Hi Christine,
Thank you for designing such nice web theme, I’m really enjoying it, it looks great for my art website.
However, I have a problem with the image display size in my website, I hope you can kindly help.
my website is: https://www.wangziling.co.uk
On my ‘home’ page, it’s a single image that I’ve uploaded from media gallery, I have tried to change the custom size, but it keeps going back to the size 586x586px, it seems that size is the maximum. My media settings is large size 1200 x1200px, but the image that shows on the website is much smaller than my settings.
I saw that the example of this theme is three images in one row, and together it’s much broader than my image width. I wonder what did you change to achieve that?
looking forward to your reply,
Many thanks
I am wondering if there is a way to make Water Lily theme full width?
I am using this theme a bit differently than it is supposed to be used I guess.
What I would love to do is to make it’s post area wider so I could have larger masonry type galleries inside the posts. It would be perfect if there was a way to make the menu appear on the side of the browser view and the rest available space would be used for showing the post. Would that be possible?
Currently it is all pretty much centered, would be awesome if we could align it to the left and use the entire space on the right for showcasing content. Like instead of seeing 3 columns of featured posts there could be 5 columns of masonry view and once you click on a post, you would be presented with a large area of content.
Thank you very much for your advice.
]]>Hi Christine
Using your theme again, and I’m having issues displaying categories for a custom post type. I have created a custom post type with custom post type UI plugin, with archive = true.
The single custom post displays completely fine, but for some reason the archive doesn’t and I cant seem to figure out why.
My custom post has a slug of gallery so i’ve added archive-gallery.php with the contents of archive.php but to no avail.
Do you have any idea why this might be?
Any help is very much appreciated.
All the best
]]>Hi Christine:
Awhile ago you gave me this code to change the Category Name color on the navigation menu:
.main-navigation li a {
color: #000;
.main-navigation li li a {
color: #bbb;
This worked fine. I would now like to disable the main category links.
This is the code I tried with the above but it didn’t work the way I would like.
.main-navigation li a {
pointer-events: none;
Here is my website: https://www.gallery24.us/mobile
Any help is appreciated.
is there a way to automatically brighten all of the text when I set a dark background color?
Currently, only the menu text and the masonry content text colors are brightened up but I need the actual content of each post to be bright as well.
Hi, Christine.
Thank you very much for Water-Lilly.
Are there any plans for infinite scrolling, or perhaps support for the Infinite Scroll plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/infinite-scroll/)?
]]>Hi Christine:
Access website: https://www.galleryviews.com/wordpress/
Looking at the Main Category sections like: Into, Collages, Greeting Cards, Christmas Cards, Sketches, etc., I would like to be able to change the font color to black. Only the main category section name NOT the sub menu fonts. It would make it easier to distinguish between the different categories.
Thanks again for your time.
from menu?
]]>In the “posts” I put a picture, title and some text. It’s only showing the title, text and “MORE” — not the image. I would like it to look like the theme.
Also is there any way to get the “posts” to show up like a “page” with no date and no other buttons? Or some other way to get the image from a “Page” to become part of the Masonry grid?
My site is https://www.arellatomlinson.com.
Since Friday when I added some more posts to my website, the order of the posts isn’t in chronological order when viewed on desktop, but it is chronological and correct in mobile verison. Any way to solve this?
Water Lily is great.
My site looks nice on small and medium screens. It seems a bit narrow on big screens, so I would like to increase the maximum allowed width of the main body.
Is it possible ?
]]>is there a way to remove the featured image at the top of the post?
i just want the thumbnail to show on the page that shows a preview of all the posts for a given month/category
]]>Hey there, how’s it going. Just using your theme with custom post types and I’m having trouble overriding single page templates, which template should I use and how should I use it?
Like i have a custom type called portfolio, so should I take single.php copy it and make single-portfolio.php and make my edits there?
]]>Hi Christine,
I want to have multiple logos for my website, which display randomly upon each refresh of the page. Do you recommend any particular plugin for this?
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to change the site footer info with CSS? Only I don’t have ftp access and don’t want to edit the theme files of course? I merely want to put a copyright notice of my own there.
Many thanks in advance ??
]]>Hi there,
I’m really pleased with this theme so BIG thank you. Just noticed a problem though. I am displaying a portfolio of works by post category – however when navigating through the content of each category using the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons, it scrolls through various works from other categories. Please can you help me solve this?
Please see https://www.zara-mcqueen.co.uk/category/abstract/ for an example
Many thanks
I have viewed my site on Chrome, Opera, and Internet Explorer and it looks great on all three. However, on Firefox the site only shows the homepage in two columns instead of three. Only when I zoom in to 120% does the homepage rearrange to three columns. I viewed https://themes.bluelimemedia.com/water-lily on Firefox and it looks normal–three columns. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could try? Thanks!
]]>Hi, I have my website in another language and I need to translate some parts, such as “Posted in/Tags” and “Previous/Next”. Somehow, I can’t find the way to do that. Could you, please, give me a hint where I should start.
Many thanks
So I have installed and is currently using a square tile grid from Jetpack. Once I installed it I needed to make the grid larger to fill the page. I put in the functions.php max wide length still nothing. How do I fix this? I would like the scale to be about as large as the demo of the theme site.
]]>I have checked this theme for errors using plugin Theme Check and got the following errors:
REQUIRED: Found a Customizer setting that did not have a sanitization callback function. Every call to the add_setting() method needs to have a sanitization callback function passed.
RECOMMENDED: No reference to add_theme_support( "title-tag" ) was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement this functionality for WordPress 4.1 and above.
The latter is probably not crucial, but it would be nice to be corrected as well. But I am more worried about the error marked REQUIRED.
Could someone figure out hot to correct this?
Hi, I just accidentally deleted some code in my template-tags.php section and now my webiste has completely disappeared! https://www.andrewlawrence.uk
]]>Is there a way to make page titles in a custom menu not bold? Thanks.
]]>Hi Christine:
If you go to my website https://www.galleryviews.com/wordpress and click on any of the links on the left navigation menu, a display of photos will display. I want to disable the hot link feature of the photo when it is clicked on. Is there a way of doing this? Thanks for your help & have a Happy, Healthy,& Successful New Year.
When viewing my site [www.andrewlawrence.uk] on mobile devices the menu now no longer works. It did up to a few weeks ago, but I’ve now noticed it no longer drops down as it used to.
Have I done something wrong accidentally for this to happen?
I’d like to separate tags and categories in the meta information of each post, example:
Posted in: [category-name]. Tags: [tag1], [tag2], [tag3]
More posts about [category-name]
More details about [tag1], [tag2], [tag3]
It seems to me that the code to amend might be in content-single.php but I’ve tried a number of things (in a child theme) and it’s not working. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
<footer class="entry-meta below">
/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
$category_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'water-lily' ) );
/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
$tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'water-lily' ) );
if ( ! water_lily_categorized_blog() ) {
// This blog only has 1 category so we just need to worry about tags in the meta text
if ( '' != $tag_list ) {
$meta_text = __( 'Tags: %2$s.', 'water-lily' );
} else {
$meta_text = '';
} else {
// But this blog has loads of categories so we should probably display them here
if ( '' != $tag_list ) {
$meta_text = __( 'Posted in: %1$s. Tags: %2$s.', 'water-lily' );
} else {
$meta_text = __( 'Posted in: %1$s.', 'water-lily' );
} // end check for categories on this blog
Hello again C!
I’ve had some people tell me that when they view my website on their iPad, the Previous/Next nav links sometimes sit underneath the photo posts, making them unclickable at times. I tested this with my own iPad and see that this does happen on certain pages.
I know that the Previous/Next should be sitting below the posts, not directly underneath them. It looks fine on desktop and my iPhone, but on iPad these links sometimes get covered up. Is there a fix for this?
Thanks again!
Site link: https://snackeroo.com
]]>I’ve been using the Water Lily theme for a while now and love it. I’ve posted a lot of photos and scrolling thru all the photos using the Previous and Next feature can get quite cumbersome. Can you let me know how to replace it with “Page” links at the bottom (i.e. Page 1 2 3 4 etc.)? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
Here is my website: https://www.galleryviews.com/wordpress/?cat=14
Hi Christine,
Could you, please, help me little more?
I notice that if I specify {position: relative}
for both the footer and sidebar, these elements are positioned relative to the post featured image (.attachment-featured-image), but not to the excerpt text (blog view) or post title (masonry view).
For example, on this page the footer is positioned right after the image of the post 2, but since there is no image in the post 1, it overlaps with the text. The same problem exists for the sidebar in mobile view.
The similar issue when the sidebar overlaps with title sometimes appears for masonry layout in a mobile view. I kind of fixed it by specifying #secondary {margin-top: 30px}
for mobile, but there must be better solution.
Could you help me to make the positioning relative to the text?
First off, thank you soooo much for this theme! It’s amazing! I love it!
I would like to exclude a specific category from the main blog post masonry view and archives. Is this possible?
My page is https://terriblygreat.com
]]>Hey, first I just want to thank you a lot for the awesome theme, it’s gorgeous and perfect for photoblogging.
What I’m trying to do is show ads in categories, I do it by adding this code inside the footer:
<?php if ( is_category( 'flowers') ): ?>
<!-- Code for flowers ad here -->
<?php endif; ?>
I want to know on what page do I have to add this code so it shows above the Previous button inside a specific category. I’m not sure it’s possible, but thought of asking just in case.