Slider and Services section is not working with update to transportex 2.0 and the new plugin Icyclub. I downgraded it. Waiting for update.
Best Regards.
Hi, On my web site mobile menu can’t showing. Also I can’t see colors option in my theme editor.
I have transladed my whole Website and now I need to translate a last thing, which is the header – with the name of the company, phone Numbers, address of the company, opening hours and the rectangle “Demande de devis” to “Quote”. I need it to be written in French with the French menu and in English with the English menu
How can I do ?
I am trying to change the color of the theme Supplier I have chosen for my website
I am doing a website for a business of Transport and Freight and The main color of the theme is red
I would like to turn it to green
Do someone know how I can do ?