I have installed the Simple Days Plus theme on two of my websites. The sticky header that interests me does not work for me on the front end of both websites. Generally in customize/header, the settings I make in the layout do not respond to the front end of my websites. What could be wrong?
]]>When I tried to use “hCaptcha for WordPress” plugin and enable Comment Form integration, the layout of post page is broken. I don’t know if it is a problem in the “hCaptcha for WordPress” plugin, or in this theme. Would you mind if you could take a look? Thanks.
on large resolutions (screen width 3000 pixels and more= it would look much better if the header image were centered, how can I do that?
Thanks! MM
I would like to ad text to my header image, but when I do that the picture is “dimmed” it is quite anoying since the image is no longer as nice and clear. In stead i made a header image with the text in the picture itself – but the the text is no longer responsive. Is it possible clear the dimming function orf will you remove it from the theme. Is it possible to add the possibility of adding css code or custom html code to a picture?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
Webサイト へのコメント </title>
<atom:link href="https://mywebpage.com/comments/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<lastBuildDate>Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:37:44 +0000</lastBuildDate>
hourly </sy:updatePeriod>
1 </sy:updateFrequency>
Google が検索結果からコンテンツを削除するには、サイト所有者がそのコンテンツを削除または更新している必要があります。
■(simple days plusの)function.php
// 投稿、コメントのフィードに関するlinkタグを削除
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 );
// カテゴリごと、タグごと、投稿者ごと、検索のフィードに関するlinkタグを削除
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />
記述があれば、の対処なので、simple days plusでこれをやっても無意味ではと思っています。
simple days plusで/comment/feedページを削除するにはどうしたらよろしいでしょうか。
]]>Hi and thanks for the previous solution. I have two more questions unrelated to the previous theme so I start a new topic:
1. How can I remove the gray border around single images in a page? There is no border around gallery images, just around single ones.
2. Is there an easy way to have the logo, header menu end and content box all to align to the same borders, for example to fit within 1200px when on desktop?
Thank you once again for a great theme and great support!
]]>Hi, first I want to thank you for this flexible and highly customizable theme. As I am making a portfolio site, I’d like to widen the content area of the displayed pages (both on the homepage as well as on other pages) when on desktop. The full width template does not work, nor does adding CSS (see bellow)
.container {
width: 70%;
Simple Days Plusの追加CSSは
Hello. I’m trying to set the site title in white. In the preview I see that it is set, but when I save and go to the page then I do not see the title. I use Simple Days Plus. I noticed that this is due to the fact that the title is a hyperlink and settings in Colors -> Header -> Site title on white does not give anything. I have Skin set to Apple Green, but it works the same on every other Skins. I am asking for help in solving this problem.
]]>Hey. The theme is great. However, I have a small problem with him. I installed the Custom Post Templates plugin in WordPress (https://pl.www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-post-template/) to create custom post templates in which custom fields will be placed. Creating templates works. I created my own single-name.php file (according to the instructions) I copied the template-parts folder and the post-order.php files and the newly created post-name.php in which I put the code from custom fields. Everything is tested, but the Attributes of the entry option is not working: Full width, Title and content only, Title and content only without sidebar. How to create a post template for these options to work?
]]>Registered on WP just to say thank! Thank you so much for this theme. I am a non-developer, side hustler. I wanted a very clean light theme with detailed customization. Your theme has provided so much customization for free and has done my heart good. I had to come here to say thanks. I can only hope I’ll be able to payback somehow.
I guess this theme isn’t optimized for ecom website. However, the simplicity and utility of this theme make me want to use it for my website. I will be using this theme for my e-commerce website. Any warnings or heads-up before I go live? I would like to know the difference between ‘Simple Days’ & it’s child theme ‘Simple Days Plus.
For some reason, I can’t change any colors of the theme at all after the latest update.
Also, my header menu items are stuck on transparent, rendering the menu itself invisible!
You can now see that my menu starts by being transparent and I can’t change its color.
firstly, thanks for your hard work for this theme. i think it looks okay on my home page now ??
I have two questions please:
1) I want to change the colours of the post itself (header colour, box background colour, font colour, etc.) how can i do this?
2) I want to remove the “Previous post” and “next post” section – how do i do this?
thanks in advance!
My first Issue is that I am using PDF Viewer: “PDF Embedder” plug-In and I would like to use the complete wide of the page ( to read the PDF in all Screen) . Can I do that ? (expand it).
Thank You
I’m unable to use many of the Google Fonts.
Appearance > Customize > Site Settings > Fonts
Google Fonts Selection: I have tried to use Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Open Sans, and Open Sans Condensed. Everything is changing to the same serif font.
One Google font that does work is “Abel”. But I don’t want to use that one.