I installed VW Education Academy and want to set up slider but even it I chose yes on the configuration page. I can not see it
Can you help me please ?
]]>I have installed and been using VW Education Academy and have noticed that the hamburger/mobile menu does not work at all. It appears but does not trigger the mobile menu as it should.
I have tried deactivating plugins and updating the theme and the php but there is no change.
I am using it in tandem with Max Mega Menu but with this deactivated there is still no change.
Anyone any insight into what the issue may be?
J’ai besoin d’aide s’il vous pla?t.
Je n’arrive pas à afficher les postes du thème VW Education Academy sur ma page d’accueil (events, happy students, newsletter …) pourtant mes articles ont bien été rédigés.
Merci d’avance.
Good evening,
Please, I need help !
I am unable to display the VW Education Academy theme posts on my home page (events, happy students, newsletter ...) but my articles were written correctly.
Thank you in advance.
I just installed the Lite version of the VW Education theme.
The Slider Section is not coming up. It is Enabled and I created 2 Slide pages with featured images and selected them but it still does not come up on the selected static homepage.
The about section does not come up either and it is also enabled.
I have problems about the icon.
They are Search Icon on the top bar, menu icon on the top bar (ipad and mobile mode), scroll to top icon. They don’t show in icon form but show in square. You can understand what I say when you go to my website.
I try to fix in many methods but didn’t success. Please help me. Thanks so much!
Say?n yetkili temay? kurdum istedi?ime yak?n bir düzenlemeyi de yapt?m daha sonra pagespeed insight testinde denedim skor hem mobilde hem de masaüstünde olduk?a yava? ??kt?. ?u an bütün yüklediklerimi sildim fakat sonu? mobilde 33, masaütünde 67 ??k?yor. Bir yerde bir hatam? var benden mi kaynaklan?yor. Anlamaya ?al???yorum lütfen en k?sa zamanda d?nü? yaparsan?z sevinirim kolay gelsin.
]]>demoda ki gibi sayfalar olu?turam?yorum ?nerebilece?iniz bir tasar?m vidyosu var mi veya tasar?m konusunda direk yard?mc? olur musunuz ?
]]>Please have an option to disable the homepage title and tag on the site identity section. Unlike prior the title and tag now loads and the only way to get rid of the title and tag is to delete which is not a workable solution. Plus disabling the pre-loader does not work. Thanks
]]>Was creating a test site in house with this theme but the latest update seems to have broken the basic menu i have.
It now shows up with a grey button with 3 lines similar to a burger button with a yellow x right under it.
Then under that is my row of menu options.
How do i get rid of that?
]]>The following is not working on safari after I updated the Theme. Is it compatible to safari?