When using this page on a mobile like iPhone you will see when going to page 2,3 and so on that page numbers disappear. It are now 30 pages but when you select for example page 2 then number 30 disappears and you can only go up to 8.
]]>I am using the theme Retailer. I have a shop sidebar set up with product filters and on the Desktop, that sidebar shows up on the left side of the page. On the mobile view of the page, those filters are at the bottom of the page under all of the products. Is there a way for me to move that sidebar to the top of the page on the mobile view?
When I click on import of retail theme starter site
I get following problem
An error occurred while fetching Retail Demo file from the server!
Reason: http_request_failed – cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 20000 milliseconds with 519983 out of 529384 bytes received.
I’ve just installed a plugin to sell Gift Cards on my site.
The problem I’m having is that it seems to conflict with the Sticky Add to Cart panel that drops down on my product pages.
While there is a section to complete details for the gift card on the right hand side of the page, it won’t register anything has been filled out unless the details are entered into the Sticky Add to Cart panel instead.
Is there any way I can disable the Sticky Add to Cart panel, so that customers don’t get the form fields twice and the plugin will recognise the details entered into the main screen?
If I can’t disable it just for the gift card products, can I disable it for the entire site?
I’ve looked at the Customizer section but there doesn’t seem to be any option to turn it off in the Retail theme.
I tried using some CSS code to “hide” it, but that doesn’t solve the problem as it still interferes with the Gift Card plugin and won’t accept anything is filled out in the main screen form fields, so I need to disable it completely.
Hello I would like to know what is the ideal size for the images in the slider please in pixel
]]>Hello I have a problem with my theme.
The slider does not unfold completely
I have to press the arrows for it to unfold
Which leaves a white space during the loading time
When the search or Product search is used on my site, the results page show the product images as full sized instead of thumbnails, which means the user has to scroll a full page to see the next product.
I have checked the search.php file for anywhere that indicates how many products are shown per row, but can’t find anything obvious.
Please help me change the layout of the search results page, so that it shows several products on each row.
I had my site customised the way I wanted it, then a major problem hit and I’ve pretty much started from scratch.
I’ve added it all back again but even though I have my products per row set to 5 in the Product Catalogue section of the customisation area, my home page sections and shop pages are only showing 2 products per row and I have no option to set the number of rows per page.
I’m not sure if I’ve neglected to install a plugin or make some other change, but the theme isn’t looking like it did before.
It’s also now showing a full page product image on the single product pages, with the name, short description, price etc underneath, rather than half a page for the image and the info to the side.
I’m trying to add spaces in my Sidebar but when I use the Spacer widget it just adds the text “[tx_spacer size=”20″]” instead of a space.
I haven’t had issues with any other widgets, just this one.
Have I screwed up my settings somehow?
I did update to woocommerce and now on mobile device site looks zoomed out.
menu icon is too small and homepage banner is too small too.
[ redundant link removed ]
Can you have a look.
Hello! How to solve this error? Trying to get property ‘term_id’ of non-object in /home/t/…/…/public_html/wp-content/themes/retail/functions/extras.php on line 191