Hello everybody,
Could I get some help figuring out how to change the ‘welcome page’ on a site using the ‘Thematic’ theme?
I know the issue may sound very simple, and please believe I’ve tried everything, but I can’t see how to change it. I’ve gone to Appearance -> Customize -> site info, and change to the desired name, but it doesn’t update what we see on the homepage…
I’ve cleared the cache as well. Tried it on different computers.
I’ve gone to the Theme Editor and see if there’s something to change in the CSS code, but haven’t been able to find where to edit the text…
The ‘welcome page’ also has a footer mentioning the original web designer, but I can’t find where that text is. Does anyone have a clue?
I’ve looked at several topics but have not yet been able to find a solution to this problem.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I have a problem on a website I’ve made a couple of years ago. The website is a child theme based on the Thematic theme.
The website has 3 main pages: under construction, projects and office. The problem is with the “office” main page and its subpages. At the bottom of each of these pages a list is showing of the posts that are filed under the category “under construction”.
Up until recently this was not happening and the list was, as intended, only showing on the “under construction” page.
I have not made any changes to the structure or code of the website. And I have no idea as to why this is happening.
I would really appreciate and could use your help resolving this problem.
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Hi there, is Thematic safe to use with the latest versions of wordpress and plugins?
I have thematic 1.0.4 (using a child theme), and lately I started getting the text “Missing Attachment” just below the post title and above the post contents, in my custom post type posts.
Actually now the <body> tag of this page has the class “attachment” and “single” together.
I switched to other themes and everything showed correctly, and when I switch back to my thematic child theme or theme theme, I get tat message and the whole page is seen by wordpress as attachment.
I tried a bit of debugging and found that if I delete the following lines from wp-includes\query.php in function is_attachment($attachment = ”), then it works ok (I know that’s not the solution, but just in case it helps). The lines I deleted are:
if ( empty( $attachment ) ) {
return true;
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
My client uses a child theme of Thematic, which was created by another designer. I am working on some changes to this child theme. One of the changes is making the navigation bar fixed, as it is on my site (which uses a child theme of Enfold by Kriesi).
In Firebug, I was able to move div id="access"
(which contains the main navigation menu) above div id="branding"
(which contains the logo; after this and the header div are closed, the main div starts). From there, I was able to make the navigation bar fixed in Firebug. Some issues persist with that, but we seem to be on the right track.
How would I be able to move the navigation bar above the branding in the theme code?
I have noticed a lot of error logs coming up on my hosting. After looking through it these logs match with the access logs. everytime a user/crawler visits the site it throws this error.
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'thematic_access' not found or invalid function name in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 505
Would anyone have any suggestion in regards to this?
Hello everyone,
I am trying to utilize the area of the left side bar in Thematic Theme. I want to put three geometry shapes(squares)in a column on the left side of the page. Can anyone help me? Is it correct to edit the “page.php”?
]]>When content on a page has a hyphen (Mon-Tue) and reaches the end of a line, in IE, Chrome and Safari the hyphen breaks and Tue drops to the next line. In firefox the hyphen does not break and Mon-Tue drops to the next line.
I uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and that did not make a difference.
In Css I tried numerous ways of trying to get the hyphen to break – word wrap, overflow wrap, word break … In one test using the word some-thing I tried word break normal and the hyphen didn’t break, and then when I put word break break word in css it broke like this:
Also, in content when I add spaces between words the white spaces do not collasp. It’s what I want, but I don’t know why its happening.
Any help would be appreciated.
Using the thematic theme’s default fonts, I am trying to have all the numbers be the same size and line up the same as letters do. I tried using the following CSS in my child theme and making adjustments but nothing happens.
sub {
height: 0;
line-height: 1;
vertical-align: baseline;
position: relative;
sup {
bottom: 1ex;
sub {
top: .5ex;
Thank you for your time
On my website ( test1 ) I use Thematic Theme 1.9.2 with two sets of child pages. Thematics default child theme is set as the active theme. Using the WordPress plugin Device Theme Switcher, Child’s Play responsive child theme is set as the handheld theme. From Appearance > Editor I can select Child’s Play and access its style.css and function.php files. Using two sets of child pages allows me to make distinctions between the desktop/tablet and mobile version of my website.
The mobile version of my website is view only. In the Child’s Play style.css file, my website forum’s login widget is display:none. After posting to this forum the issue I was having with my website’s Forum page title being a link to itself and the additional link in the breadcrumbs on the Forum page also being a link to itself, I was logged into test1 and test1-nlcf and noticed the forum login widgets in the primary aside of both sites disappeared. I reacted by shutting down both sites and the browser. I logged back into both sites and reinstalled the forum login widgets from the available widgets area, and when I viewed the sites on a mobile device the forum login widgets were visible. I then noticed the forum login widgets that disappeared were in the inactive widgets area so I installed them in the primary asides and when I viewed the sites on a mobile device they were not visible. Now, the bbpress login widgets that are installed in the primary asides are not visible on the mobile version of my site. When I remove them and install the bbpress login widgets from the available widgets area, the bbpress login widgets are visible on the mobile version of my site. This is one of three issues that could prevent my website from being a website on the internet. The other two I posted to this forum without success.
I tested a dev version of Thematic 2.0 and ran into problems and will wait until it is in the www.ads-software.com directory before testing it on my site, but it appeared that maybe I will not be able to use two sets of child pages with Thematic 2.0. This would probably mean that I would not be able to have a view only mobile version of my website. Would I be allowed to use two sets of child pages with Thematic 2.0 ? If not , would I be allowed to continue to use Thematic 1.9.2 with two sets of child pages ? Do you know of any changes to wordpress, the theme or child’s play that may occur that would prevent me from continuing to use two sets of child pages?
I am truly sorry about this situation. I would prefer to go about my business and leave others to go about theirs but for some reason that is not the case. I believe my website will be a website on the internet. The question now for me is the path.
Thank you for your time.
WordPress 4.0 has been out for some time now. You had posted that Thematic 2.0 will be released by Aug/Sep.
We have been holding a few websites / tasks for this release. Please inform the date when you will launch Thematic 2.0 framework theme?
Please let me know if I am not posting to the correct forum.
Using Child’s Play responsive child theme, on the mobile version of my website the primary and secondary aside (3c-r-fixed-primary.css Test1 )appears below the page content. On the forum pages on my site the secondary aside intermittently drops down so it is no longer lined up next to the primary aside. ( more often then not it does not drop down)
I tried to determine under what circumstance the secondary aside would drop down. On a mobile device, I could navigate to a forum page and it would be dropped down, and then I could navigate to another page and then back to that same forum page and it would not be dropped down. Sometimes the secondary aside would be dropped down below one forum page and another time below a different forum page. I spent an enormous amount of time looking for a pattern or some kind of consistency to determine under what circumstance the secondary aside would drop down without success.
The primary aside is float left and the secondary aside is float right without any margin between them. When I view my website on a smaller mobile device (and the secondary aside is not dropped down) the asides move closer together. In Child’s Play style.css, putting display: inline block and vertical-align: top in both the primary and secondary aside gives me the best result. The secondary aside still drops down but less often.
Because it appeared the secondary aside was only dropping down below the forum pages, I assumed it was related to the bbPress forum on my site so I posted this issue on the bbPress support forum.
Recently I was logged into test1 and test1-nlcf working in the Child’s play style.css file spacing the widgets in the subsidary and saw that the secondary aside will also intermittently drops down on a mobile device when it is below content on my site that is not a forum page. According to how I believe files load on my site ( wordPress, theme, 3c-r-fixed-primary.css, Child style.css, forum )I followed the path of how margins are set for the asides and other elements to see if I could find something I did in Child’s Play style.css that could cause the secondary aside to intermittently drop down without success.
Any help preventing the secondary aside on my site from intermittently dropping down would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
I didn’t know which forum to use.
I am using theme version 1.0.4 and have installed a bbPress forum Test1 The Forum Page page title is a link to itself and there is an additional link in breadcrumbs that is also a link to the page it is on. I previewed the Twenty Ten theme on my website and the page title was not a link and there was not an additional link in breadcrumbs.
I have searched the forums and google to see if this issue has been addressed already without success.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time
]]>When the time comes to update an existing website from Thematic 1.x to Thematic 2.0, have you done any testing with sites that are using the Thematic HTML5 plugin? What will the process involve?
Will we need to disable the Thematic HTML5 plugin or keep it? If we need to disable it, will we need to do that before or after updating the theme (or won’t that matter)?
Will modifications be needed in our child themes?
If our child theme contains functions for modifying HTML5 elements (as I think Scott Nix’s Responsive Base child theme does?), will those modifications continue to work or will they need to be updated too in some way?
Should I be asking this question on the Thematic HTML5 Plugin forum instead? ??
]]>For some reason the appearance of my Thematic website has changed. It’s here edulisgardens.com. It was normal until yesterday. Maybe this is the mobile version of Thematic? It looks a lot like the Sandbox Theme, very basic, without the normal Thematic menu bar boxes. I really like Thematic so please help ASAP! I deleted the theme and re-installed it with no result.
Thanks so much,
[email protected]
I’d like to link my website to my Logo located in the header section of my website. I’m using Thematic and can’t seem to find how to do this? Can someone please help? I am using a child theme.
]]>I’m experiencing a problem with this website built on Thematic: https://happykidssongs.com.
The site is using a custom header, but when I enter the site title and tagline in the General Settings, the text is displayed over the header. I would like to know how to turn that off.
When I log out of my website on the right side of the admin bar (below howdy) I do not have a problem.
When I log out using the theme options log out link [loginout-link] I do.
I do not believe the above [loginout-link] url with the redirect is the default url. I can think of two ways this could have happened. only two?
I have spent quite a bit of time in my cpanel looking for the url in a plugin and in my WordPress and theme files.
Thank you for your time.
]]>Will there ever be a responsive version of Thematic, so that websites can display better on mobile devices?
]]>Hi –
Long time Thematic user and developer here, but I am kind of stumped.
Have latest THematic version on an fully updated (WP 3.9 and current plugins) site where publishing a post always put it on the post index before. No child functions or CSS is interfering. But now, the posts will only appear if they are set to “sticky”.
Is this a problem with newest WordPress versus 1-year old Thematic? Anyone else have the problem?
Thanks –
I’ve been trying to get my drop-down navigation menu centered under my logo/over the body text for literally weeks now. I’ve got it to appear correct now on Chrome for Android, but not in Firefox, Chrome, or Firefox for Android. It’s off to the left. I know there are a zillion posts on this very topic, but after trying every idea I’ve found to no avail, it’s clear to me that I need some specific help. So much appreciation for anyone who can help me!
Here’s the CSS:
#access {
border-bottom: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
width: 50%;
margin: 0 auto;}
/*** NAV MENU STYLE ***/
.sf-menu a:link {#000000;}
.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited {color: #000;}
.sf-menu li {
.sf-menu {
.sf-menu a {
padding:9px 13px;
.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/
.sf-menu li {
.sf-menu li li {
.sf-menu li li li {
.sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {
outline: 0;
border-bottom:0px solid #9e9e9e;}
.sf-menu li:hover ul,
.sf-menu li.sfHover ul {
top:34px; /* overriding essential styles */}
.sf-menu ul ul {
.sf-menu ul a {
.sf-menu ul a:hover {
color: #000;}
#menu {
margin:0 auto;
border: none;
position: static; top: 10px; right: 10px;}
#main {
margin:0 auto;
padding: 40px 0 22px;
#main-nav .nav > li > a:hover, #main-nav .nav > li.dropdown.open > a, #main-nav .nav > li.current-menu-item > a, #main-nav .nav > li.current-menu-parent > a, #main-nav .nav > li.current-menu-ancestor > a {
background-color: #666666;}
#container {
margin:0 0 0 10px;}
#content {
margin: 0 240px;
I copied the “thematicsamplechildtheme” directory into /wp-content/themes, network-activated it, then went into one of my sites and made “A Thematic Child Theme” the active theme. Upon doing so, widgets disappeared from the public-facing portion of the site, and the “Appearance” menu in the back-end now shows only “Themes” and “Customize”; missing are “Widgets,” “Menus” and “Theme Options.”
When I make “Thematic” the active theme, all of these problems go away. Completely stumped. Anyone?
I would like to align some of the 3th ul’s in the menu to the left of the 2th ul. Now they are to wide for the page and a small screen can’t view the links in it.
But I have no idea how to do it.
Can someone handy please help me out?
url is: to the website
Thanks a lot!
]]>I just inherited a site that uses this theme or framework. Where do I go to find documentation for it?
I’me using “thematic” theme with “responsive base” starter child theme.
I tried to add a home link on the menu with this hook :
function childtheme_menu_add_args($args) {
$blog_title = get_bloginfo();
$args = array(
'theme_location' => 'primary-menu',
'show_home' => $blog_title,
'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
'menu_class' => 'menu',
'echo' => true
return $args;
but nothing happens.
When i use the hook within any menu created in WP, the hook works fine.
When i add a menu in WP in primary, nothing happens.
it’s like the ‘theme_location’ isn’t active.
Thanks for help …
]]>I installed an update of Thematic to our wordpress installation, but it has messed up the child theme and our website no longer functions properly.
Unfortunately, I didn’t properly back up before updating, so I can’t restore from the backup directly.
Is it possible to get a download of a previous version of Thematic that I can install?
(I would like to fix it so it works with the current version, but right now I just need to get the site working and reverting to a previous version is the quickest way.)
]]>I’ve been working on my first theme for WP with thematic. I don’t have much experience with PHP or CSS. But the code and design is clear enough to learn fast. I understand the functions and hooks. And modified alot of CSS to match my design.
But I keep struggling with implementing a new div. e.g. I want to add content to the footer. So i simply copy the PHP code for #siteinfo (in functions.php, add it to my childtheme’s function.php. And I add some content to that div.
Then I copy the CSS for #siteinfo and copy it to my childtheme’s stylesheet.
Now comes the newbie question:
Why is my content in the new div not alligned with all the other content? I want it alligned and I presumed it should be, because I copied the code of a div where the content of the div is alligned with the other content on the site.
function childtheme_sitelogo(){
<div id="sitelogo">
The content: a logo for the site that links back to the homepage.
Does anyone know which php file in thematic has the full code of this function (and similar ones)?
I have found the calling of this function in header.php and thematic>library>extensions>header-extensions.php.
However I cannot find the file of its full code. I checked functions.php and it is not there.
]]>I just installed thematic and started to sub theme for my site yesterday to be used as a parent theme. I put together a couple of test pages, such as “contract research” and “test page sunday” and put these pages as sub pages in the Appearance->menus. However, they are showing up in the main menu.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
]]>Hi ??
I would like to change the description of my blog when you search it on google.
I’ve read it’s called meta description (I hope I’m right) but how can I change it?
Thanks a lot!