I want to add new posts, but I don’t want to show them in de slideshow. How can I make this work?
There is not always a good image available for my news, so adding them only to the blog/news section, but don’t display them in de slideshow must be a solution…
Thank you very much for this nice theme.
I should like to know how to indicate the final point of the text that I want to display on the slider. Maybe introducing some HTML markup code in the article to indicate the text excerpt?
I tried to use the more tag but it doesn’t worked.
Thanking in advance
]]>hey friend your Theme is amazing….
How to add multiple feature images for slider WP StrapSlider Lite
Is it possible to block the linking on the slider? I want to make my main site static. The slider should be like a “decoration|” not linked to anywhere.
I am totally new at making WP sites ?? I chose WP Strad Slider Lite as I want a slideshow in the header. I want the same slideshow on all pages, but apparently I can′t get the slider to be activated. I did as explained in this support:
But it is still not working – the picture is in the bottom right corner “Featured Image” on my frontpage, but there is no slide…
Kind regards, Maller82
]]>Hi Zulf
just trying out your Theme WP StrapSlider Lite and it looks like a great theme but one thing I cannot work out are the Featured image sizes you have to use to display correctly at the moment it only displays the top half of the image.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I am new to WordPress and am starting to set up a website (not a blog). I really like the WP StrapSlider Lite theme and have now installed it. I have what I suspect is a very simple question. How can I change the font or color of the title. I have the same question concerning the caption text that appears with each slider image.
Thanks for your help, and thanks for the great theme.
First of all, thank you for your great theme! Just the layout I was looking for!
I’ve made a Childtheme to make some changes to meet my demands, but there’s one thing I don’t understand.
How can I display the slideshow on all pages?
]]>Hello Zulfikar
I like what you did on theme strapslider. Any chance of updating to BS 3 ?
– Joe
]]>Hi there,
Pretty happy with this theme so far but had one issue with Disqus comments:
1. Disqus comments interface is unable to load properly and is cut off. Disqus support has informed me that the interface will automatically fill 100% of the parent element in which it has been placed – in other words, they say the problem is with the theme I am using. Any thoughts here?
At the end of my header transition, my browser shows this:
// <![CDATA[ var disqus_shortname = ‘drive4corners’; (function () { var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(‘span’); for (var i = 0, url; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].className.indexOf(‘dsq-postid’) != -1) { nodes[i].parentNode.setAttribute(‘data-disqus-identifier’, nodes[i].getAttribute(‘rel’)); url = nodes[i].parentNode.href.split(‘#’, 1); if (url.length == 1) { url = url[0]; } else { url = url[1]; } nodes[i].parentNode.href = url + ‘#disqus_thread’; } } var s = document.createElement(‘script’); s.async = true; s.type = ‘text/javascript’; s.src = ‘//’ + ‘disqus.com/forums/’ + disqus_shortname + ‘/count.js’; (document.getElementsByTagName(‘HEAD’)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(‘BODY’)[0]).appendChild(s); }()); //]]>
? ?
See here: https://drive4corners.com/index.php/participant-highlight-video-2013/
2.Tags: Is there any way that tags are not shown on the main blog feed? I want tags to be used as a way to find related content, however with the amount of content I will be adding, there ill be too many tags, and it only adds clutter to the clean/ finished look.
3.Widget Text Size: Some of the Widget Titles are too large for my liking. Where I can change the class and make this font slightly smaller?
I’m trying to change the speed and transition type for the homepage slider, but unsure were to look. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi. Found another small problem. If you resize the browser window, and changed at the picture. With that, if you extend the window (for example) to 1600p picture image is increased and become visible only the upper part of the picture and enlarged. And if you narrow down the window to a smaller size, the picture becomes visible to the entire whole. How can I fix this?
]]>Greetings. Thank you so much for the theme. You can detail how to make a slide show? Of all the requirements that I have found my settings match: category “featured” is, it added two posts, the picture in the post added more resolution than 1400px, so theme Coustomizer set up, it works, just not the kinds of images of slides.What have I missed?
PS/ Sorry – Google tranlate (:
]]>I have a menu item that includes a 3rd level flyout item. When the menu changes to responsive mode, the 2nd level flyout (dropdown) menu becomes highlighted in the same grey as the text, so that the menu item is not readable. Where can I go to change the grey highlight to a different color?
Also, on web, the 2nd and 3rd levels are selectable, but on a mobile device they are not selectable by touch.
Here’s an example of what is happening:
Page 1 Main Menu
–> Flyout 1 (This menu gets highlighted in the same grey color as the text, so you can’t read it. In mobile, touching this just collapses the menu and does nothing.)
–> Flyout 2 (Can not be viewed on mobile because touching Flyout 1 just collapses the menu)
]]>In trying to add either of these social media share plugins, the icons are appearing in the slider caption and also on every blog feed entry. Is there a way to control this, so that they just appear on posts and pages?
Is there a way to make the slider images and the title of the slider captions links to the related posts? That would be a great feature (in addition to the insert more tag) to have for users to quickly get to the featured posts.
]]>I am trying to add this travel search plugin (referenced below) to the sidebar and the font styling (all fonts of the widget are taking on the title style) and positioning and padding of the widget is getting thrown off. Is there a way to override the theme’s styling that effects the widget? The instructions for this plugin say to access the php file through the editor and paste the shortcode, but the only php file that I see that it may apply to is the sidebar-footer.php file. Is there a php file in the them that’s just for the sidebar?
As a workaround I tried activating this travel search plugin, using a shortcode plugin for the sidebar. When doing so, the widget appears on the sidebar, but again it doesn’t look the way that it should. The shortcode works fine for pages and posts, just not the sidebar.
Also, where I would adjust the padding for each of the sidebar widgets?
Thank you!
]]>Great looking theme! It would be great to have a way to limit the amount of characters on the blog feed. Is there a way to do this. The reason is that when there are lengthy articles, I don’t want people to read it all on the blog feed. They should be able to scroll and see articles with a character limit and click into the article to read more. Thanks!
]]>Version 1.0.9 has been uploaded for review and hopefully should be available soon.
This post is just for your information on a couple of change so that they don’t take you by surprise.
A) There are two changes made to the slider..
B) A footer credit link has been added to the new version – but not to worry, we’ve added the option to turn this off in the customizer as well as the option to change the Copyright text.
Hope you’ll like the new version even better and look forward to hearing your views and feedback.
]]>Index / Front page does not load recent posts when slider is active. It posts only the ‘Featured’ category, same as the slider. Any way to fix?