Specifically we are after the ‘Abbreviation’ button. The button triggers a pop-up to add an abbreviation and full text.
Functionally the same as what Abbreviation button for TinyMCE does.
That plugin does not penetrate editors and modals as well as yours and doesn’t function through Beaver. More so, if we can get the function into your plugin, it’ll mean one less plugin to load.
We’re using the <abbr>
tag throughout the site, and the plugin is adding the GA code into the tag, so it becomes something like <a onclick="all the stuff" bbr title="the abbreviation title">
, which is making the site a bit of a mess. Is there a way to only have this apply to the link (a) tags and not abbreviation or aside or any of the other tags that start with the letter a?
]]>My questions is can I control the shade or color of the highlighted abbreviation in the email sent out to the follower in CSS or is this something out of my control? I would like to make the shade darker or highlight it in a different color that is easier to see.
My site: www.hawaii.edu/news
]]>27th Sept 2006
keeps getting turned to
27th Sept 2006
Whats wrong?
page is https://atp.datagate.net.uk/blog/?cat=5
page is broken, but im tracking that.
<abbr title="Internet Explorer">IE</abbr>
tag. In the first post, NSFGS is similarly tagged as “Not Safe for Grad Students,” and if you go to the full page for that post via read more, comments, etc., you’ll see it works correctly there.
You can also view source to see it’s correct.
I’m baffeled.
Scans your posts for acronym or abbr tags and then generates a proper definition-list out of the title attributes.
Little intro why i wrote this
I thought back on a webstandards discussion i had today. Of course it was about how to use stuff properly and the definition-list tag was one of the topics. Then i thought upon usability of my site (actually i am evaluating a new theme), while i was tidying up my code to make it better in the meaning of semantic markup. I hung on the stupid acronym thing. I know it is good and people should use it if they need help but – the average user is mostly unaware of the acronym thing and what the dotted line under an acronym means.
… download, example and more text at my pluginspage
]]> <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>
it appears on the rendered page as:
<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language" />HTML
which is not correct.
Is this a bug or am I am I missing something obvious?
Advice appreciated, thanks.
]]>If this is of help to anyone, please help yourselves to my quicktags.js.