I wanted a very customisable theme so decided to try Secretum. There are loads of things to change but not all of them work/seem to do anything so I am looking for support.
The most annoying thing at the moment it that I can’t change the site ‘identity’, I started off with it showing Sidmouth Twinning Circle and then decided it would look better as The Sidmouth Twinning Circle. I can change it in customisation but when I go to look at the site nothing has changed. I have tried taking the name out altogether and publishing. On looking at the site the name is still the same.
Also when I go to see how it looks in tablet or mobile form I see the Secretume heading and strapline all across it. It does not show up when I use a tablet itself just in customiser. So not very WYSIWYG
However, the menu function just shows up as a pale square with no indication that it is a menu, I can’t find out how to change it.
The sites I have found about it are
But I can’t find anything helpful there.