The buttons on my site don’t show text until you hover over them. How can I fix this?
]]>Please note that the author supports this theme via his website through email. So don’t be put off by not seeing much replies here. Support was great once I realized to contact via website. Hope this helps others.
I have a little trouble using this theme (free version) because this theme loads autmatically my selected post featured image (FI) as post background image … I made some tests and found it’s affecting my web’s appeareance when FI is small sized and affecting my web performace when FI is large sized.
I need to disable this funcion in all posts and…. use a default background image por all pages and posts without affecting my posts and pages FI.
Any subjection..??
Regards Leon..!!!
]]>Recently installed your theme and I love it so far. Wanting to get the premium version once I can get everything set up.
I just added my first product and the product image is not showing on the product page. It is just a blank white spot, but when you click on it, it opens the image in a lightbox.
Image does show on shop page however.
]]>Hi, glad i found your Theme, its great!
But is there a way to change the sidebar from right to left?
Greetings dathilzi
I am a beginner developer and I was trying Sabino Theme to test woocommerce and all of the sudden, it came on my mind to change header logo redirection to the another website. And I tried manipulating the header files of that theme but was not able to.
Need guidence. Thank you