Hi everyone,
Looks like no one has used this theme in years however I like it so I’m using it =)
I’m using the sequential theme and it’s self-hosted so I’ve had to use CSS to change the colours. I’ve come across an issue that I’m unsure how to correct via CSS.
The primary menu at the top right has a weird purple underline under “Home” and “About” and I’m unsure how to get rid of it.
You can see what I’m talking about on my page here https://www.snackshackvending.ca
I’m hoping someone knows what I need to do to get rid of that purple underline?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi. As you can see on the page I’m working on, the text “This text comes out twice” appears twice, once in each of the two different areas of the front page, but I’ve written it one time.
How can I put different content in the two different areas of the front page as seen in the example of the Sequential theme, with two areas with different texts and different buttons?
Should I do something in the page editor to differentiate the content of both areas?
]]>Nevermind, I fixed it.
I would like to tweak the frontpage.php (in my child theme for Sequential) to display blog excerpts in a 3-column grid in the area just above the footer (i.e. where the blog posts currently are.
Also, I’d like to display the blog post titles on the frontpage. Currently I see only the body text for each post.
]]>I love the grid pages, but I have an issue that I cannot figure out how to fix!
At the bottom of each of the excerpts, we have links for Both:
Continue reading
Read more
It doesn’t look great.
They both seem to be a.more-link
in the CSS, and are in the entry-summary class div where they should be.
The grid page is also not using our page excerpts, but that might just be an issue with not recognizing Yoast plugin excerpts vs. WP.
I tried de-activating all the plugins except Jetpack, and that didn’t fix the issue, so not sure what’s happening. I’ve found a manual work around with widgets, but would rather get the theme working!
Also, yes, this is a website about artificially inseminating honey bees, and it’s pretty delicate work ??
]]>Is it possible to change the drop down menu text colour from white to orange.
]]>Is there a way to force the colour of the tagline to white in chrome. It’s white in safari but it’s black in chrome.
I am attempting to make changes to the “Grid Page” template through use of a child theme. I have copied the code exactly from the existing “grid-page.php” to my own “sample-page.php” with the exception of changing:
Template Name: Grid Page
Template Name: Sample Page
While I would expect the front-end output to look the same, they did not. There is now a large white space on the left of the grid, and the grid is overflowing off the right side of the screen, as seen here. After troubleshooting by eliminating the use of the child theme and making direct edits, it seems that the problem occurs from changing “grid-page.php” to “sample-page.php”, which leads me to believe that there is some specific css targeting going on.
That being said, I can only seem to find two relevant lines of css:
body[class*="grid-page"] .content-area,
.post-type-archive-jetpack-testimonial .content-area,
.widget-area:before {
background: #f7f7f7;
body[class*="grid-page"] .grid-area .wrapper,
body.post-type-archive-jetpack-testimonial .grid-area .wrapper,
.archive .hentry:before,
.blog .hentry:before,
.comment-list .comment:before,
.comment-list .pingback:before,
.footer-widget-area .wrapper,
.jp-relatedposts-items-visual .jp-relatedposts-post:before,
.search .hentry:before,
.site-main .comment-navigation,
.site-main .paging-navigation,
.site-main .post-navigation,
.widget-area .widget {
padding-right: 36px;
padding-left: 36px;
Replacing “grid-page” with “sample-page” within these lines doesn’t seem to solve the problem. My guess is that there is css syntax being used that I don’t understand. If anyone can point me in the right direction for solving this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
]]>I’d like for the ability to add a comment from the main blog page, rather than clicking on the Post first. I’ve searched forums and tried a few things with no luck. I think the suggestions didn’t specify exactly what pages to modify, so not sure if my changes were correct.
If someone might be able pass along how to accomplish this, it will be appreciated.
By the way, this would seem like a great addition to the theme options.
I have a grid of three pages. In the third grid, I want to show the latest blog posts.
Designating the third grid page to Posts Page, didn’t do anything for me.
I also tried a few display posts-plugins, but for some reason they don’t work with grids and the front page :-/
I know my PHP, so bring it on ??
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hello. I want to my blog to have 2 widget areas instead of 3 in footer area. And those need to be 50-50% width. Using the sequential. ??
]]>Hello. I have changed the header color and I have noticed one line that got visable. How can I remove it? (It’s the black line under menu links).
]]>With the sequential theme, is it possible to change the header background (the area behind the logo) to use an image instead of a color using css?
I have seen posts that show this for the body and widgets and was able to add into the css to make those work, but can’t figure out same for only the top. site is ontrackcmo.com.
Thanks in advance!
I got some custom post types, So I have built a custom archive and single files following the WordPress template hierarchy. I wanted to get the same design of Full Width template, So I have copied the same markup, but I have a disgracefull overflow in the right because of CSS rules like that in the markup : body:not(.full-width-layout):not(.no-sidebar) .site-header, body:not(.full-width-layout):not(.no-sidebar) .site-content
The main issue is that single and archive templates are not customizable in the backoffice, so it’s a little bit annoying to can’t apply this kind of template in our custom development.
I hope you will find a solution for this problem.
Thanks for your work on this nice theme.
]]>Hey forum,
I have a little problem.
I have created a parent page and 2 chield pages, the parent page with the grid-template. I have also setted the parent page as the first featured Page for the front page (so it displays under the page with the front-template at the first side).
But at the first side the grid doesn’t appear. When I click on the parent page in the primary menue, it does appear.
Is there something I have done wrong?
It would be very kind, when I get an answer.
Best regards,
[My host is wordpress.com with an premium account, so I can’t edit freely. I can only edit css-stylesheets.]
There is a regression that was introduced in 1.1.2 version of Sequential theme. genericons folders have been moved into a new genericons child folder. But the enqueue of the font did not update the new path.
So I suggest as a patch to remove the second genericons subfolder that is useless.
Thank you
]]>Hi everyone!
Help me, please.
How I can display post excerpt instead full content in my blog?
I have a lot of posts, and each insert ‘Read More’ is very inconvenient.
Thank you in advance
Does anybody know how to add a Background Image Option to this theme’s Child Theme Customizer?
]]>The theme description says that the developers “included a few featured color palettes” to choose from. If I check the screenshots, these are blue, green and grey.
May I ask how I can enable these on my website – https://www.skiphirewarrington.uk/?
According to user musicdoc1 in the below thread, these are not part of the WP premium upgrade plan and he was able to select them.
Right now, if I go to Appearance > Customize > Colors> I have nothing there. I’d really like to be able to change the color of the header and/or of the CTA, as per the other colors displayed in the theme screenshots.
]]>The Grid page is awesome since it populates content from child pages. However, if the body of the parent page using the “Grid Template” is left empty, the Page Title (<h1>
) is also hidden. Very unexpected. I added a duplicate Heading 1 to the body so there’d be a title, only to discover that now I had TWO Titles since the body field was now full and the title displayed as expected.
The core “Display Header Text” option hides both the Site Title and Tagline; therefore, if that option is unchecked (hidden header text), then the “Show Tagline” option from the theme doesn’t do anything. This is confusing!
Short of Core splitting “Display Header Text” into two options (one each for title and tagline), I’m not sure the best route for Sequential. Possibilities:
Two side issues related to this:
Lines 498-520 change the appearance of most input types but leave out input[type=tel]
. I’d add that selector OR refactor the form styles so all inputs have that styles and then opt-out input[type=”submit”] (more future-proof).
Edit: There are also some other HTML5 ones missing like number
I’m using this theme on a site that needs to support people with varying levels of vision. I’ve noticed that both the link color (#83c2bc) and meta color (#a8a8a8) have very low contrast that needs to be bumped quite a big before it meets WCAG level AA standards.
I don’t know if it’s too late to change something like this, but I’d really encourage you to at least darken the link color as that’s a very important color for usability.
]]>I was really surprised this theme didn’t have an editor-style.css
. It should.
I’m sure this isn’t perfect, but here’s a first pass you can use! Just enqueue it and the fonts up in functions.php
I just installed Sequential on a site with Jetpack activated. The Testimonials post type appears regardless of whether the Custom Content Types module for Jetpack is enabled. I have tried disabling/re-enabling Jetpack, and toggling the module on and off.
(Honestly, this feels more like a Jetpack problem to me, but @themeshaper told me to post it here!)
p.s. You should also update the Sequential demo site and documentation. I had no idea it even supported Testimonials until I installed it.
]]>Is it possible to present an archive page similar to a grid page, meaning post (excerpts and featured images) are presented the way child pages are on a parent page with the grid template?
I guess it is possible by coding the but I have no idea how I had to do it.
Any hints are welcome and I’m gladly trying myself after an initial hint or two.
Thank you very much.
]]>Hi Kathryn. ??
I have problem in google web masters tool under google structured data, it gives me this error for couple of pages:
Missing: author (3 times)
Missing: entry-title (3 times)
Missing: updated (3 times)
I have read about this on this topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/googles-structured-data-update?replies=27 , and some of the solutions for this problem it can be found here https://www.lahtela.com/hueman-theme-google-authorship/ but for different theme.
Will developer do some update for this problem or I should make changes based on hueman theme example?
Also when I check code on w3c there are some minor mistakes(not a big deal, theme is free), but it can be changed for future release. Duplicate id=”content”, etc.
]]>Hey Kathy, me again. I have installed Yoast and started SEO for the website – https://astrazlata.rs/. My front page consist of three pages pocetna, knjigovodstvene usluge, promo and I want them to be treated as one page in google search, because I want to optimize entire front page for specific keywords. How is that possible? It seems to me that this theme is not SEO friendy when it comes to that part? I didn’t think about that when I selected this theme.
]]>I haven’t tried this yet, but just wondering if anyone else has?
I wonder what results one would get, combining this theme with this plugin:
Just wondering…
]]>I was instructed to add this to the ‘text editor’ section:
The button doesn’t appear ? this appears: Button