Hi, I’m redoing my website using TT5 as the old theme is a bit outdated.
I’m just having issues with the menu on the mobile. I saw another user in the forum had a similar issue but I didn’t understand how he fixed it.
The hamburger menu works on the homepage but not on the other pages. On the desktop version it’s fine.
Thanks for any help! I’m a newbie so if there’s an easy way to explain it, that would be great!
]]>I am using Twenty Seventeen Theme. The Twenty Twenty Five them is installed on my dashboard and there’s an update for it. I don’t need the theme so I did an uninstall and it messes up my home page. I had to go back and restore my site from a godaddy backup. I then tried to update the them and it also broke my site. I guess I can just leave it there but I would like to uninstall and not have to worry about it anymore. Any help would be appreciated
I just activated the twenty twentyfive theme. All is well, it looks aesthetically pleasing. However, when I created the top bar and footer menu, and added the link to the designated pages. It does not redirect to the actual e.g. ‘about’ page. It redirects you to the home page again. Would you please be so kind to help me out on this matter? I am not sure what I am doing wrong here exactly.
I don’t understand why my header doesn’t take the full width. When I change it to ‘content width’ = 1200px it stays small. When I uncheck ‘inner blocks use content width’, it also doesn’t change anything. I don’t see in which container it could be, that makes it so small.
Kind regards,
]]>For some reason, the Comments Form block is not working in my Homepage template. On my Homepage it simply displays a text string “Leave a comment” instead of displaying the Comment form.
The Comments Form block works properly in the Single Post pages, but not on my Homepage. I’ve tried the Support chat, but heard nothing back from them after the support person (a human, not a chatbot) promised to check out my Homepage Template. That was a day ago…
I’ve been using the Twenty Ten theme for years and decided to move to Twenty Twenty Five, and now this issue has hit me. I get the feeling that the “Leave a comment” text is coming from the former Comments Form widget, but I see no trace of it in the Homepage template when using the Site Editor.
Can anyone help with this? Thanks.
Whatever I try, I can’t remove this white spacing just before the footer. This can be seen on my blog page: https://www.lrob.fr/blog/
I’ve checked the HTML/CSS a bit, and it seems like the theme’s footer has a forced CSS value of margin-block-start: 1.2rem;
set on <footer class="wp-block-template-part">
. I think we have no control over it within Gutenberg/FSE.
I’ve tried what made sense to me with FSE theme’s margins (footer contains two groups, the first one has margin set to 0, and some internal padding that shouldn’t cause any margins outside the footer). I’ve even removed and re-created the footer, as it has helped me in the past with other themes, but not here.
Anyone has an idea on how to make it work without custom CSS? Or is it a bogus/limitation that would need to be addressed?
Thank you!
]]>Hi all
I want to simply change the link hover and have no links underlined on posts and pages.
I’ve tried with css but nothing happened.
Cant really believe that you can do this is the blocks editor, or customise.
Anybody point me in the right direction.
]]>En la página de inicio del tema Twenty Twenty Four, salen seis noticias y al pie de la última noticia hay un botón que pone “Seguir leyendo noticias”, pero al pinchar en el botón no cargan las demás noticias, hay cerca de dos mil noticias/entradas.
Como puedo hacer para que el botón “Seguir leyendo noticias”, cargue las noticias anteriores.
I created a large header for the homepage with a navigation menu, it’s working well.
I create a smaller header for the “Pages” with the same navigation menu.
When i open a Page, part of the items from submenu don’t appear. It stop at the bottom of the header with 3 or 4 items, but some menu have more.
How can i have all items of navigation appear everywhere or how can i make navigation menu override header and mainpage ?
I did a clean installation at promes.nl, my prefered hoster, the wysiwyg page in the theme is not responding. The same installation at hosting2go.nl is working fine. See the attached picture for the issue.
I asked the hoster.
In the log he finds: AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Constant EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS already defined in /xxx/public_html/wp-config.php on line 105
He is mainly a Drupal hoster. My original site is in Drupal, but I want to convert to WP with the twenty twent-five theme.
Both hosters provide the same PHP: 6.7.2
I see a difference in the forbidden functions.
Promes: exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_getpwuid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_setgid,posix_seteuid,posix_setegid,posix_uname
H2Go: opcache_get_status
Who can shine their light? TIA.
good day – well i am a great fan of the new Theme – the TT5.
How to arrange and achieve a Parallax-Effect in the theme?
i have used the Twenty-Twenty-Four (TT4 for more than one year. And i guess that we can do this in the tt4 pretty easy. But how to achieve this in TT5?
btw: see this page – which runs a parallax-based-style: https://www.unternehmertum.de/
Look forward to hear from you
Update: have found some manpages – on this page here:
How to Add a Parallax Effect to Any WordPress Theme
I try to understand the update possibilities in the style book.
Here is what I am doing.
New website / default theme 2025 / default Style / Open the style book.
Click on PARAGRAPH, all values are “default”.
Click on Text in the PARAGRAPH settings and change the text color (e.g. to Accent-3).
I now see that some other blocks in the style book have their text color changed to that same color (Accent-3) : QUOTE, DETAILS, MEDIA&TEXT, COLUMNS, GROUP, LATEST COMMENTS, TAG CLOUD, QUERY LOOP, EXCERPT, CONTENT, AUTHOR.
I have 2 questions :
hello, I would like to create an index of chapters on a page, how to create the internal post link between the index entry and a paragraph title at the bottom?
]]>This is the second time I am creating a child theme from scratch. First time was a mess and I presume it will be so again. So this time I am going to ask about everything, cause I don’t get it:
Child theme is set to template Twenty Twenty Five. I have style.css (empty) in place and also readme.txt, functions.php (empty) and theme.json (defines as ver. 3 but is empty). Site loads and looks like a mess. why?
Being a child of TT5 what happened to font load? What happened to header etc etc etc etc etc. and how do I recover this? It’s pointless you send me links to stuff. This is counterintuitive in FSE and how do I get this right?
]]>Hi I am trying to use patterns in the theme 2025. But I am confused with the sizes of pictures I should use to fit properly within the same pattern. Is there any list of the PICTURE SIZES in pixels. That would be very helpful. If not known how can I find them within code. When i try to edit theme pattern image in HTML mode I get ratio info (part of it) like : style=”aspect-ratio:16/9;object-fit:cover
How could I create perfect photo in Canva with aspect ratio 16/9 and which resolution for optimum results?
What are the most common ASPECT RATIOS for photos within theme patterns, and what would be the best resolution in pictures for them in pixels?
16:9 Ratio (Widescreen)
Hope you will be able to help me!
as you may see from the URL there are some templates in twenty twenty-five where an English label is directly written in it, such as the page not found one (the site is in Italian and most of the labels are correctly rendered).
However, in the .po of the language (Italian, in my case) I am quite sure the right translation is provided.
My question is, what do I have to write in the template code in order to have WordPress take the right translation?
Many thanks,
I have been searching like mad, but found no working solution. How can I define a background-color for parts of a page, spanning the full width of the screen?
please delete topic.
]]>Hi, whenever I add a Custom HTML block to a Group block, 7.8 pixels are added to the bottom. The problem I am trying to resolve is in the footer, where I need to use group blocks for layout. However, to simplify troubleshooting, I have added various Custom HTML blocks to the page content, illustrating the issue…
Can anyone shed some light on where this extra padding is coming from..? Thanks.
]]>Hi, just trying to figure out how I can give all post and page images round corners with hard css setting. Can’t figure it out myself so thanks if there is someone to help me with this for twenty twenty five.
]]>I’m in need of getting an Advanced Custom Field to show a music player from a streaming service. I have a specific style that I’ve already done to the embed code for 5 different music streaming sites. Which is in the database.
ACF requires a need to use a code like: <?php echo the_field('apple_music_embed'); ?>
However attempting to put that in a customHTML bit for a pattern/template is not possible as it giving a blank spot saying it’s some sort of violation. Which is odd since if I put the actual iframe code in the customHTML box manually, it works perfectly fine. Is there a way to use PHP in a block to do the same thing from the database?
]]>Is there a way add a color underneath the “cover” asset? Some devices end up not showing the webm video of the cover and the underside of the page is stark white. Thus it would be great to make the background a color or a static image from the video.
Would it be possible to save this set up as a pattern that can accept input from the database (i.e. a custom field) that can then be put into a template?
]]>When I apply in UI any section variation the “core/post-author-name” and “core/post-date” do not take the currenteColor ( but also if I set another color in the section.json files ).
These two blocks always keep the preset|color|accent-4 of theme.jason.
Is this normal?
]]>Hello, I had installed multiple variations of the open sans font through the site editor, but recently removed them for a test. Now whenever I try to install those same font variations again, they just don’t show up as installed, except for the 1 original. I even tried uploading those fonts but I get this error:
“There was an error installing fonts. A font face matching those settings already exists.”
]]>Since the last update, my blog posts are not displaying correctly on mobile phones unless held horizontally. The featured image is too large, and the content on the rest of the page is left-aligned. It’s the selected image that is way too big. How can I fix this? On a computer, it looks fine.
I made some new modeles theme templates for “homepage”, “single Page”, “single News/Article” and “Articles page”. I create a Page for all my news/articles and applied to it my new modele “Articles page”. it’s work.
But when i’am going into Settings\Read and define this page as “the article page” it change the modèle template of the page to “Blog homepage” (native of the theme) and don’t keep my own.
How can i define my own modele template for the “article page” ?
I made new template beause i want to keep clean the templates included with the theme and avoid that my settings should be deleted by a futur update.
]]>Menu won’t click on mobile.
Theme: Twenty Twenty-Five.
I’ve disabled/re-enabled plugins.
Thanks for any help.
Can’t seem to find the settings for background-size, background-position when I apply a background image to a group. I recall these features being available in Twenty Twenty Four, have them been droped?
]]>Over the past weeks Twenty Twenty-Five appeared as an extra theme on all my sites. I did not do that. Is some WordPress update installing this? If so why? Site Health is alerting me now that I should remove unused themes.
]]>I went through the .json files but couldn’t find the settings. How can I change the fonts for the code block? I want this block to be the same size as author and category.
Link: https://ibb.co/G4Mcd7KR