I found Tiger originally on this page:
Where it looks fabulous (but nothing like the demo on the dev’s page, from what I can see).
I have the theme slider working in that it’s pulling in a feature image from each post and displaying it, but it is not overlaying any titles or text.
More problematic is that the full post itself then appears as well on the front page underneath the slider, with a full repeat of the (very large) feature image. Clearly I’m doing something very wrong, any help most appreciated!!
I really like this theme, but I only miss one thing:
Is there a nice way to show the title of the posts in the slider?
Hope somebody has any ideas ??
]]>The Tiger theme preview doesn’t show a menu for me on a wide browser window. On browser windows that are less than 940px wide the collapsed menu is shown at the right side of the menu bar, but clicking it doesn’t bring out any menu items.
Happens with both Firefox 26.0 and IE 11.
]]>I found this while looking for a theme that supports Foundation 5 out of the box. I love the name of this one, but the description states this was made for F4, so F5 is probably not yet fully supported. For reference, here’s the F4 to F5 upgrade guide: https://foundation.zurb.com/docs/upgrading.html
Jo, what’re your thoughts on F5 support for this theme?
]]>Hi there
I have this theme on dev.offroadaussie.com and I have a few questions about how it works.
Firstly, the little black arrows in the slider don’t seem to work. As in when you hover over the title of each post on the right of the slider, they highlight… But when you click on one the black background highlighter doesn’t change. It just stays on the top one. Does that make sense?
Secondly, should images ‘fill’ the slider box fully? If not, what is the ideal image size to fill it perfectly?
Sorry if these seem like dumb questions. I’ve been blogging for a while, but I’m new to customising themes…
]]>The Social Media buttons are not working for me for some reason why might that be? The ones that I set to work with the themes social features.
]]>I have a problem with the The Latest Posts Slider.
It is not animating, and the active tab will not move.
I compare the script on other websites with the tiger theme where the slider is indeed working fine, and there is no difference. Accept the WordPress version, 3.4.2.
I searched for the javascript, but can’t find it. Any idea where to look for the answer? I would like to use this theme.
How do I add thumbnails (as on the front page) on archive pages?
]]>How I add pictures to the galery? Slide show?
]]>I wish to use Trebuchet font for my posts content but cannot get around the css file. I am using the tiger theme. Can anyone help me how to achieve this. Very much appreciated!