we have the Yoko WordPress Theme in version 1.2.5 and now have to switch to PHP 8, unfortunately there is a bug in the theme,… do you have a patch or can you help us?!
WordPress-Version 6.6.1
Aktives Theme: Yoko (Version 1.2.5)
Aktuelles Plugin:? (Version )
PHP-Version 8.1.29
Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 367 der Datei /html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/yoko/functions.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/yoko/functions.php:367
Stack trace:
#0 /html/wordpress/wp-settings.php(668): include()
#1 /html/wordpress/wp-config.php(88): require_once('...')
#2 /html/wordpress/wp-load.php(50): require_once('...')
#3 /html/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('...')
#4 /html/wordpress/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once('...')
#5 {main}
? thrown
on my 2 sidebars you can see the twitter and facebook widgets, and the informations are too big for the width, i mean the twitter flux appear cut almost in half depend of the device you use (on cellular or tablet device its ok but on computer/big screen you can see it)
it try to understand how css work but i can’t fix this, anyone can explain to me please ?
When logged in my menus and contents look as they should but “in real life” all text comes left aligned with no background, like floating on top of the background image.
So trouble shooting does not help as it looks all right in developer mode.
]]>Dropdown menus in Primary Navigation menu don’t display on mobile phones held in portrait orientation. Menu items without dropdowns work fine.
I’ve tried this on several phones, both Android and iPhone as well as several emulators with the same results. I tried disabling all plugins with no effect.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Hey folks,
I posted this a while back on the main WP forums site and they suggested I post it on the Yoko theme forum.
I had this happen again recently, as the hosting provider’s C-Panel underwent a UI migration that did an auto-update on the PHP version, from 5.6 to 7.3 This action breaks the mail form we have, using MailerFormPHP (Form2Mail.php).
I’m not sure why this would happen, but would certainly like a solution for it if someone here on the Yoko theme forum could provide one!
It just renders a 500 error, for which I can’t see specifics. The hosting provider each time has rolled back the PHP version for me. I’d like to change this so that I can upgrade the PHP version without worrying about it breaking!
]]>Hi this post mentioned an issue with smoothscroll and that replacing it with the new version fixed his issue with stripe.
When I updated to WordPress 5.5.1 all of my gravity forms disappeared.
Gravity forms suggested using this plugin Enable jQuery Migrate Helper. It worked but is a temporary fix. In the console it identified smoothscoll.js as the problem. I replaced smoothscroll.js with the new version, turned off Enable jQuery Migrate Helper and everything works.Gravity forms are back.
A theme update would seem necessary.
New js file here for anyone who needs it. Download it, rename the one in the themes js folder, then upload this.
Even after I approve a comment it doesn’t appear in the post. At the bottom of the post above the area to leave a reply it says “1 comment” but it’s not displayed. Also, in the sidebar in the Recent Comments section the presence of s comment on a post is noted but the link doesn’t do anything.
What can I do to enable comments on posts?
]]>Hi, since WP update v. 5.5 today there’s a fatal conflict with the Supsystic Gallery-plugin and your theme, it’s a problem with twig-registration. However the plugin works fine with other themes but I want to keep yours ?? Could you update the theme? Kind regards
the smoothscroll.js seems to be outdated and generates an error which conflicts with the Stripe payment in WooCommerce. Simply adding the current file found here: https://github.com/kswedberg/jquery-smooth-scroll fixes the problem. It is probably worth including in your next update.
]]>Ich nutze für meinen Blog das Theme YOKO.
Ich habe ein YOKO-CHILD für individuelle Anpassungen geladen.
Ich habe eine zus?tzliche Navigation in den Header eingebunden, mit folgendem Code:
function register_my_menu() {
register_nav_menu(‘additional-menu’,__( ‘Additional Menu’ ));
add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_my_menu’ );
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘additional-menu’, ‘container_class’ => ‘new_menu_class’ ) ); ?>
Das zus?tzliche Menü wird auf meinem Blog angezeigt und die Navigation funktioniert.
Ich m?chte die Navigation mit einem farblichen Rahmen versehen und dieser soll sich über den gesamten Header erstrecken. Ferner m?chte ich die Navigationspunkte (Termine, Aktuelles) horizontal und nicht vertikal angeordnet haben.
Leider finde ich den Ansatz nicht, wo ich die Anpassungen in der style.css vornehmen muss.
]]>I have been using a Yoko Child Theme for a photo blog for more than a year and I have usually specified the featured image using the Featured Image section of the post. For some reason, the Featured Image does not display on the url above. I examined the live post with Inspector and compared it to one where the Featured Image displays properly and saw that the image specified by <img src="https://blinspirations.com/wp-content/uploads/..." class="headerimage wp-post-image" alt="" srcset=" ... " sizes="(max-width: 722px) 100vw, 722px" style="-moz-user-select: none;" width="722" height="350">
in the working post is missing from the affected post. I totally recreated the post as a new post and the Featured Image still does not appear.
Do you have any suggestions about what might cause this?
]]>I have a client with Yoko theme, with the archive post widget. The choice to display the archives as a dropdown makes the dropdown appear, but when you click any of the months listed, nothing happens.
This used to work fine. I assume something changed in the theme to break this function?
I tried this widget on another test site, and it worked fine.
]]>Is there a way in CSS to make the theme have only one sidebar?
]]>I have changed the background color code from #5b9312 (=green) to #193549 (=Royal blue) but no matter how much I clear caches in any browser or in the wp itself it does not change from green to blue.
Below is the code I use. Any hints on what might be wrong?
#footer-sidebar3 {
float: left;
border: 1px solid #fff;
border-radius: 20px;
width: 100%;
margin-right: 5px;
background-color: #193549;
color: #ffffff
I’ve been using the Yoko theme for several years, as well as the NextGEN Gallery plugin, and it used to work fine together. However, now something in Yoko is throwing off the placement and size of the slideshow images (cutting them in half vertically and overlapping other content), and I’m wondering if Elmastudio is aware of any issues or fixes for this?
I have tracked the issue to Yoko in that I went through and deactivated all of my other plugins one at a time and did not notice any changes. However, when I switched the theme away from Yoko briefly just for testing purposes, the issue cleared up perfectly.
I have 10-15 slideshows with NextGEN on the site, and want to keep the Yoko theme installed. I inquired first with the people at NextGEN, and they offered a few suggestions with CSS, and in the end, said that they thought I should inquire with Yoko developers.
Hello – could you please tell me whether the current version of the Yoko theme will be compatible with WordPress 5.0? Thank you!
vor kurzem habe ich mein wordpress Theme Yoko von elmastudio aktualisiert und habe danach festgestellt, dass mein Blog nicht mehr auf dem Handy zu sehen ist. Lediglich das frame mit header und footer ist zu sehen, jedoch ohne jeglichen Inhalt und Steuerungsm?glichkeit. Ich arbeite mit einem untergeordneten child Theme. M?gliche Fehler bei installierten plugins habe ich schon ausschlie?en k?nnen. Leider habe ich keine ausreichenden Computer-Kenntnisse, um das Problem alleine zu l?sen, und freue mich daher über Hilfe.
]]>Can someone explain how I can hide the two sidebars? I tried Content Aware Sidebars by following https://dev.institute/blog/remove-hide-sidebar-wordpress-page/ but it didn’t seem to work. How else can I do this?
]]>I cannot find where to turn off or disable the “comments off” line that shows up on the main page under the title and byline. I’ve looked everywhere within the Yoko files, including functions.php, comments.php, content-page.php, content.php, index.php, theme-options.php, and so forth. There has to be a file somewhere that directs the page to output “comments off,” but I can’t find it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I even tried a comments plugin that was supposed to remove all elements related to comments, but that didn’t work either.
]]>For page widths > 620px, 2nd level pages in Sub-Menu display either horizontally 620px < page width < 880px or vertically Page width > 880px. But they don’t display at all for page widths < 620px.
I see this in style.css for max-width: 620px (line 1465):
nav#subnav ul.menu li.menu-item ul.sub-menu li.menu-item {
display: none;
This appears to be a conscious decision to not display sub-level menu items but why? I want the navigation below the header image instead of above it, but the Sub-Menu becomes useless for smartphones.
]]>I have a size of content that’s ok but the secondary column (sidebar 1) is half the width of the tertiary column (sidebar 2). How do I change the width of the sidebars? I have tried to change the percentage from 17 resp 23 to 20 and 20 but it had no effect.
]]>Hi, it seems that principal menu is not responsive … any idea to help ?
]]>This post was added by someone else 2 years ago. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/layout-shortcodes-do-not-work-anymore/
I have the exact same problem. It may have been been broken on my clients site for that long. I am not paid to maintain it, I just noticed.
The layout shortcodes ([three_columns_one]) etc are not working any more. Look at this page it should be 2 columns, also there is a border shortcode at the bottom that does not work either. It seems possibly no shortcodes work?
Was there ever any response to this issue?
Can you help me to restore my footer.php.
I tried Footer Text Plugin, so I tried to write into footer.php, but something went terribly wrong.
Can you send me the original Footer.php?
“Footer Text Plugin provides an interface in the dashboard, similar to the post edit screen, that allows to easily change the text displayed in the footer on the front-end. After installing the plugin, add the footer_text() template tag to your footer.php theme template where you want the text to display.”
Thank you.
My Footer.php is after changing:
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Yoko
</div><!– end wrap –>
do_action( ‘footer_text’, $default, $before, $after );
</footer><!– end colophon –>
</div><!– end page –>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
Thank you:
I’ve tested all my plugins with this PHP linter:
Unfortunately I found a problem with your plugin:
FILE: /wp-content/themes/yoko/functions.php
402 | ERROR | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7
Would be great if you can fix this!
So I was using Yoko theme for years with no problem …
Next, I tried several themes last few days, So then went back to activate my Yoko theme … Individual articles no longer load banners from the featured thumbnail (even though the featured images meed the 1101 pixel width requirement).
something broke and I’m trying to figure out what happened.
I added the following debugging output code to header.php in the theme:
<?php if (is_singular() ) : echo "<br> is_singular() true by Richard"; endif; ?>
40 <?php if (current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ) ) : echo "<br>current theme supports post thumbnails - by Richard"; endif; ?>
41 <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) : echo "<br>post has a thumbnail image by Richard"; endif; ?>
42 <?php
43 if ( ( /* $src, $width, $height */ $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'post-thumbnail' )) ): echo "found true"; endif;
44 echo "<br> source image[0]:";echo $image[0];
45 echo "<br> width image[1]:";echo $image[1];
46 echo "<br> height image[2]:";echo $image[2];
47 echo "<br> post-ID:"; echo $post->ID;
48 echo "<br> defined header-image-width threashold:"; echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH;
49 ?>
Which prints out the following lines in the browser:
is_singular() true by Richard
current theme supports post thumbnails - by Richard
post has a thumbnail image by Richard found true
source image[0]:https://www.richimages.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_1602.png
width image[1]:262
height image[2]:350
defined header-image-width threashold:1102
Any ideas why the width and height are off … they seem to alway be the same, and they are always wrong …
more background (which may or may not be relevant ) … during trying several other themes, I did load a plugin called: to remake all images from the parent image … and executed that one … however, not sure this really broke things as the thumbnail images all seem to be the same, and are larger than the minimum width requirement …
I have 2 h1 on all pages : title site and title page. How to disable h1 title site on all pages ?
How to enable thumbnail post images to be visible in mobile view on small screens example iPhone. They are visible on larger screens like Note.
]]>On https://soy.shenvalleyonline.com/ I’m trying to change the color of #content .page-entry-header h1.entry-title from ##009bc2 to #333 in the Yoko child theme but I can’t make it work. Firebug shows it being overridden by something else but I can’t find what or where that is. Can you please offer a suggestion to correct?
]]>Hi Everyone. I’m using the yoko theme and I managed to make the posts section wider.
I also want to make the sidebar on the right wider to have the text displayed better.
Every time I try to change the sidebar it disappears.
What exactly do I need to change to make the sidebar wider to display the text on all that white space.
The blog I need help with is exhaleandenjoylife.com