The ‘nextpage’ tags that’s created appears to some how turn my caption tag into text which displays on the main post throwing off the format
I was making a post for my team so they can create Pagination posts themselves, but when adding imagery it messes it all up.
– Luke
]]>The backend (Admin Panel) of WordPress with W3 Total Cache is very slow when Object Cache Enabled, why?
Thank you
]]><?php $latest = new WP_Query('showposts=3'); $count = 0; ?>
<?php while( $latest->have_posts() ) : $latest->the_post(); ?>
<? // prevent dotted border on top of first excerpt
if ($count === 0) { echo '<p class="excerpt_title_p_first">'; $count = 1; } else { echo '<p class="excerpt_title_p">'; }
<?php the_title( sprintf( '<a href="%s" rel="bookmark" class="excerpt_title_a">', esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), '</a>' ); ?></p>
<p class="excerpt_date"><?php fccp_posted_on(); ?></p>
<p class="excerpt_content"><?php echo substr(get_the_excerpt(),0,140).'... <a href="'.esc_url( get_permalink() ).'" class="excerpt_read_more">more??</a>'; ?></p>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Why would get_field work above it but not below it? Is there an error in the loop code? Thanks in advance for your help – I know php but new to wordpress.
EDIT: I did try using get_field(‘{FIELD_NAME}’,{PAGE_ID}) also with no luck.
]]>I originally contacted the support on my hosts to see whether they could solve the issue, and they recommended I opened a topic here. As I said, this issue has only come about since I installed a new theme. I know it’s not the theme because it runs perfectly on a separate site which I use for testing themes first. The site which I am having the issue with is
Any help would be appreciated,
Euan Fitzpatrick
After updating my WordPress to 3.6 I can’t acess the multisite administration panel. When I go to wp-admin/network it shows me an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in path/public_html/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1281
Is there any way to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
]]>And as for Google Analytics, I had the new code in my footer, but took it out and still got the same error. There is no sign that the plugin is actually even on my website. And yes, I activated the plugin.
(My website is local currently so I can’t give a link to it). By the way, the comments are on WordPress posts, not pages.
And to further clarify, I don’t have any other comment-related, AJAX plugins installed.
Thanks, Connor
Here is my “comments.php” code (I know it’s messy):
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
]]>I have a website developed in wordpress 3. URL is I have done extensive research on caching for wordpress and have tested 3-4 plugins on this site. I have used hyer cache with db cache reloaded plugin, and the performance increase was decent. Before trying this i hve tested w3total cache as well. Botht the plugins was setup using default settings. i have not seen noticeable difference using w3tc. May be i have not done the right configuration.
After that i have studied about w3tc in detail and figured out i should use APC for caching. I have installed APC and enabled it. Kindly note that I have virtual Dedicated Server for this site and this is the only site on the server.
After enabling APC cache in apc.ini file, i have opened my website and to my surprise site was not opening in any browser. Even wp-admin pages were not opening. More strange thing is that some wp-admin pages are getting opened and some are not opening. I have disabled all caching plugins including w3tc. but the issue was still there. i have restarted the server but no solution.
Then I have disabled the APC from apc.ini file and everything starts working well.
I do not know why this has happened. I have latest version of APC (installed today) and php 5.2.14.
One more strange thin i have noticed is i can still see APC enabled (means not grayed out)in the drop-down list of w3tc caching plugin.
Can i use it here even APC is disabled from apc.ini
Kindly help me to solve this as i have to begun marketing and SEO of this site.
Thanks and Regards.
I know I’m just being obsessive, but to me it seems like the tabs on the right (Settings, Plugins and Users) are the ones that aren’t used very often, whereas the ones on the left are. I’m looking for a plugin that will move my seldom-used Design tab from the left to the right, does anybody know where I can get one of these, or how to create one myself?