I use the Homepage (Featured). My site is in French language.
I have linked my sections to existing pages, and a button “Read More” has appeared.
How to translate this text please ?
Collection of related questions please…
1. Using Shuttle eMinimal template, first time website maker. Logged in and in the design area it shows under customise and I’ve filled in all the available boxes with 3 pics, link to another page within site and some text to go with it. When I look on a different device or get others to using a pass phrase they are not seeing the features, they are seeing the slider bar at top and a logo of mine that sits below the features.
2. When I go to edit the page I can only see my logo at bottom, neither the slider nor featured displays, is that right? Have looked in forums but makes no sense to me.
I did see this when looking into shuttle… At bottom it talks about a switch, I have tried pressing the switch kinda troubleshooting but seems the toggle is not working as nothing seems to happen. Also, it speaks of a drop down menu for icons, my homepage featured lists 3 content areas where it has allowed me to select pictures from my media gallery.
Copied from the theme documantation.
Add up to 3 featured sections to your homepage. These display only on the homepage at the top of the content area. These can be used to add an icon, title, text and a button to get your visitors attention.
To add a featured section:
Go to the “Homepage (Featured)” section in the theme options area.
Turn on the “Enable Pre-Made Homepage” switch.
Choose an icon from the dropdown list.
Use the “Title” field to add a main message to your featured section.
Use the “Description” field to add more information to your featured section.
Use the “URL” field to select a page from your site to link the section.
A “Read More” button will show if the “URL” field is set.
Repeat the above for each additional featured section.
Don’t want a featured section? Simply turn the “Enable Pre-Made Homepage” switch off.`
]]>I’d like to use a different image for the homepage because it will have ‘Welcome’ on top of the image, but I don’t want the welcome to show up on the other pages. How do I point either my homepage or the other pages to an alternate header photo? Can I plug this in somewhere on the free version of shuttle eminimal?
<?php if(is_page(Home)) { get_header(‘Home’); } else { get header(); } wp_head(); ?>