I��m building a 4 column form where I need the first column to be 40% of the total width, and the next 3 columns 20% each, and I DO NOT want the form to collapse into a single column on phones, but stay as 4 columns.
An example would be appreciated.
Honestly, I��m surprised this isn��t a standard feature, unless I��m missing it.
Thanks! Ken`
]]>Why is that when I export a product to .csv file information like post_name, ID, SKU, short description, etc.. gets bunched up in the first column.
Before the update it was working well separating each new info to a new column.
Like in this image: https://postimg.cc/CBRWNy1q
]]>I see this is a recurring issue but I was not able to find any solutions on other threads.
I have set the number of mobile columns to 1 in the Customizer, however, on the shop page there are still 2 columns on the mobile view. I am using the Elementor page builder.
Here is a screenshot:
How can I ensure that there is only 1 column of products on the Product Archive?
Please note that I need the same solution to also work for Product Category pages, such as:
Thank you for your time and energy.
Kind regards,
the visitors of my shop use mostly mobile devices but I have a problem with the column. At the time when you visit this variable product it looks like there are two columns. One Column for the pictures of the left side and one for the variations and text on the right.
I want that there is just one column –> 1. pictures 2. Text / Variations …
Could you let me know how this would be possible, maybe with some additional CSS?
Thanks in advanced
Please don’t do this.
]]>Layout = grid
Items per row = 1
Show thumbnail on the left/right of text
and I click on show preview, the preview shows as I imagined, but when I actually display the real page the way in which the post is presented has the image on top of the text and the image is not a thumbnail. Why???
Help appreciated
I do not want to show Search, Archives or Meta. I have tried to remove them from Available Widgets to Inactive Widgets but they remain.
Every page uses Template 1 column page (no sidebars) and yet every page has two columns with the above mentioned widgets.
How do I get rid of them please.
]]>What should be modified for that?
Thanks in advance