Hola, me gustaria saber como se puede modificar la portada que viene en la importacion de datos de demostracion, que el ,dise?o que viene de serie no me vale al cien por cien, necesito modificarlo, otra cosa, se puede hacer las diferentes segmenaciones:
1a comprar, alquilar, compartir
2a piso, apartamento, casa, chalet, estudio, atico
3a cantidad de dormitorios, es decir especificar si tiene un dormitorio, 2 o 3 dormitorio
4a cantidad de ba?os, es decir especificar si tiene un ba?o, dos o tres ba?os
5a el precio
6a metros cuadrados
7a segmentar entre ciudades, puebles y barrios, por otro lado para esto ultimo de ciudades, pueblos hay algo creado que solo sea instalarlo en wordpress? o hay que crearlo manualmente, espero me respondais con la mayor brevedad posible
I am using free version of robolist lite theme. I am unable to see sign in and add listing in mobile version. please help me with this. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Im trying this theme and I found 2 problems:
1) login page and profile editing page are WordPress Dashboard, I would like to replace them for designed pages.
2) When publishing a new listing as new user the listing is not published, I get a mail to set my password but no listing confirmation or something. In the options I disabled admin approval and configured users to be able to publish.
Can you help me with these 2 issues?.
Thank you,kind regards.
]]>Hallo all,
Please how do I configure the search function on the front page of the website to be able to search the entire website and not just the posts page?
Or at least how do I make it search Listings page instead of posts page.
Thank you in anticipation of your help.
]]>Hello there,
Please I need your help with these issues?
1. Google search does not produce any result for my website except I enter the full website address. For example if I entered key words of the website, no page from the website will appear in the search results, except I entered the full website address “https://internationalsinhof.de/” then comes results from my website pages.
Please how can I solve this?
2. Secondly, running analysis of “mobile-friendly test” using YOAST SEO produces produces “30 page resources couldn’t be loaded”. These issues are simply listed but no hint on how to solve them.
Please I need your help on how to improve these issues. Thank you in advance.
I will post the other questions in a subsequent message. Thanks for your help.
]]>Is there any way I can make my logo larger with this theme? you can hardly see it the way it is now. Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi! I have a couple of problems with Robolist Lite’s theme.
1. First of all, the Background Image doesn’t appear on the mobile…The preview appears without any problem, but when you check in a real mobile just appears a grey square.
2. In the listing, the space for the address doesn′t adapt to the full information.
3. Finally, in contact form 7 “to contact the business” isn’t working some of the information is missing.
4. I try to contact directly with the provider through their page and start a ticket but is impossible to register, just nothing happen…no email confirmation or a message.
I appreciate all your help in advance.
Best Regards
How do I change “Search Job” become “Search” ?
]]>How do I change Price to Photograph field on this an other output pages.
How can I change the available listing categories in both the main page listing search and in the add listing page?
when we open a particular listing we can’t change it’s template. Is there any way by which i can remove the gallery section that comes in the sidebar?
]]>I imported my demo data into my webiste and I want my listings page to look like the one linked above. I put in a support ticket with code themes but they have been unresponsive.
From my understanding, once i imported the demo data, i was unable to edit this page because they used a custom link in the demo data and they didn’t set up an actual page.
Can someone on this forum help me?
I am also running robolist premium not the lite version.
Thank you in advance.
I am using Robolist lite theme version 1.4.5 and i’m using wpjm to manage the listings. The problem is that when i deactivate wpjm plugin the frontpage search bar disappears. Why is this happening?
Can you set more than one location for a listing? Thanks
]]>Anyone know why the banner image may not be showing on mobile? Thanks
]]>Hi Friends! I hope you’re all staying safe. I am trying to build a directory for maternal health providers however cannot seem to remove myself as an author for the listings. Is there any way to remove this? I have the robolist lite, willing to upgrade if that’s what it takes. Thank you so much in advance your help is appreciated ??
]]>I have uploded the logo in customize> site identity> logo 250×250, it’s well uploded and image size is correct but logo doesn’t show.. anyone knows how to fix it?? thanks
]]>When listing submitted by a registered User through add listing form then, everything ok. But gallery image not show on the listing.
How can I resolve it?
Please feedback…
How to edit color and wording of add listing button on the top right of the screen?
]]>By clicking in the main searcher “All categories” only the first two categories are displayed. The problem is that the dispay bar doesn’t show the LOWER ARROW to move categories down… anyone knows how to fix this?? Thanks a lot
]]>Hello there
I love the theme but when I paste in the descriptions into the listings they don’t show up on the website.
Am I missing something obvious?
I have a website developed by Robolist Lite. It seems within the theme there is an inbuilt function where it shows a “XLOGO Sign In” option which basically when pressed reverts to the wp-admin page i.e. wordpress.com login page. How do I remove it? So far I have tried going to users under the theme and unchecking the show toolbar, I have added some css code but it is still as stubborn to disappear. Please can you offer me any suggestions. Looks like theres little support on the Robolist Lite support group.
Can you suggest a plugin that will do the job or if not as I cannot code at all, suggest how I can add some customized css from the above html code.
Hi, is it possible to remove all the green and replace it with a different color?
]]>I have not been able to get the gallery to work by entering a list of image IDs. I have had to resort to entering the entire image URL. Is there something I might be doing wrong?
]]>I’ve been testing robolist-lite on a local server. I have activated the theme and downloaded the demo content, but clicking the search button on the homepage does not load a new page. Is this something to do with the new version released 3 days ago?
]]>Hi Code Themes
Thanks for making this theme.
I want to add featured list to the home page so I added the featured shortcode [jobs orderby=”rand_featured”] on my front page but it does not show.
Also, how can I make a post featured as there is no button or checkbox on neither the add list form nor the admin end.
Thanks a lot
]]>I need help with add featured inscription in the page. I’m not looking for plugins. I want to add featured inscription in my page and I can’t find where to set it.
]]>Theme is pretty good, but has extra white spacing on footer for no reason. Plus it isn’t fully responsive. The white spacing on footer looks pretty bad and the mobile responsiveness appears to be intentional to me.
Something you guys may consider fixing?
The site using Robolist Lite with WP Job Manager for listing. After the 5.0 WP update, the title (h2) of the single page listing overlapped with the feature image above it. Tried to add space, container, etc. But the problem persists. (Has revert back to the original script)
Not a technical coding person, hope that someone can help with this.