I have a problem whit theme Salient News:
Its Menù AMP not visible i have only word Undefined!
in other site whit the same theme is perfect.
I use basic salient-news theme and when I upgraded to the new WordPress version 5.6, than main menu stops working for mobile version. It just writes “undefined” instead of menu items.
Any idea how to resolve this?
Thanks for your feedback,
He puesto dos plugins para insertar un vídeo en las características de un producto en woocomerce y parece que los plugin funcionan pero el tema no deja que se vea el vídeo. Qué solución hay?
thank you for the great theme,
I am facing a problem, when a post has too many categories an error appears.
Notice: _usort_terms_by_ID is deprecated since version 4.7.0! Use wp_list_sort() instead. in wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3853
Thanks in advance