Featured Images doesn’t show up on the homepage.
Can someone please solve this?
My website : https://HigherEduBlog.com
]]>I know this theme has been discontinued, but it’s perfect for our needs, and I’m hoping I can get some help with what I hope is a minor problem. I’ve placed a search widget at the top of the sidebar, but it is aligning about one line below the top of the content div. I would like to move it up just a bit. I’ve checked the stylesheet, and also sidebar.php, but I didn’t see anything that appeared to effect the positioning of the sidebar or widgets in it. However, my html skills are pretty basic, and I don’t know any php, so I may have overlooked it.
I’d really appreciate any help anyone can lend. Site is still in development and not public at this time, so I can’t post a link, but I can send a screenshot if anyone’s interested.