 404 error when posting from a mobile app?
]]>I added the follow bp plugin and don’t seem to see the “follow” text after a new post. I thought it would be right where the “permalink” text is on the right side? I also unchecked the friend setting.
Is there a setting I’m missing?
]]>Hi, thanks for creating the PulsePRess theme, I love it. I would like to replace the blog title text with a header logo image. I have searched through many forum questions & tutorials but still need help with accomplishing this.
I have created a child theme and added an image folder and uploaded my image but I need help with the header code so I can add the image and eliminate the text. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
]]>Is anonymous (non registered users) voting possible to implement?
]]>I love the 140 character limit feature, however, I was wondering if there was a way to increase the character limit number in “edit?”
Thanks so much!
]]>Can you add support for infinite scroll? https://jetpack.me/support/infinite-scroll/
]]>I’ve tried using the “Menus” under Appearance but that didn’t work. Any help would be appreciated!
How can I get front page form to have options on what kind of post I want to post, much like the P2 theme. As it is right now, I don’t even know how to post an article with a title. I only see a textarea form; which is good for status update, but not so for posting an actual article with a title
]]>I’m having troubles with P2 and am looking for some alternatives. I’m interested in what this theme has to offer, but can’t find any details on it, how it works, what features it adds, etc. Is it still being updated/worked on?