After adding read more tag in the content.php, permalink displays an error or missing page. Please help.
]]>In the search box is the misspelling “serach”. I’ve looked all over the web trying to find a way to fix it with no luck. Any suggestions?
]]>Please suggest that how Author image and description can be displayed on Blogs and author page.
]]>Featured Image is not getting displayed on Blogs Page.
]]>I cannot find the way to change the sentence:
Please add your custom heading for the blog
I have looked in all the files from the theme WriterStrap.
I thougt I have found it in options.php, but also not.
In customize ….where??
You can find me at\blog and see what I mean.
thank you.
]]>Hello, I am using your theme as a parent theme
But with safari all theme is a mess
here how it is
Works fine with FF, Chrome, Mozilla, Maxthon
]]>I installed this theme and getting this error message throughout the site…
Strict Standards: Declaration of wp_bootstrap_navwalker::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home4/nm250089/public_html/ on line 150
I checked by deactivating all plugins but same result. Any solution for this?
I use this themes. and i use google webmaster. when i check google structured date test, i see these error “Missing required field “updated”.
Missing required hCard “author””. i searched throughout google search but i can’t fix these. i don’t know how will these error effect my site?
I have changed Heading text in custom_heading inside options.php through Dashboard–>Appearance–>Editor, but its not reflecting in site.