We’d like to know if you are working on a change to the template that includes a correlation between the pictures in the gallery that show up in the sidebar to the page the user is on.
For instance on our site – wwww.chefsexpressions.com – when you are on the Wedding page, the pictures in the Gallery are pulling from our entire portfolio rather than the pictures that relate specifically to Weddings.
I am wondering if there′s a change in the free version of Titan to get videos like thumbnails in the archive/category?
]]>I upgraded the theme and then switched to a new server. How do I get the upgrade onto my server?
]]>Is there a way to eliminate the sidebar?
Titan / WP 3.2.1 / IE8 v8.0.6001.18762
When you scroll over the dropdown navigation (across the top of the theme) the child pages show, but there is a space between the bottom of the navigation bar and the top of the dropdown so when you attempt to scroll over it, it disappears before you can get to it to click on the links. (Perhaps something is wonky in the padding or margin?)
Oddly enough, it doesn’t do it on all computers with IE8 (that I’ve seen…) I can’t figure out a) what the computers have in common, and b) what is causing the issue/how to fix it.
You might see it (if you have IE8) here: https://www.LehighPresbytery.org