my website did not show header logo on mobile and tabs.. I need help.
theme is travel insight
website url is:
how can I fix it??
Hi, how do I hide the featured image on blog posts? I’m using the travel insight theme and just want the post title (with a white background) and the contents of the post (with a background of #70483c). Can you also help me have my posts show up on my “Blog” page? they aren’t being added to the age even after I set it to my “Posts Page”
]]>I would like to disable the header image on all pages and posts. I am sure there is something I can add to “Additional CSS” to do this but everything I’ve tried has failed. Huge thanks in advance!
]]>1. I try to do some “latest posts” with image at my homepage but when I use “widget latest post” the image is so small. I want a easy way for my visitors to see latest posts with images soo they can click and read more. How?
2. Also I tried to use “popular destinations” but I want to choose 3 destinations from the category but can only choose 1? Is it only possible to have 1 popular destination?
Also why arent all my categories in the category list in popular destination? Only some of them are and can be choosen
1. I try to do some “latest posts” with image at my homepage but when I use “widget latest post” the image is so small. I want a easy way for my visitors to see latest posts with images soo they can click and read more. How?
2. Also I tried to use “popular destinations” but I want to choose 3 destinations from the category but can only choose 1? Is it only possible to have 1 pipular destination?
Also why arent all my categories in the category list in pipular destination? Only some of them are and can be choosen.
1. In the bottom of my website it’s a image (black and white mountain ) and I want to remove it but how ?
2. I want to have only 5 blogposts that you can see at time . Right now it’s
How do I set the number of blogpost showed at each page ?
3. I want a image on each blogpost (alternative image ) but what size should it be because when I upload it’s too big (see page from a computer )
Thanks !
]]>So there are a few things That I would like to fine tune. I absolutely love this theme.
So, the first couple of things I need help with are to do with the blog section. I would really like my article’s “static page” to have the “next page” option at the bottom. It would also be nice that, once inside of an article, there is a “previous” and “next” link.
At this point, I think there are articles that will not be locate-able without searching specifically for them by title- since not everything is browse-able.
I do not even have the option to view more inside of a specific category.
The next thing I would like some advice on is the footer section here.
There is an image that shows up when I use the footer. Is there a way to change this image?
Since I have been all over this theme, I assume that these things must be changed in the code. I am very new to this so any help in locating and changing this would be appreciated!