When I view the website horizontally on my iPad, it shows a mobile menu symbol but will not load a menu. When I view vertically on the IPad, it shows normal menu. What’s going on?
I have a problem with My account page for subscriptions.
We choose Stripe as payment provider. But fields to enter card details on My account / add-payment-method/ are to thin and one cannot see the numbers entered nor enter them.
One page of my blog appears not to be displayed correctly on mobile. How can I give this page a better look on a mobile?
Thank you very much for your assistance.
After migrating my blog from blogspot.com to WordPress I recently posted my first post in WordPress. Unfortunately the comment area is not displayed. I’ve checked and checked all options but I can’t get it attached to my post.
Note: all comments in posts before December 17th 2022 are imported from blogspot.com (so these don’t count ;-))
Any help would be much appreciated!
]]>Hi there,
The footer displays the site title after the copyright sign. How or where can I change that?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Karin de Vries
We just licensed The Box for our site and are very pleased with its performance. Just one question after getting it set up. Our previous theme displayed related posts at the bottom of a post. We were able to tell it to display posts in the same category/sub-category as the post being viewed.
I notice that The Box displays a Post You May Also Like which is in the same sub-category that is being viewed, and that is good. Then, below that, links are displayed for two posts which seem to be taken at random.
Is there a way with this theme to limit the posts suggested to those in the same category and sub-category as the currently displayed post, or does this function require use of a separate plugin? If so, can anyone recommend such a plugin that they like and works well with this theme?
— Dave
My website is https://goo.gl/dfaau5
@tahoerock helped me in hiding tags on home page in past. Her is the link https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-hide-tags-on-front-page/
Today those removed tags are visible again on the homepage.
What i need to do here?
On the home page side bar, the “>” bullets appear as “f”. And under the posts, the “Leave comment” bullet appears as a “J”.
I am not using a CDN. Nor am I using any plugins.
The bullets on the post pages appear to work fine.
]]>Ian getting an error message for the footer: its at the end of the footer code. I believe something was removed the message is and unexpected end of file syntax error message:
here is the full footer file:
* The template for displaying the footer.
* Contains the closing of the id=main div and all content after
* @package The Box
* @since The Box 1.0
</div><!-- #main .site-main -->
<footer id="colophon" class="site-footer clearfix" role="contentinfo">
<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ) ) : ?>
<div id="tertiary" class="clearfix">
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ); ?>
<div class="col-6">
if ( has_nav_menu( 'secondary' ) ) { ?>
<nav id="footer-navigation" class="footer-navigation">
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary', 'menu_id' => 'secondary-menu', 'container_class' => 'menu-container', 'depth' => 1 ) ); ?>
<?php } ?>
</footer><!-- #colophon .site-footer -->
</div><!-- #page -->
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
Here is my website Inner post URL: https://hdmotionmovies.com/action-movies/kong-skull-island-2017-full-movie-download/
I want to have “Related Posts” under the post tags. How can i do that? Can you suggest me any other “Related posts” plugin? or can we shift the current related posts under the tags?
Woodbox Media
Here is my website https://hdmotionmovies.com/
I want to remove the Tags,Categories and leave a comment option from Homepage. How to do it?Also can we remove the calendar from the homepage?
I have tried to download a couple landing page plug-ins but they do not show up in Box theme. Which landing page plug-in can I use with The Box Theme?
Thanks much,
the new version 1.4.4 of The Box Theme is a major release.
We updated some functions to follow new WordPress standards.
For users who use Child Themes:
you can get some errors or notices.
we suggest to copy the new files from the 1.4.4 version and re-apply changes to the code.
actually I am using your sweet template for an internal blog.
Using different browsers, completely wrecks the design of the template though.
CHROME and FIREFOX show the site perfectly right,
but IE11 + Edge browser show the navi bar without clour, size is wrong and all in all it doesn′t seem to use the css design.
Do you know this, is there a way to fix this ?
Please check the added screenshots showing the problem.
IE + Edge , bad layout:
CHROME + FF good layout:
using WordPress 4.4.2
The BoxVersion:
Had that problem ever since using this ! ( very early version already )
To delete and reinstall I did not try by now, you think this might help !?
Best reagrds and thank you in advance !!
I’m currently making a blog using www.ads-software.com, and i stumbled across a theme called The Box which is awesome, however, it doesn’t show the full posts and has a Read More on a post. I attempted removing Read More, but the text isn’t formatted properly and it doesn’t show fully:
and it should show like this:
I’m getting really desperate here, and if anyone could help, i’d kindly appreciate that.
Thank you in advance.
I am using a free version of your theme. I’ve been trying to change the excerpt length but with no results. I looked through all the theme’s php files I could think of, and I found some settings in content.php.
So I changed the number on this line:
<?php thebox_excerpt(500); ?>
And some of the excerpts now have 500 characters and some 200. I cant understand why. What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>I see from the included code that you’ve got support for Infinite Scroll in the plugin, however the pagination still kicks in after the first page of posts when this is active. Can this be fixed?
]]>This is with regard to the image shown for a post on the home page and for archives, etc. At the moment, it seems to resize for the height – this means a square image has lots of whitespace either side. Is there a way to resize it for width and then, say, top/bottom?
Also, the compression on the images appears a little high. Can that be changed?
]]>How do i resize that?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hello, I am using your The Box Plus theme and would like to know if is possible to have different layouts on different pages? For my blog I am using the sidebar layout, but for the pages I created I would like to use no sidebar at all.
Any advice how this could be managed?
Thanks and best wishes.
How do you make the custom background image responsive for theme The Box? Currently it is not responsive.
Website: https://c08.ffb.myftpupload.com
Thank you for any suggestions!
in the postss i make the excerpt function shortens the posts way to short i prefer to see the whole post but the overall Settings>Reading>Show Full tekst option doesn’t work the way i suspect, it allways shorten the posts also if we don’t add and <read more> tag
how can i adjust the code or the options in a way that the whole post will be shown the way i would like
]]>I have The Box 1.4.1 installed on a WordPress network running 4.3.1; on one blog, I can change the header text color without a problem. On another blog, however, changing the header text color updates the theme options in the database, but the change is not displayed in the browser. I have tried clearing my cache, and using several different browsers — updated versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on OS X. I have also tried clearing out the theme mods in the database, changing to another theme and then back, all to no avail.
Header text color change works on: https://blog.richmond.edu/uspoliticsrace
Header text color change does not work on: https://blog.richmond.edu/moneypoliticsprison/
The options.theme_mods_the-box row for the blog that doesn’t work includes the following:
Unfortunately, updating WordPress to 4.4 is not an option; we are an academic institution and cannot do a major software update this close to the start of our semester.
The Events Calendar plugin overhangs the right side of the main content area. Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you in advance.
]]>How do I change the color of the “Hyperlink” within the article?
Can anyone help with setting up a blank page template? I need help with the code for the page itself.
Thank you in advance.
]]>As of September 1st, my feature images have disappeared and i have lost the option to even use Feature Image. Not sure what happened. Please Help?
]]>The slider doesn’t seem to…slide. Its a static picture. Also it move to every page.
Is there a way to replace the slider with a plugin version? Is there a way to keep it just on the front page above my posts?
]]>My posts are void of a comment section and I can’t figure out why. I tried all options in settings>discussions and can’t get it to pop up. Now my social sharing disappeared as well (not as important). What am I doing wrong? I use the same theme for https://dutchsoundsoff.com, and comments work fine. I have been looking through forums and testing ideas, but nothing is working. Please help.
Thanks, Dutch
]]>I’ve got an up to date Premium Version of The Box.
I don’t like the height of the footer and would like it to be the exact same height as the menu so they match identically.
When I fiddle with the CSS for the footer there is no change to the height.
Can any one point me in the right direction for changing the footer height?