My client likes this template so unfortunately I have to use it. I’m very unhappy with how it is working. The navigation menu in the header is continuing to display in alphabetical order even though the code reads:
<? wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&order=asc&title_li='); ?>
According to all the help files, this should work, as I have assigned the home page a value of 1, and the other pages 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. But it is not working. I have tried changing and removing the other parameters and there is nothing I can do to get this working. So I’m either going to have to hard code it & recode every time they add a page, or convince them to live with it as-is, which is a very unsatisfactory solution as far as I’m concerned. These things should work.
]]>In the header.php and style.css files, it says “upload a file named header.png to the theme image file.” I have placed this file in both tremor/images and in the images file of the root of the site, and still the header pic is not appearing. I’m wondering if the header.png needs to be a specific size or anything; this is not indicated, and there isn’t a “custom header” option under Appearance. Any help appreciated.