This plugin is missing a key security feature or enhancement.
It needs to incorporate the ability to detect when someone logs into a website, especially if the person has Administrator privileges. Upon login, the plugin also needs to send an email to the Super Administrator or Primary Administrator.
The above, once incorporated, will help determine if an individual with permanent and/or temporary access rights is abusive, malicious, or leaves the website in a “logged in” state for a long time.
Hoping the above is on the developers mind.
]]>The plugin works fine. No wait, it worked fine. That is, until the authors decided to suddenly change the way plugin works, and now you have to create an account to be able to use it, and doing so also hiding all your previously created events in the admin – which you can access by manipulating the URL, an action that shouldn’t be necessary. And I strongly believe it goes against plugin guidelines, specifically point 9. It’s sad to see that nobody does anything against abuses like this, because that is what it is: it is abusive; me, I know my way around this limitation, but many people will not know what to do. This is *not* right.
Anyway, it was a nice plugin, now hampered by a terrible design choice.
]]>(1) We’re using iThemes Security Pro. It does not let us change the malware scanning interval. Click here: How can we change the interval? Also, please update your plugin (both standard and Pro) to provide this necessary option.
(2) Due to (1) above, our website is constantly being pinged by two notorious IPs used by Sucuri/iThemes Security (trace confirmed). As a result, we’ve had to block these IPs as a safeguard. Click here for more details. Fix needed.
Note: iThemes Security Pro support (via ticketing system) is poor. They have been unable to address our issues. Not sure if the same support team here, but worth a try and posting publicly as well since iThemes also got rid of their forum!
Thank you!
]]>I have sent several abuse reports to amazon because some of their users is trying to access my WP website and they denied the login attempt data sent by sucuri to email with the following reason:
“The logs that have been forwarded to us is not very clear, yes we are able to see that there is a failed login attempt but unfortunately it does not provide enough information for our customers to investigate or for us to clearly identify the owner of the IP address.
Here is an example of the logs that would assist us in clearly identifying the owner and also assist the owner to investigate: – [01/Nov/2018:15:13:47 +0300] “POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 499 0 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)” – [01/Nov/2018:15:13:47 +0300] “POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 499 0 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)” – [01/Nov/2018:15:13:47 +0300] “POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 499 0 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)” – [01/Nov/2018:15:13:47 +0300] “POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 200 576 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)” – [01/Nov/2018:15:13:47 +0300] “POST /xmlrpc.php ” HTTP/1.1″ 499 0 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”
Is there any chance for Sucuri to add this type of data on failed logins ?
]]>You have made a great plugin but your NAG messages for the 7 day free trial and upgrade are abusive. They are constant. There is no option to turn them off. They are a pain as they show on post list, media lists, costom posts, etc…
It makes me NOT even want to know more about your product and your development.
But before I uninstall and go to your competitors here is some css that you can put on the admin panel to help you use the plug-ins and upgrade when YOU (the customer) wants too.
.factory-notices-323-notices .call-to-action {
display: none;
I don’t know of any other free plugin that is so brash in putting their trial and upgrade messages everywhere and not providing any type of “dismiss” option that makes them go AWAY.
Please rethink your marketing objectives.
]]>Detailed explanation of my question:
There are some abusive text in the content and to add this we want to add approving screen. So, users can be asked if they accept the abusive content or not. (Yes/No question)