Rating: 5 stars
Hi everyone, I’ve given the Sliding Door theme a bit of an update.
Nothing major, just to bringing it in line with the latest WordPress releases.
The main thing is I’ve removed the auto installation of the ‘page links to’ plugin so if you use that you can add it in yourself. It’s not necessary to the theme.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I really love this theme, the graphic I mean, but there are some unforgivable mistakes:
1) is not compatible with woo commerce and if you want to integrate it, the result is not ideal and time consuming, plus your nerves!
2) there are no sidebar options
3) some other issues with updates
Rating: 4 stars
I’m using this theme since three years an d am still delighted. The learning curve in the beginning was a bit steep but now I get along well. Thanks!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
It lacks a few features that I think should be normal and perhaps it’s just that I haven’t figured it out yet. Like, there should be a way to include a Header image with your site name and tag line over laying it but there doesn’t seem to be. There should be a way to include a Logo but there doesn’t seem to be.
The ability to adjust how many sliders you have should be adjustable without touching the code and isn’t.
Besides those few complaints (let’s face it, that’s not really very many.), this theme is pretty great. it does everything I need it to do except for the Logo but I will figure that out.
Good job guys!
]]>Rating: 4 stars
4/5 is Good , if 5 star (responsive) Perfect.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I had to rebuild someone’s site that was originally similar to this theme. It’s fairly easy to work with. There aren’t many options, so if you want something lightweight and simple, then this one may work out well.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I deleted a Sliding Door Slide and Page from the Sliding and Primary Navigation menus. I replaced it with a new page and updated my media with the intended sliding door picture. It is the 4th slide. The slide is white / blank. The picture I want to insert doesn’t show. For my other 6 slides, In the past, I selected “use as featured image”. This option is not longer visible.
Back in 2012 I decided to use Sliding Doors. It is not a user friendly theme unless you are familiar with code (CSS). I am not and therefore, have depended on the steps offered by other users in the FAQ of the author’s site. To find any useful information, I have to spend hours sifting through FAQ’s that are not pertinent to my issues. The author, Wayne, has not made any notable contribution to support current issues; but he does chime in from time to time providing a link back to the FAQ’s on his support site. These links point to outdated answers and are of no use with the current version of Sliding Doors. Case in point: A pictorial on how to add a picture to the sliding navigation menu stating to select it as a featured image…which I can no longer find. There are no comments on updates or changes made in this area.
If I get a response to my above question in the next 24 hours, I will update my review and increase my rating.
Rating: 4 stars
Just wont to say Thank you! I like your theme and enjoid making site for furniture.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Using it for a sort of directory site. Very pleased with how it is working. Thank you.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
the best themes, nice,cool,artistic themes.thanks for creator!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I do not know what was my problem but I have hard time to make the sliding menu to work.
Well, finally figured out:
1) have regular menu for the main menu and give it a name
2) create a menu with 7 options (select your favorites for the main menu
3) select the main menu with the first menu
4) select the sliding menu with the second one.
6) Upload the 7 photos to the library
7) go page my page and in the right size of the editing page click set select figure photo or image
and repeat step 7 for each page that are going to be presented by the sliding navigation menu. Great!!!